context « Thread « Spring Q&A

1. Spring singleton beans across multiple application contexts

We have a spring application (single-threaded by design). We want to adapt it to be multi-threaded. One Idea was to create a parent thread and spawn different threads which would instantiate ...

2. Multi-threaded Context initialization with spring?

I have a traditional 3-tier application with spring. One of my repositories needs > 3 minutes for initialization so I thought about some multi-threaded approach in order to speed up the ...

3. tomcat cannot reload context because of a background thread

I have a JSF2 project with Spring. It is developed on eclipse with tomcat attached to it. It is pretty straight forward and mostly with default settings. But, we have a few ...

4. application context - thread safe?

Yes, the ApplicationContext descendants are thread-safe. When using the context in a stand-alone application you can use one of the BeanFactoryLocators or instantiate the ApplicationContext yourself (I suggest the former). Have ...

5. ClassEditor hardwires current thread's context ClassLoader

ClassEditor hardwires current thread's context ClassLoader The ClassEditor (PropertyEditor) does not support using the same ClassLoader that is set into any ApplicationContext (particularly RefreshableWebApplicationContext). It calls ClassUtils.forName(String) instead of ClassUtils.forName(String, ClassLoader). ...

6. thread created when loading application context in AbstractJmsMessageDrivenBean

thread created when loading application context in AbstractJmsMessageDrivenBean I'm pitching Spring to my current project leads. A first step was creating an MDB using AbstractJmsMessageDrivenBean and helper POJOs. It was pointed ...

7. Spring Context reloading thread-safety

Hi, I have a webapp and I need to reload the XmlWebApplicationContext used by the Servlets. The solution was to use JMX to expose a bean that can invoque the "refresh" ...

8. Cross context forward to spring No thread-bound request found: Are you referring to..

Cross context forward to spring No thread-bound request found: Are you referring to.. Hello, I am using cocoon 2.2.0 that uses spring and also urlrewrite 3.2.0, tomcat 6.0.18 java 1.6.0_12-b04 Two ...

9. Multithreaded App Context Initialization

Application startup starts to be annoying when you get up to hundreds of beans. Are there any plans to multithread the context initialization? Speeding up initialization would be huge for us. ...