attribute « Session « Spring Q&A

1. Spring 3.0 set and get session attribute

I want to read a domain object (UserVO) from session scope. I am setting the UserVO in a controller called WelcomeController

public class WelcomeController {
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String processSubmit(BindingResult ...

2. Is it possible to configure a Spring session scoped bean with attributes from the session?

I'm trying to create a service bean that when referenced will be initialized with HttpSession based attributes. Let's say for sake of argument that my webapp would do the following:

  1. Establish a session
  2. Request ...

3. Spring Framework 3 and session attributes

I have form object that I set to request in GET request handler in my Spring controller. First time user enters to page, a new form object should be made and ...

4. name attribute in bean for sessionFactory is in 'red' in IDEA i.e. cannot resolve property

My app-config.xml looks like: ...

5. How to pass a session attribute as method argument (parameter) with Spring MVC

In short, I want something like:

public String action(@SessionAttribute User user) {..}
instead of
public String action(HttpSession session) {
     User user = session.getAttribute("user");
Mainly for the sake of:
  • readability
  • unit testing

6. Session attribute as method argument with Spring MVC

I'm using Bozho solution to create a session attribute annotation under Spring mvc.
I've a problem when the object is not in the session and I've something like

@SessionAttribute(required = false) MyFormObject ...

7. Spring 2.5 session attributes

In my web application I have defined a variable as session attribute.


8. Spring MVC Session Attribute

I want to use a session attribute in my application. However, it is a value the user will select. Initially if it is null, then it prompts the user ...

9. Read string attribute from session

Hi all, I have a problem. I don't know how to get a string value from session in my controller. Can someone explain me how to do this? I use Spring ...

10. Session Attribute Problem

Session Attribute Problem I have a model attribute 'invoice'. On submitting form at edit mode I am getting this error: org.springframework.web.HttpSessionRequiredExcepti on: Session attribute 'invoice' required - not found in session. ...

11. creating/setting a Session attribute

Hello everyone, I need to create an attribute in my sessions when they are first created. What would be the way to do this? Is it possible to define a ...

12. Session attributes disappearing between wars

Session attributes disappearing between wars I have a unique situation that maybe someone out there knows more about than I do. I have two war file deployed in a single ear. ...

13. ResourceBundleViewResolver session attributes

ResourceBundleViewResolver session attributes Hi ! In my current project I'm using two view different view techniques, jsp and freemarker. I configured a ResourceBundleViewResolver and everything works fine but freemarker does not ...

14. ReferenceData not getting Session Attributes

ReferenceData not getting Session Attributes Hi again.. In my ModelAndView, my Customer object works perfectly, but it looks like i'm not passing my Customer to the ReferenceData... Any ideas? Code: public ...

15. Problem with handling sessions and session attributes

Are you talking about HttpSessions? Because I'm not quite sure I understand your problem. From within the Controller you can access the current HttpSession (just one session). Same goes for the ...

16. Problem: i'm getting attributes from other client's session

Problem: i'm getting attributes from other client's session Hello! I think there is either bug in the session mechanism or i am using it incorrectly. I have a webservice that uses ...

17. form input tag and date formatting... why session attribute

form input tag and date formatting... why session attribute I've been wrestling with a problem that is frequently mentioned in this forum: trying to display a formatted date on an input ...

18. session attribute in spring mvc 2.5

Hello, I want to get object from HttpSession in Spring MVC2.5. Now, I am get User object from session like below. Code: @RequestMapping("/foo.htm") public String foo(HttpSession session) { User u = ...

19. Removing form session attribute ........

Removing form session attribute ........ Hi, I had a problem with the session form. I wrote a controller which inherits SimpleFormController and set the sessionForm to true. When i sent the ...

20. session attributes

Hello, I am trying to get session attributes in a JSTL/JSP page. In the login controller, I set the attribute : Code: request.getSession(true).setAttribute("user", user); In the JSP page I tried the ...

21. add attribute to session

add attribute to session Hi, Please consider this simple use case. A user navigates to the home page of the application, a user object is created and stored on the session. ...

22. Session Attribute and session timeout

Session Attribute and session timeout Assume I have a form that posts to this method. Code: (annotation)RequestMapping(value = "/form/post/method", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String processPostRequest((annotation)ModelAttribute("form")MyForm form, ModelMap model) throws Exception { ...

23. How to set session attribute after login

Hello All, I am very new to Spring Acegi Framework. I am writing my custom "UserDetailsService" implementation which is actually extending JdbcDaoImpl. I am doing this because, I wanted to run ...

24. Setting session attributes in POST method

Setting session attributes in POST method I'm using the following code to set a couple of session attributes in a POST method: Code: @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST) public String processSubmit(HttpSession session, Model ...

25. Handling session attributes like formBackingObject did

Handling session attributes like formBackingObject did I'm trying to introduce annotations in my spring application. Take into consideration the following use case: 1. Click the "view categories" link, which brings you ...

26. Session attribute 'partnerAssociate' required - not found in session

Session attribute 'partnerAssociate' required - not found in session Hi, With Spring 3.0, I have defined an SesstionAttributes 'partnerAssociate' in the following Controller class: @Controller @RequestMapping("VIEW") @SessionAttributes("partnerAssociate") @Transactional public class PartnerAssociateController ...

27. How to set session attribute on login

How to set session attribute on login Hi there, I m very new to Spring Security, and trying to implement Spring Security 3.x authentication for my project. it's a SmartGwt project, ...