flex « Session « Spring Q&A

1. How to check if the session exists for using BlazeDS?    stackoverflow.com

How to check if the session exists for using BlazeDS ? Is it possible to check it in sevlet filters ? But I think that it can't know the destination in them without ...

2. Retrieve Webflow context from session    stackoverflow.com

I have a portal application that utilizes Spring WebFlow 2.x for several of the portlets. Some of these portlets also contain Adobe Flex applications, and I would like to be able ...

3. Spring-Flex Session Scope Service    stackoverflow.com

I am using Spring Flex project 1.5. I wish to create a service with session scope.

@Scope(value = "session", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)
@RemotingDestination(channels = { "my-amf" })
public class StoreService implements IStoreService ...

4. session with Flex/blazeDS and spring    forum.springsource.org

Hello, I am a new to Flex and blazeDS. I have done a lot of projects with Spring and jsp in the past and never had a problem with session and ...