Tomcat « Session « Spring Q&A

1. Spring MVC session storage

This is just the continuation of this post. I'm coming from ASP.NET world. In ASP.NET I had a few options to store the session: "In proc" and "Out Proc" which mean ...

2. Tomcat create a new session for every request

I am working on this problem for 2 days now and I am hoping that anyone here had a similar problem and a solution for that. The problem: It's a Spring MVC ...

3. @PreDestroy not called on session-scoped Spring bean on tomcat shutdown

Using Spring 3.0.5 GA Have a Session-scoped bean with @PreDestroy method. Just noticed that if owning HttpSession times out (ie exceeds Servlet Container's session-timeout value) then @PreDestroy call back is issued. However, ...

4. Spring Session Replication Problem

I've currently researching in load balancing my Spring project. I've used Apache web server as front-end to multiple Tomcat instances. I've used mod_jk for the load balancing. When I run it, ...

5. Hibernate Session's get() function retrieves question marks instead of greek characters

I have a web application that uses spring and hibernate. My hibernate session factory is configured in spring as:

<bean id="mySessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean">
    <property name="dataSource" ref="myDataSource" />

6. Spring/Tomcat 6 Session Expiration Issue

I'm using Spring MVC for a personal webpage with a local Tomcat 6 server. I'm using a default Tomcat configuration(what eclipse would setup by default). In my controllers(using one controller for ...

7. Beans marked @Configurable are not injected when deserialized by Tomcat SESSIONS.ser

Beans marked @Configurable are not injected when deserialized by Tomcat SESSIONS.ser I noticed this behavior on a Struts 1.2.9 based (legacy) application with Spring 2.5.4, spring-tomcat-weaver-2.5.4, Tomcat 6.0.14. Code: public class ...

8. Session fixation issue with Tomcat 6

This is a follow-up to a closed forum post by savvas. The problem is that the "sessionMigration" strategy does not work with certain configurations of Tomcat. Specifically: Code: httpSession.invalidate(); request.getSession(true); causes ...

9. Sharing session across multiple tomcat sessions

Sharing session across multiple tomcat sessions We are using spring security for authentication and authorization. We have a load balancer and multiple tomcat / jetty instances that serve the content. Since, ...

10. Login Failure when Tomcat reuses session and ThreadLocal

Login Failure when Tomcat reuses session and ThreadLocal Hi Ben and Community, I have now almost successfully integrated acegi into my webapp. Wasn't that difficult. But now I'm facing a weird ...

11. SessionFactory creation fail:tomcat 5.0.x+Spring + hibernate

SessionFactory creation fail:tomcat 5.0.x+Spring + hibernate Hi all, I am very new to spring framework as well as for hibernate. I am trying spring and hibernate in a project which is ...

12. net/sf/hibernate/Session Class not found during startup of Tomcat

Hello all: I got a class not found for net/sf/hibernate/Session. I have included the hibernate3.jar in WEB-INF/lib already but still got the problem. What is the jar file that contains the ...

13. Tomcat Persistent Session

Tomcat Persistent Session I'm having trouble with persistent sessions in Tomcat when using Session scoped objects. The exception is: writing aborted; org.springframework.aop.scope.DefaultScopedObject The contents of the session at the ...

14. Concurrent Session Handling in multiple Tomcat

Hi guys, I am working on a project that running the same app on multiple Tomcat instance. For single Tomcat instance, Acegi got ConcurrentSessionControllerImpl to prevent multiple logon using the same ...

15. org.hibernate.sessionexception: session is closed - outside tomcat

org.hibernate.sessionexception: session is closed - outside tomcat I'm trying to take my existing spring config that runs fine in tomcat and call it via a standalone java program. I'm using hibernate ...

16. how can i make a session-scoped bean survive a tomcat restart?

how can i make a session-scoped bean survive a tomcat restart? usually tomcat serializes/deserializes any 'Serializable' object stored in the session during restart. I think that is also the case with ...

17. Sessions without principals after tomcat restart?

Sessions without principals after tomcat restart? Hi, I have a class that accesses the session registry at timed intervals and takes certain actions based on a given principal's session information. I ...

18. Persistent tomcat sessions in OSGi

Persistent tomcat sessions in OSGi When you have a tomcat service in the OSGi container (equinox in my case) provided by the spring osgi web feature, by default tomcat will save ...