ibatis « Session « Spring Q&A

1. iBATIS - Request and Session Scope    stackoverflow.com

I came across the following comment from Larry Meadors here

With readOnly="true" and serialize="false", you are only going to cache within the current session, and ...

2. Ibatis : having session to span multiple dao calls    forum.springsource.org

Ibatis : having session to span multiple dao calls Hi, I'm currently evaluating IBatis, and struggling to see if it is possible to achieve prepared statements reuse between daos (subclasses of ...

3. SqlMapClientTemplate And Sessions Using iBATIS    forum.springsource.org

SqlMapClientTemplate And Sessions Using iBATIS Hi there, using Spring 2.04 and iBATIS I have the following problem using iBATIS' statement caching. Having my own dao classes derived from org.springframework.orm.ibatis.support.SqlMapClien tDaoSupport.java, ...