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1. Spring Security 3- How to customize username/password parameters?

How do you customize the UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter usernameParameter (j_username) and passwordParameter (j_password) properties when using the <http ... /> Spring Security 3 namespace? It's my understanding the <http ... /> creates the ...

2. How to protect username password in shared enviornment

How to protect database username and password in shared hosting enviornment using spring

<bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource" >
        <property name="driverClassName"><value>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</value></property>

3. spring 3 security schema username as primary key?

I Googled for this, but I couldn't find an answer anywhere. Why does the Spring 3 Security schema ( have a username as a primary key instead of an integer guid? People ...

4. how to take username using security:authentication tag in Spring?

I am new to spring. I want send username of logged in user to my controller. I tried following code which is not working...

<form:input path="bidderName" value="<security:authentication property=/"principal.username/"/>" />
at value field I want ...

5. Spring Security : About the names j_username and j_password in the form

Hi I am reading this book on Spring Security . It talks about the specific names j_username and j_password .

The form field names are specified by UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter
itself, and take ...

6. Can we pass the entered username to authentication failure url in spring security?

Can we pass the entered username to authentication failure url in spring security in case of authentication failure by unmatching password?

7. spring_security_last_username

Can we access "spring_security_last_username" form the Controller instead of jsp?

8. How to use Spring's "user-by-username-query" clause in a Java class?

I am using Spring security to validate user login.
User credentials are stored in database.
Here is the related section from my "appContext-security.xml" file. This code works - but my problem is that I ...

9. authenticate connection to activeMQ with username/password

I have an application running ok sending messages to activemq. I'm using and Nmstemplate to connect to broker. xml configuration file in general is:

<object id="ActiveMqConnectionFactory" 

10. Spring MVC, Spring Security, Simply Require Username

I have a Spring 3 MVC website using Spring Security 3.1.0RC2. Currently I am using the for log-in. For demo purposes, my boss just wants to have to enter a ...

11. how can i create oauth 2 username password flow over spring security

i am trying to implement oauth2 username password flow on spring security but i cant find any documentation and sample code i am going over sparklr and tonr insode oauth2 samples how can ...

12. Spring Security - Authentication's username is null in AuthenticationSuccessHandler

I have a Customer class which has all the account info.(it does NOT extend Spring's userdetails.User class) I'm trying to do some stuff after a successful login (e.g. set new last login ...

13. Username and Password

Username and Password hello to all. im new to spring security. i want to create a simple project that only have 2 pages: login.jsp Code: <%@ page import="" %> <%@ page ...

14. Spring Security Username

Hello, I have a Spring security- config- file an in this config- file I have declared my users with the corresponding password. If the username has no space (e.g. user1) than ...

15. Defining authorities-by-username-query doesn't work

Defining authorities-by-username-query doesn't work Hi All, I have tried to use the jdbc-user-service out of box but with some customization. It seems that defining the authorities-by-username-query doesn't work at all. Code: ...

16. need to change username or delete account

Hello Apologies but I registered incorrectly with my email address as my username. Can you change to n99 or such like or delete my account Thanks

17. How to get the current logged in user's username anywhere in the session?

How to get the current logged in user's username anywhere in the session? Hi all, I've a very basic problem with Spring Security. I've implemented Spring Security 3 and have a ...

18. Spring Security 3.0 no username.

Spring Security 3.0 no username. I am new to Spring Security so I hope I have provided enough information. I am trying to use Spring Security to secure a Spring ...

19. SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_USERNAME not available when allowSessionCreation = "false"

SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_USERNAME not available when allowSessionCreation = "false" Hi, I am using Spring security in a relatively simple web application. On unsuccessful authentication, I'd like to pre-populate the username field. I'm able ...

20. How to change this function to return list base on username col

I had the following code sample that returns a list of friends from my database use Hibernate and it works get but I know change the function to pass in String ...

21. Changing username/password form names in UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter

Changing username/password form names in UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter Is there a simple way of changing passwordParameter and usernameParameter (i.e. - the form field names) to use in UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter? Since I am using the ...

22. users-by-username-query and authorities-by-username-query not working

users-by-username-query and authorities-by-username-query not working Hello, here is my bean config. file for spring security. Code:

23. How to disable to edit html source code for j_username & j_password?

Hi folks, Here i have a challenge where my form having j_username & j_password, when a login button click spring security submits the form and do rest, but when user modify ...

24. Spring-WS 'MockWebServiceClient': How to set the username/password(Security Headers)

Hi , I am testing my web services using the MockWebServiceClient. All was working fine. Then in the my web service i started using a XwsSecurityInterceptor to check the username and ...

25. Custom authentication using only username and having multiple default pages

Custom authentication using only username and having multiple default pages Hi all! I have to create a custom login form with spring 2.5 where the user will login only with its ...

26. Spring security: 3.0.5 username is null in OpenIdAuthenticationToken

Jul 15th, 2011, 09:19 AM #1 cablepuff View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date Feb 2007 Posts 283 Spring security: 3.0.5 username is null in OpenIdAuthenticationToken Hi ...

27. Agent, Username, Password

Thanks Ben! The approaches solve the problem. Has the Acegi team considered changing the AuthenticationDao interface to loadByUsername(Object principal) instead of loadByUsername(String username)? Or loadByUserName(String username, Object principal).

28. How to get logged in username in JSF

hi i am using spring security 3 with JSF 2 and i was wondering how to get the logged in username in a JSF page, please advise, thanks.

29. Case insensitive username

Case insensitive username I would like to utilitize case insensitive usernames for authentication, but preserve the case in the actual user objects (and database) for display and logging purposes. I have ...

30. Dynamically changing the username and pwd of Datasource

Hello, I am working on a web applicatiion in which each user has and uses their own dedicated Oracle userid and pwd for all db access. I have a DAO layer ...

31. missing username/password exception in AuthenticationProcess

missing username/password exception in AuthenticationProcess I would like to throw a MissingUsernameException or MissingPasswordException in AuthenticationProcessingFilter if any of the username or password is missing. I would also like to inject ...


May 9th, 2005, 06:32 PM #1 sklakken View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2005 Posts 29 Capture ACEGI_SECURITY_FORM_USERNAME_KEY I hope this is an easy problem ...

33. authenticate windows username

I use JAAS to resolve login name of the user. There is no need to check password since I assume that user has already provided it. Then you can use the ...

34. Customer Id and Username

Is there an easy way to incorporate the username to be unique by another foreign key such as Customer Id. We are building a SAS solution so I need to be ...

35. Concurrent session check and username primary key issue

Concurrent session check and username primary key issue :o I'm absolutely impresssed with the architecture of Acegi Security, have developped on my own security design but never gets satisfied till I ...

36. Set username and password of DataSource programtically

Set username and password of DataSource programtically I am using Spring to manage Hibernate over MySQL.

37. Authentication username in my POJO

How do I get the username used for Authntication in my Business Bean? I want to use it to qualify some queries (and username=?) since I use it to segregate data. ...

38. Authenticating more than just username and password (additional parameters)

Authenticating more than just username and password (additional parameters) Hi folks, I've been looking around a bit to try to find some answers to this, but to no avail. What I ...

39. authentication with case insensitive username

authentication with case insensitive username I need case insensitive username for my system. I keep all my usernames in db in lowercase. I need that acegi (using 0.9) wouldn't consider inputs ...

40. specify username/password for JNDI datasource?

Can anyone suggest a way to specify the username and password that Spring should use for a JNDI JDBC datasource created by the JndiObjectFactoryBean? Without being able to specify username and ...

41. Error in Airline Sample: Authentication of Username Password Token Failed

Error in Airline Sample: Authentication of Username Password Token Failed Hi. I have this built, war'd, and deployed to Tomcat. That was all very straightforward, and no errors showed up in ...

42. DataSource username/password not known util Runtime

DataSource username/password not known util Runtime I know this is not typical in J2EE apps. However, client has a lot of code in Oracle procedures already and doesn't want to change ...

43. authenticate with more than username / password

Jul 1st, 2006, 05:40 AM #1 ronaldpieterse View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Visit Homepage Junior Member Join Date Feb 2005 Location Amsterdam Posts 9 authenticate with more than username ...

44. Update Principal's Username

Update Principal's Username Hi, My application allows the principal to update their username (we use an email address as their unique identifier) while they are logged in. The problem with this ...

45. Need more than just username for cache key

Need more than just username for cache key Hi All, Our database contains users grouped by a parent object, say a company. Within each company user names are unique, but there ...

46. slash in username

slash in username Hi, i added a domain information to the username. Before, the username contained only the name "Robert", but it contains also the domain "LOCAL\Robert". The XwsSecurityInterceptor is configured ...

47. username not reaching at j_acegi_security_check

Mar 2nd, 2007, 08:30 AM #1 sanjay.dahiya View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Feb 2007 Posts 18 username not reaching at j_acegi_security_check I started with acegi ...

48. Logging username Using MethodInterceptor with AOP

Logging username Using MethodInterceptor with AOP Hi, I am Ujjwal Soni & I have a problem in logging for my website. I have used Method Interceptor & i am unable to ...

49. to get the username from the bindauthenticator

to get the username from the bindauthenticator Hello, I would like to know how can I get the username from my authentication. I need the username to find in my LDAP ...

50. IllegalArgumentException with Username=null

IllegalArgumentException with Username=null Hi. I try to use acegi and when i have empty username, i get the following exception. Code: 2007-07-21 21:08:32,421 [http-8080-Processor25] ERROR org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/sf].[default] - Servlet.service() for servlet default ...

51. One username per Service (Spring JAXRPC Remoting)

One username per Service (Spring JAXRPC Remoting) We are using Axis 1.2.1 and Spring 2.0.x to invoke a remote webservice using a password callback defined in a client-deploy.wsdd file as follows: ...

52. custom username / password query in acegi

custom username / password query in acegi Hi there, I've got acegi working in my web app. I'm using a Users table and Authorities table in MS SQL server and it ...

53. Displaying Logged in User's Username

Can someone tell me how I can display the username of the user currently logged in? I'm using struts2 and tried using , but that didn't seem to generate ...

54. How to set Username/Password - JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean Approach ??

How to set Username/Password - JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean Approach ?? Hi, I have a webservice which has a simple username/password authentication. I am trying to add the username password based on the suggestion ...

55. need more parameters than username and password

I need to pass more parameters than the standard username and password. My authenticator needs user name, password and one more additional parameters for the users to be logged in How ...

56.  not returning value

not returning value I am getting my user authenticated here: Code: [myproject] DEBUG [http-8080-Processor24] XmlWebApplicationContext.publishEvent(273) | Publishing event in context []: org.acegisecurity.event.authentication.InteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent[source=org.acegisecurity.providers.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken@72ee9329: Username: org.acegisecurity.userdetails.User@db3aea00: Username: mickknutson; Password: [PROTECTED]; Enabled: ...

57. Realm username variable

Is there anyway to retain the Realm username in a variable? I'd like to take data submitted by a user and retain it to a file specified by user. Thanks.

58. Info page for each user, like

I wish I had an answer for you, because I've been looking for the same thing. In fact, I've even posted on this forum about it: If you come up ...

59. Accessing SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_USERNAME in the view

Accessing SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_USERNAME in the view I got a little familiar with Acegi for a side project and took some time off from the project. Now Spring Security is out and I'm ...

60. Getting WSSE username and password inside PayloadEndpoint?

Getting WSSE username and password inside PayloadEndpoint? Hi everyone, I'm implementing a security token service from WS-Trust. Basically I accept one request, a RequestSecurityToken which has included in it a WSSE ...

61. group-authorities-by-username-query wrong query executed

group-authorities-by-username-query wrong query executed Hi, I am updating my ACEGI 1.0.7 application to 2.0.3 (by now). So I started from scratch to have a better understanding of the new version. I ...

62. Missing username in ws-security using marshaller

Jul 16th, 2008, 08:07 PM #1 flurdy View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Visit Homepage Junior Member Join Date Feb 2006 Location Hampshire Posts 21 Missing username in ws-security using ...

63. Custom username/password check, what to implement ?

Custom username/password check, what to implement ? Hello Previous version of my application required only single-field (name) check to log in. I have created UserDetailsService implementation which performed a check in ...

64. How to get j_username in java class without passing it.

Using Acegi - Form Authentication Mechanism, Struts, Spring I want to get j_username value in passwordEncoder class without it being passed to it. I need the value before authentication is completed. ...

65. Attribute 'users-by-username-query' is not allowed to appear

Attribute 'users-by-username-query' is not allowed to appear Hi, I am trying to migrate from acegi to spring security and get this error (and cannot figure it out) ... Code: Context initialization ...

66. how to store additional user data along with username & password

Hi All, I want to store some additional information like name of the user, email, etc when user logged in. I went through few posts but didn't have a clear idea ...

67. authorities-by-username-query syntax?

authorities-by-username-query syntax? Hey, Im using Spring Security 2.0.3 and want to access the DB using jdbc-user-service to load the user data out of the db (Im not using the standard schema). ...

68. Prepopulating username using form based authentication

Prepopulating username using form based authentication How do I prepopulate the user name (from say a cookie value) using form based authentication? It's not clear to me where the developer "hook" ...

69. How to read sataSource username?

Hi, I am trying to read dataSource username from spring configuration file. Please some one tell me how to read dataSource username property value from spring configuration file. any help is ...

70. username/password population

username/password population Hi, am new to string, i have doubt regarding how the username and password are retieved and checked against DB, i was seen the existing code, they used authentication ...

71. passing Username/pswd while consuming webservices

passing Username/pswd while consuming webservices Hi, I am currently consuming PeopleSoft webservices using Spring webservices template "WebServiceTemplate". using method "marshalsendandReceive" Now, I need to send username/password along with webservice request. I ...

72. Security tag to get username

<%@ taglib prefix="security" uri="" %>

73. get username and password on server side using basic authentication

get username and password on server side using basic authentication Hello, I'd like to know how can I get user details on server side web application. I use basic authentication, and ...

74. get username and password from session

hi, i'm new in spring framework... i got this problem...i cannot call SecurityContextImpl secContextImpl = (SecurityContextImpl) request.getSession().getAttribute("SPRING_SECURITY _CONTEXT"); to get the username and password that had been save in session. can ...

75. Distinct Username for Anoymous Users

Distinct Username for Anoymous Users Hi, I'm looking for a way to get a distinct (unique) username for anonymous users. Part of my page is accessible without authentification but I need ...

76. Username Required at Service

Username Required at Service Hi All, I was wondering the best way to achieve this. My service layer needs to know the username of the currently logged in user (in order ...

77. Not support unicode username

I have resolved the problem in AuthenticationProcessingFilter. It is not the best way, but it do work. I think Sping Security need a global variable to let user choose which encoding ...

78. double byte characters in username/password

double byte characters in username/password My product used a custom JAAS login module for user authentication and it supported both single-byte extended characters and double-byte CJK characters in both username and ...

79. Redisplay username on error

80. Multiple applications sharing username / password

Multiple applications sharing username / password Hi All, I currently have multiple applications which use Spring Security to authenticate over LDAP and retrieve authorization roles from a DB. I am now ...

81. Remote Username is set to Guest when users are coming from different domain (WS 2003)

Remote Username is set to Guest when users are coming from different domain (WS 2003) On Windows Server 2003 / IIS 6, I use a custom class that extend the PreAuthenticationFilter ...

82. Username and password showing up in log file...

Username and password showing up in log file... Looking through my log file, it appears that FilterChainProxy is logging out usernames and passwords from the request to j_spring_security_check as it passes ...

83. Need username for disabled account

Is there any way to determine the username that was authenticated for a disabled account? I need to look up and display to the user why his/her account was disabled but ...

84. Need to allow users to change their username

Need to allow users to change their username We have implemented group authorities in our jdbc-user-service. Then we needed to allow users to edit their own log in id. So we ...

85. Other than UserName/Password couple

Other than UserName/Password couple Hi, I am new to Spring-security and Spring in general. I have read the Spring-security documentation, tried out the tutorials (working well), and searching for more than ...

86. Looking up windows network domain username

Looking up windows network domain username Forgive if this is not directly related to Spring. I'm working on a spring web application which needs to be be able to indentify internal ...

87. Custom Authentication against Legacy System with Username/Password combination

Custom Authentication against Legacy System with Username/Password combination I am trying to authenticate against a legacy system which takes in username/password. Ive created a custom AuthenticationProvider and this works fine. My ...

88. Adding one more criteria along with username and password (Spring Security)

Adding one more criteria along with username and password (Spring Security) Hi, I am using Spring Security for Authentication. Currently i am authenticating username and password. Now my requirement is to ...

89. Plain Text Username Authentication

Plain Text Username Authentication Folks, I was successfully able to write a simple web service using Spring. Now, I am trying to add the most basic kind of authentication to the ...

90. does spring security support chinese username account?

Hi Just remember to put: Code: request-encoding org.springframework.web.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter encoding UTF-8 before SpringSecurity's filter in your web.xml. Use the encoding of your choice. regards Grzegorz Grzybek

91. authorities-by-username-query is not checked

authorities-by-username-query is not checked It seems Spring Security doesn't check or do anything within the authorities-by-username-query of my security context.xml file. Do I need to explicitly tell it to check? When ...

92. Authenticate user against custom service that requires username and password

Authenticate user against custom service that requires username and password I have seen the places where it mentions I might need to create my own UserDetailsService for this, but the loadByUsername ...

93. security: how to display the username of the logged in user

After setting up security i tried to display the username of the logged in user in default.jspx: code snippset: xmlns:sec="" nothing is displayed, how can i solve this ? ...

94. @PreAutorize(#username == principal.username) issues - when target is AOPProxy

@PreAutorize(#username == principal.username) issues - when target is AOPProxy Hi Luke/Anybody, When used @PreAutorize(#username == principal.username) issues - when target is AOPProxy I always get an NullPointerExpression in MethodSecurityEvaluationContext addArgumentsAsVariables method. ...

95. Escaping spring security last username

Escaping spring security last username Hi, SS 3.0.2 escapes the last username when storing it in the session in UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter. ( Actually we are using the sessionScope.SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_USERNAME in our jsp to ...

96. JdbcTemplate and datasource setting username and password?

JdbcTemplate and datasource setting username and password? Hey I'm just going through a petclinic example I found on the internet but I'm a bit confused with the code of the dataSource ...

97. group_members.username unique index

Well, a user could be a member of more than one group... I would agree that the combination of user + group could be enforced by a unique constraint, but there's ...

98. Prevent Empty UserName Field

In most situations this would seem pretty simple but I am stumped. I've implemented a custom UserDetailsService Security authentication against a database. In my loadUserByUsername method I construct the user based ...

99. Example usage with existing username/password authentication service

Example usage with existing username/password authentication service We have an existing authentication Java component with an API Code: boolean authenticate(String username,String password); How can we integrate this with the new Spring ...

100. Empty username on UserServiceDetails

Empty username on UserServiceDetails Hey, guys. I'm using Spring Security 2, Spring 2.5, Hibernate and Richfaces for my web application. The configuration for everything works but I have a need of ...