bean « Thread « Spring Q&A

1. Is Spring bean thread safe on web

Help Need - is Spring bean thread safe on web Hello, I have a basic question, am not sure if this has been raised already. I have a spring application developed ...

2. Having one bean instance per thread

In my application I need to construct one bean using other defined beans. The requirement that each thread wil have own set of related beans. As I read in documentation there ...

3. Newb question: beans and thread safety

Newb question: beans and thread safety I'm very new to Spring and Java Web stuff in general, coming mainly from the desktop application world. Do I have to worry about multiple ...

4. many threads requesting the same bean - is it a bottleneck?

hi, In default Spring configuration the beans we get are not singleton, so basically each request for a bean made to a factory results in returning the same bean. My question ...

5. Bean and Threading

Hi All, I have a service which takes a long time to complete execution, I intend to use java.util.concurrent API to handle this issue from my spring beans. Would you recommend ...

6. Running a multithreaded server as a Spring bean

Running a multithreaded server as a Spring bean I have read some vague generalities in Spring books about using Spring to tie 2 different, multithreaded servers into one Spring app. Is ...

7. Bean instantiation & multithreading

Bean instantiation & multithreading Hi all, I have following query. Suppose, in Bean1 i have reference (i.e. objects) of other 3 beans viz. Bean2, Bean3 & Bean4. Assume none of the ...

8. Spring bean factory.getBean(beanName) aborts thread execution in OSGi environment.

Spring bean factory.getBean(beanName) aborts thread execution in OSGi environment. Hi, I am working on a project involving Spring DM, DWR etc. Here I am facing a weird problem of thread execution ...

9. How to start a thread bean

I have a bean whose class extends Thread that I want to start at bean creation. I've read all the documentation on Scheduling and Thread Pooling but there is no information ...

10. instantiating beans on the event dispatch thread

hello is it possible to control the thread that beans are instantiated in? in my case i want to make sure certain UI beans are instantiated in the EDT (I'm using ...