Memory « Session « Spring Q&A

1. Check in-memory version of an object against the data in the database

I have a Hibernate project where a call to update() needs to compare the modified object in memory to the data that has already been saved to the database. For example, ...

2. Memory Problems with two session factories

Memory Problems with two session factories Hi, I am creating two hibernate session factories using Spring. I get memory heap space when i start my application. I know its expensive to ...

3. HibernateTemplate leaves session memory leak

HibernateTemplate leaves session memory leak I am using HibernateDaoSupport and callbacks to access data. This is how my code looks like: List siteDropDownList = getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedQuery("Site.getS iteDropDownList"); I understand that the session ...

4. Memory leak when session bean references inner session bean through aop proxy?

Memory leak when session bean references inner session bean through aop proxy? Having a session scoped bean referencing an inner session scoped bean through , we experience PermGenSpace out of memory ...

5. hibernate session out of memory

hibernate session out of memory All my list pages I uses pagination , this avoid the risk of loading all millions of entities inside session and there by out of memory ...