nhibernate « Session « Spring Q&A

1. How do you set up NHibernate to use a Stateless session using Spring.Net?    stackoverflow.com

I am currently developing an application that reads a bunch of data from a file. The usual size of the batch of objects to be inserted in the db is around ...

2. Spring.net with NHibernate and the "No Hibernate Session bound to thread error"    stackoverflow.com

I am attempting to use spring.net and nihibernate for my data layer. I have a simple DAO object that includes the following code:

public long Save(Request entity)
   return (long)CurrentSession.Save(entity);   ...

3. Spring.NET, NHibernate and WCF: Session Management    stackoverflow.com

I know that this issue has been discussed but all answers seem to be quite outdated (back in 2008). I have a perfectly well configured application architecture with Spring.NET DI and transaction ...

4. ERROR: Spring.Objects.Factory.ObjectCreationException : Error creating object with name 'NHibernate SessionFactory' defined in 'assembly'    stackoverflow.com

I get the following error when running any NUnit integration test

- Assembly setup complete -
Beginning Processing of Tests -
Test 'PXL.IntegrationTests.EventDaoTests.deleteEvent' failed: Spring.Objects.Factory.ObjectCreationException : Error creating object with name 'NHibernateSessionFactory' defined in ...