httpsession « Session « Spring Q&A

1. How to store session in Spring MVC

What's the best way of storing session related data of a user (like, for example a log of recent actions a user has done) in a Spring MVC (2.5) web application ...

2. Portlet, Spring, Service Layer injecting HttpSession

I've got a service layer which is managed by spring. Now at one point I need some informations from the httpsession. Is there a clean way to inject the httpsession directly ...

3. Intercept calls to HttpSession in Tomcat 6

What's the recommended approach to intercepting session.getAttribute() and session.setAttribute()? This is in a Spring based application so something AOP-based would be great. I'd like to avoid having to override core Tomcat ...

4. Spring MVC, how to have a controller handler handle all the requests before the mapped handlers?

I've wrote a web app with its brave controllers and handler mapping, everything with Spring 3.0 and controller annotations. Now turns out that I need simple and custom autentication. I don't ...

5. Spring session-scoped beans as dependencies in prototype beans?

I read spring docs on this subject several times, but some things are still unclear to me. Documentation states:

If you want to inject (for example) an HTTP request scoped bean ...

6. Spring Server/Client Sessions and Hibernate Sessions

I use Spring 3 and Hibernate 3.6 for developing a webapplication - Im new and Im wondering if I really understand how sessions are working. Is it correct, that the Sessions ...

7. Spring when is HTTPSession created if all controllers are singleton

I am learning Spring 3 and trying to understand when is HTTPSession created and what is the lifecycle. All my controllers are singleton (which is by default) and I have configured ...

8. Is it possible for Http Session Invalidation to occur because of an overload on the Server?

I have reaccuring random Invalidations of User Http Sessions resulting in loss of temporary data on an Oracle IAS 10.1.2 with Oracle Container for Java J2EE Container. (Java 1.4)

  • Framework is Spring 2.5.
  • Invalidation ...

9. Spring WebFlow: Cleanup on HttpSession invalidation

If I need to perform some resource cleanup (deleting temporary files) upon Flow completion, including when the HttpSession times out, what's the best way to do this? FlowExecutionListener.sessionEnding() is called when an ...

10. Is there a way to inject HttpSession with Spring in JSF application?

I have a web application written in JSF2 that uses Spring. I need to create a bean that is a wrapper of JSF HTTP session and use it internally. It seems ...

11. Connecting a Scope with an HttpSessionListener

I am writing an web application that allows people to collaborate. I would like to have some of my services scoped to the collaboration (which involves a few people) rather than ...

12. How to handle httpsession in spring ws

- I store my request in a ThreadLocal (MySoapUtils.class): Code: import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import; public class MyMessageDispatcherServlet extends MessageDispatcherServlet { protected void doService(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) throws ...

13. HttpSession trick: this is clever, but is it a good idea?

HttpSession trick: this is clever, but is it a good idea? Like the title implies, a request for opinions on what I think is a neat trick. I want to use ...

14. HttpSession little Example

Hi thank you, ok with this i will be able to get Session data into a form or controller and set data into the session, and only with the standard controller ...

15. How to inject HttpSession for session scoped bean?

rjsalicco, I have read that part in the doc, and it didn't say how to get a hold of the HttpSession. It simply says how to inject the userPreference to other ...

16. HttpSession mixed using ISA Server 2006 as proxy

HttpSession mixed using ISA Server 2006 as proxy Hi guys, I need your help for this serious problem. I have a java web application using spring-mvc and spring-security deployed in tomcat ...

17. HttpSession sharing between browser instances on same machine

HttpSession sharing between browser instances on same machine Dear All, I think know issues for everyone. My application is running in Spring MVC.I have below problem. A user (USER A) logged-in ...

18. SecurityContextImpl removed from HttpSession during tomcat shutdown

SecurityContextImpl removed from HttpSession during tomcat shutdown Hello, I'm using Spring Security 3.0.5 on Tomcat 6 for our web application. Recently I've been implementing a failover system using this memcached-based session ...

19. beans in HttpSession

Hello, I have in httpSession bean "userSession" where I store userId. I want to add to this bean getUser() method which retrieves user by id. To accomplish that I tried to ...

20. Custom HttpSession implementations

Custom HttpSession implementations Is it possible to use your own HttpSession implementation with Spring and Tomcat? I would really like to use some features of Spring that require the use of ...

21. Keeping detached instances in Httpsession or not?

Keeping detached instances in Httpsession or not? Hi everyone. Im using Hibernate for my CRUD web app, and want to find out how do people usualy use Hibernate for web *update* ...

22. change property value according to httpsession attribute

I want to change a property of a class according to a attribute of httpsession. can somebody give a example? thanks for example: class A { private String x; public void ...

23. How to capture httpsession closed?

Hi, I want to capture httpsession's closing i.e. when the tomcat http session is closed I want to write the time-of-close to my db. Does spring help me here with interceptors ...

24. In Spring MVC, how to pass an HttpSession to a bean?

Hi all, In Spring MVC, how could I pass an HttpSession object to a bean other than a controller such that I could create an instance of that bean based on ...

25. HttpSession via HttpInvoker?

Is there a convenient way to get the HttpSession object from within a service executed by the HttpInvoker? I assume there's probably some kind of client-side equivalent that must be able ...

26. how to inject a bean stored in httpsession?

Hi all, I wish to create a bean and then store it in httpsession. Whenever this bean is going to be injected into another bean, it should check if the bean ...

27. httpsession context question w/ MethodSecurityInterceptor

Jul 27th, 2005, 03:58 PM #1 iksrazal View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date May 2005 Location Fortaleza, brazil Posts 67 httpsession context question w/ MethodSecurityInterceptor Hi all, ...

28. HttpSession timeout

HttpSession timeout Hello, Let me first say thank you for the Acegi-security team for this nice and very-much-needed library. I have successfuly integrated acegi-security with an existing web app, and everything ...

29. HttpSession passivation and ApplicationContextAware bean

HttpSession passivation and ApplicationContextAware bean Hi, I've got a bean "mybean" that is stored in a HttpSession and that should be ApplicationContext aware to access a singleton "mySingleton". My question regards ...

30. HttpSession passivation and ApplicationContextAware

HttpSession passivation and ApplicationContextAware Hi, I've got a bean "mybean" that is stored in a HttpSession and that should be ApplicationContext aware to access a singleton "mySingleton". My question regards what ...

31. Acessing HttpSession

So here is my dilema. We are in process of migrating from Webwork IOC to spring IOC. Migration was easy till we come to migrating session scoped component from Webwork to ...

32. Maintaining HTTPSession in Spring

Hi, I'm a Newbie to Spring and i'm trying to build a sample shopping cart application to start with. I"m a little confused on how can i maintain a HTTP Session.. ...

33. Injecting a HttpSession object?

Hi all, I was wondering whether it is possible to ineject a HttpSession object into a bean while using the web application context in order to load the bean? Is something ...

34. HttpSession aware service bean?

HttpSession aware service bean? Is there a way to have a bean be HttpSession Aware? I have service beans that call web-services. My service beans have to know the user name ...

35. OpenSessionInViewFilter doesn't work for entities saved in HttpSession

OpenSessionInViewFilter doesn't work for entities saved in HttpSession Here's the setup: Spring 1.2.1 Hibernate 3.1 Tomcat 5.5.17 Acegi 1.0.0 RC2 An (almost a textbook-style) web app that is using OpenSessionInViewFilter to ...

36. HttpSession - new one created on each request

HttpSession - new one created on each request Hi I am trying out Spring MVC, but have come across an issue when storing state in the Session. I have two controllers. ...

37. logout / HttpSession is not invalidated

Aug 23rd, 2006, 12:49 PM #1 bgbraga View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Aug 2006 Posts 17 logout / HttpSession is not invalidated I have them ...

38. Is a HttpSession object the best place to...

Is a HttpSession object the best place to... ... locate a "session" scope object? If I'm only ever going to be using, say, JSP as a view technology then it might ...

39. Using HttpSession with HttpInvoker of Spring

Using HttpSession with HttpInvoker of Spring Hi to all i have problme in my application ... In my application i am using clinet as Swing rich client and server as Tomcat ...

40. Suggestion: Inject HttpSession to RemotingServices

Suggestion: Inject HttpSession to RemotingServices I had this issue and i read many threads in this forum about the problem. There is no easy and elegant way to access the httpsession ...

41. How to get HttpSession within the bean?

Hi How can I get reference to the current HttpSession from the bean. For instance I need to call invalidateSession() from my service method. PS. More suitable way to do it ...

42. getSession() sometimes mistakenly returns new HttpSession each time

getSession() sometimes mistakenly returns new HttpSession each time Hi In my Controller's handleRequestInternal method I'm calling: 1) Code: if(newSearch) request.getSession().setAttribute("data", listOfData); And then when a user is accessing a page of ...

43. Using HttpSession in Controller - Best Practice?

I believe I posted this inappropriately in Web. I am new to Spring. I have been told in the past to avoid setting attributes in the session of our web application ...

44. HttpSession injection

Hello all! I'm trying to make a audit system but I need some user information stored in the HttpSession to save in an audit table, so I need to inject the ...

45. Accessing the HttpSession within Spring?

Accessing the HttpSession within Spring? I'm trying to emulate AppFuses' gadget, where the members therein are available as Constants.VAR within Java code and in JSP's as . I ...

46. Inject HttpSession

Hi! I don't know but I was on an interesting talk with Matt Raible at JavaZone 2007 in Oslo, Norway today about comparing Java Web Frameworks ( He said a good ...

47. Lost HttpSession scope and Spring and Tiles

Lost HttpSession scope and Spring and Tiles Hi, I am new to spring. I spend most of my time reading the online doc and still unable to resolve my issue. I ...

49. Reattaching objects in HttpSession to Hibernate Session

Long Conversations With Detached Objects - your advice! Hi, I've read around a little (including postings here) on how to manage long hibernate conversations. I like Spring's OpenSessionInViewInterceptor for handling the ...

50. HttpSession attributes updated by RequestContextListener

HttpSession attributes updated by RequestContextListener Hi I use RequestContextListener to get access to HttpSession attributes in Spring-managed beans (or to make use of scope="session"). I have a out-of-container bean representing currently ...

51. HttpSession & session-scope contructor

HttpSession & session-scope contructor Hello.. please help me any one. I have a bean in WebApplicationContext. so.. bean defind in session-scope. I whant to put this bean in HttpSession for any ...

52. Session scope in relation to HttpSession object and web server farms.

I was wondering if session scope in objects are stored on the ASP.NET HttpSession object. If so, will I need to store session state out of process when using a web ...

53. ? references on HttpSession / HttpRequest

54. Spring MVC Annotations and HttpSession

Spring MVC Annotations and HttpSession Hi, I started a new project a few days ago using Spring MVC 2.5 configured by annotations. Everything was going great until I needed to start ...

55. httpsession in middle tier beans

I have a bean called ServiceSecurityManager. It is called for execution of every class in our service layer: Code: So, when ...

56. HttpSession and requireSession attribute

HttpSession and requireSession attribute Hello I'm probably being stupid. I wish to use an HttpSession for storing a cart within my application. a) Will every JSP page, from login onwards, need ...

57. can a bean have HttpSession as default injection

Is there a way a bean have HttpSession as default injection whenever it is accessed inside the controller. I am planning to create a sessionManager bean which does some custom session ...

58. Advice on how to use AOP on HTTPSession in SpringMVC

Advice on how to use AOP on HTTPSession in SpringMVC Hi, I'm not sure what I'm trying to do is going to possible, so I was wondering if anyone out there ...

59. Sharing HttpSession attributes

Sharing HttpSession attributes Is there anyway to share HttpSession attributes among osgi-fied web application bundles? I have multiple osgi-fied web applications and one of them is responsible for user authentication using ...

60. HttpSession.setAttribute() and AbstractController problem

HttpSession.setAttribute() and AbstractController problem Hi all- I have an AbstractController in which I'm setting a session attribute and using EL in a JSP to read an attribute. The problem is that ...

61. Spring + Velocity + HttpSession

Spring + Velocity + HttpSession I'm trying to figure something out that has me very confused. I have an object called "client" in the session, and in my simpleFormController i add ...

62. How to get HttpSession using HttpInvokerServiceExporter?

How to get HttpSession using HttpInvokerServiceExporter? Good day. I am new to Spring and I don't know if its possible to get HttpSession from "plainService" object using HttpInvokerServiceExporter? Firstly I create ...

63. Autowire caches values (HttpSession)

Autowire caches values (HttpSession) Hi, I am using Spring 3.0.0.M1 and autowiring HttpSession to prototype scoped bean. Code: @Autowired(required = false) public void setSession(HttpSession session) { this.session = session; } I ...

64. session-bean stored in httpsession object??

in spring If a bean is set as "session", then it is stored in Httpsession object.If it is so then please clarify the below Httpsession implementation is depend on server such ...

65. session-bean stored in httpsession object??

in spring If a beans' property is set as "session", then it is stored in Httpsession object.If it is so then please clarify the below Httpsession implementation is depend on server ...

66. HttpSession Cleaned After Browser Refresh

Hi. I'm using Spring Web MVC and i've a problem when i refresh my browser. I have a controller that extends from SimpleFormController, i put an attribute in the httpSession, reached ...

67. Accessing HttpSession in DWR bean

Accessing HttpSession in DWR bean I am trying to get access to a user's session in a Spring bean that is being called directly from DWR. Is there a way to ...

68. RedirectView with cookie-style and fallback to HttpSession

Hi, I favor the redirect after post and therefore want to use the RedirectView. It says that it uses query parameters to save some state. But form data can often exceed ...

69. Using HTTPSession object in Spring Validator

Using HTTPSession object in Spring Validator Hi, I assume that the following problem must have been encountered by many good folks over here. I am submitting a form that has a ...

70. Injecting HttpSession variable into Domainobject

Hi everybody! I have a Aspect that picks up calls to my servlets. If a client calling the servlet is logged in, the Aspect sets the known users prefered language in ...

72. Spring HttpSession creation behaves different in IE6, IE7, Firefox3.x

Nov 4th, 2009, 01:55 PM #1 j.gohel View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Jan 2007 Posts 56 Spring HttpSession creation behaves different in IE6, IE7, Firefox3.x Hi, ...

73. Getting HTTPSession in Controller

74. How to get the HttpSession inside SimpleFormController?

Hey all, How do I get the current HttpSession inside a SimpleFormController's doSubmitAction(Object command) method? I ask this because I need to obtain a Session Attribute. Should I rather implement the ...

75. How to put the HttpSession into an Aspect class?

How to put the HttpSession into an Aspect class? Hello for all, I have a problem thats: I must access a attribute that is present into a HttpSession in my Web ...

76. HttpSession

I have two applications. One is a Spring application, and the other one is non-Spring (in fact it's using Tomcat's default web.xml). Even though both of them are hosted on the ...

77. How do I get the HttpSession via Spring-el

The title says it all. I want to get a property of the httpsession injected into my controller via a @value annotation and I would like to know what is the ...

78. Managed httpsession objects ?

Spring, and DI in general, can set objects/properties from accessible existing Objects or from objects that can be created using some bean instantication / objects factories. If i understood your question, ...

79. HttpSession implementation

HttpSession implementation Hi All, I have a web application written with Spring MVC. The application is deployed on tomcat as of now. I want to provide a custom implementation for HttpSession. ...