maven « Spring Tool Suite « Spring Q&A

1. How do I use an existing Spring 3.0.5 project in STS?

Unlike IDEA, which has options for using existing sources, STS doesn't look like it has options to use an existing project. I don't want to create a new project's source folders ...

2. Why there are two 'run as maven build' options in Spring tool suite

I am trying my hands on Spring tool suite. I observed that it when you right click on your spring project and select run as then there are many options available ...

3. Force Spring Toolsuite to use maven-minify-plugin on hot redeploy

guys! I'm stuck with the problem that looks similar to this. I have changed generic lifecycle mapping to launch minify goal on resource change but still no luck. Minifier launches but ...

4. Running project with maven-minify-plugin on STS

Running project with maven-minify-plugin on STS Hi there! I'm developing a maven project using STS IDE. I added maven minify plugin into my POM file: Code: com.samaxes.maven maven-minify-plugin 1.3.1 ...

5. maven and STS

I am very new to STS. I have installed STS on fedora/openJDK. I want to create HelloWorld with Spring and I have problems with spring maven dependencies. I have created a ...

6. Confused about STS, Maven, and java hotswapping

Confused about STS, Maven, and java hotswapping I am getting conflicting information about maven, STS, and code hot swapping, and was hoping someone could clear it up. I'm using STS, maven, ...

7. STS - File | Import | Maven | Check out Maven Projects from SCM

I'm trying to import using the Maven | Check out Maven Projects from SCM. Unfortunately there are no options available in the SCM type drop down box. I've tried deleting STS ...

8. Java @Override methods compile well with Maven but not with STS

Hello Guys I did realize the follow I could have the follow code (I am using a similar code taken from a tutorial with the same structure) Code: package com.manuel.jordan; public ...

9. Problem with STS + Maven + Subversion

Hello. I am using STS (version 2.5.0.RELEASE) and windows 7 64 bit. I have installed Subversion plugin for SVN (ver 1.8.1). When trying to checkout project from svn I receive error ...

10. Maven Pain with STS 2.8, please help!

Maven Pain with STS 2.8, please help! I am recently installed STS 2.8 for evaluation Spring Roo and Grails development. But it cost me 2 days fighting for a successful maven ...

11. Maven issues with STS

Maven issues with STS I'm using Maven for all of my projects. Within STS I get missing dependency errors and I find that often I need to go outside STS and ...

12. Maven "perform" commands not working from STS

Maven "perform" commands not working from STS Code: roo> perform clean [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'eclipse'. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building Maven Default Project [INFO] ...

13. Do you have to use Maven with STS?

Do you have to use Maven with STS? I'm assuming the question is no... just wanted to confirm. I'm new to STS and even somewhat new to using Spring, but under ...

14. use STS with Felix Maven Plugin

Hello, I uses Felix Maven plugin to build OSGi bundles. So, MANIFEST.MF is generated by maven to target/classes folder. AFAIK generating MANIFEST.MF is vital for STS wizards. How I can specify ...

15. STS 2.3.1 and Maven problem

STS 2.3.1 and Maven problem Hi, For some time I've been evaluatiing the STS tools for dm-server development. I recently upgraded to STS 2.3.1 and now my maven dependency management is ...

16. Problems with Maven in STS 2.3.0

Problems with Maven in STS 2.3.0 Greetings: I am running STS 2.3.0. Unfortunately something has changed somewhere and now I am having problems. First is that the Maven .pom editor is ...

17. STS Install - comes with Maven?

18. STS and Maven

19. Import project to STS. Maven vs. perform eclipse

Import project to STS. Maven vs. perform eclipse New to Spring and ApectJ. This is not a problem because perform eclipse works fine. May have been covered because I saw something ...

20. STS 2.3.2 Maven Unable to update index (Spring Bundles)

I have the following repos in my settings.xml file Code: com.springsource.repository.bundles.release SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository - SpringSource Bundle Releases com.springsource.repository.bundles.external SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository - External ...

21. maven local repository setup (SpringSource Tool Suite)

maven local repository setup (SpringSource Tool Suite) Hi guys, any good tutorial on how to setup a local repository in eclipse, i use STS tool. I created a new Spring Template ...

22. Maven WAR Overlay not working with STS + tc Server

Maven WAR Overlay not working with STS + tc Server STS: Version: 2.3.2.RELEASE Build Id: 201003230009 I use "maven-war-plugin" 2.1 Project A pom.xml - packaging "WAR" /src/webapp/index.jsp Project B has Project ...

23. PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver Behaves Differently in Maven than STS - Ideas?

PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver Behaves Differently in Maven than STS - Ideas? I'm still trying to solve the problem documented here: Basically, I want to be able to specify a list of fully ...