Annotation « Session « Spring Q&A

1. What happens if I forget to mark the Spring SessionStatus as "Complete"?

In Spring MVC, suppose I define a SessionAttribute, using the @SessionAttribute tag like so:

@SessionAttributes(value = "myModel")
public class MyController{
Suppose that I forget to call status.setComplete() on the SessionStatus like ...

2. Hibernate - a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session

After changing the @id of a Entity from

private int getId(){
private String getLogin(){
     return this.login;
I get the error:
a different object with the ...

3. how can i automatically generate a non id value in hibernate?

I am using hibernate annotations, spring, a sessionFactory and defining everything in a context.xml (like so..)

<bean id="mySessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean">
        <property name="dataSource" ref="myDataSource" />

4. a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session error on save

I've been having problems with my hibernate annotations. I have a bidirectional relationship between 2 classes. Here's the mapping(thanks to axtavt):

public class Receipt implements Serializable { 

5. Two Namingstrategies for one SessionFactory in Spring

I am using hibernate 3.5 and Spring 3.0.4. I have some old tables and some new tables that need to different NamingStrategies. I declare a sessionFactory in spring with a namingStrategy;

<bean id="sessionFactory" ...

6. Spring + Hibernate with annotations: No Hibernate Session bound to thread

I'm new to Spring and I was trying to create a webapp with the following stack: Apache Tomcat 7, MySQL, Spring MVC, Hibernate 3 with JPA annotations. I am trying to learn by ...

7. How to enable hibernate filter for sessionFactory.getCurrentSession()?

Say there is a User table with structure: User

  • List item
  • userId (PK)
  • company (PK)
  • userName
  • address ...etc
And I want to retrieve users only for the current company (company can be changed by the user through ...

8. Spring 3 with Hibernate 3 Annotations - Session Factory Configuration

I am having very little luck configuring my spring config file for Hibernate Annotations. I have been looking at other posts and I'm not sure what I am missing. I shouldn't ...

9. Problem using SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor with @Value annotation in a Stateless Session Bean

I'm using spring 3.0.5 in JBoss and when I try to use "@Value" annotation like this @Value("${terminal.type}") in an statless Session Bean annotated with @Interceptors(SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor.clas s), I receive a IllegalArgumentException "'name' ...

10. NamedQuery defined in DAO annotation not found by Hibernate session factory

I use Spring along with Hibernate. In my DAO, I defined a NamedQuery which is not found by the session factory, although I have added the package of that DAO to ...

11. Problem with Hibernate Session Factory and Spring annotations

Sep 19th, 2011, 05:04 PM #1 vvk View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Sep 2011 Posts 1 Problem with Hibernate Session Factory and Spring annotations Hi ...

12. spring, hibernate and annotation : session is closed

spring, hibernate and annotation : session is closed Hello, I use jpa with the jpa template and the declarative transaction, everything works fine and my services are just simple pojo with ...

13. Trouble injecting hibernate annotaion sessionfactory with annotation based AOP

Trouble injecting hibernate annotaion sessionfactory with annotation based AOP Hi, I have got problem injecting hibernate annotation based session factory into my DAO bean. It happens if I use annotaion based ...

14. sessionFactory annotations jboss

sessionFactory annotations jboss when i run my application with jetty and the next configuration, isn't there any problem: in application-ContextDAO.xml: Code: ...

15. Getting session id with Annotation-based controller configuration

Dear all, I wanted to get the HttpSession id with Spring Annotation-based controller configuration. Is this possible? How do I get the HttpSession object with this type of controller? Thanks in ...

16. turn off http session in annotation

I mean the request without any session. say for feed view or other non html view. in SimpleFormController, we call setRequireSession(), how we call it in @Controller ? kiwi --- happy ...

17. Annotation bind application scope session

18. Spring web mvc annotations and session object

19. Annotation x Local Session FactoryBean

Annotation x Local Session FactoryBean Hello, I'm changing an existing working webapplication to use Annotation Session FactoryBean instead of Local Session FactoryBean. When i try to compile and run the existent ...

20. SessionFactory / HibernateTemplate & Annotation Configuration

Hi Guys, I'm sure this is a popular question, but I've been trawling the net for the last few hours without finding a workable solution. I'm trying to go completely with ...

21. How do I store a session object using annotations in Spring MVC?

I'm trying to use the HttpRequest.getSession() like I used to do... but this is not working. Also, I've tried adding UserSession object in the the @SessionAttributes annotation at the class level, ...

22. @Async annotated method hanging on session-scoped bean

@Async annotated method hanging on session-scoped bean Hello, I'm trying to use the new @Async annotation in a web application project, and it appears that I am running into problems with ...

23. Spring SessionFactory and Hibernate 3.5 annotations

Spring SessionFactory and Hibernate 3.5 annotations Question: Code worked perfectly with Hibernate annotations 3.4 but when I upgraded to hibernate annotations 3.5 the sessionFactory can not be created by Spring. How ...

24. Annotated controller kills my hibernate session

Annotated controller kills my hibernate session Hello, I'm having an issue with a controller that needs to iterate over a collection in my command object. It keeps throwing "org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: could not ...