taglib « Security « Spring Q&A

1. Spring Security Taglibs control statement    stackoverflow.com

Is there a way to implement control statement with Spring Security taglibs? Currently we can only check if a user has a role...

<security:authorize access="hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')">
   // display something
How about else? ...

2. Verify ifAnyGranted from a TagLib    stackoverflow.com

How I can verify that "at least one of the roles is granted" from a TagLib? So, I want to use something like:

<sec:ifAnyGranted roles="ROLE_ADMIN,ROLE_SUPERVISOR">
but in the groovy ...

3. Mapping an exception to 404 page while using Spring Security taglibs    stackoverflow.com

When mapping an Exception to 404 page, the Spring Security tags can't find the authentication information from the security context. With a "real" 404 the authentication is found. My web.xml:


4. Adding the Spring Security taglib creates errors when tomcat is initiating beans    stackoverflow.com

I am working on a school project using Spring MVC (Spring 3.0.0). Now everything works as it should, until I add the Spring Security taglib to pom.xml using


5. why sec:authorize doesn't work?    stackoverflow.com

I have a JSF 2 page based on Facelets and use Spring Security 3 behind the application. When I put some tags like this within my page:

<sec:authorize  access="hasRole('SS')" >
<h:outputText value="X" ...

6. Does anyone know if you use Spring security, do you have to use taglib?    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to use OAuth for spring security with CXF. But the example only provides things with jsp, and taglib, I am not really experienced with jsp, I just want ...

7. Spring Security: Pushing username into model    stackoverflow.com

This is basically a question about style or best practice. I want to know the best way to pass the username to the model variables accessible by my views. Without writing ...

8. mixing protocols (SSL) / taglibs / redirects    forum.springsource.org

I've posted 2 topics on http/https redirections on the Spring Acegi forums. I should maybe have posted them here instead, in case someone has some input. So I am posting the ...

9. Security taglib for JSF?    forum.springsource.org

Hello all! I'm new to AOP and am looking into the different frameworks to see what they offer. I wanted to know if the taglibs for JSP can be used with ...

10. Problem with acegi taglib    forum.springsource.org

I have a problem, using acegi taglib to protect some jsp fragments: following code on my jsp page page.jsp works fine if I open ...

11. Acegi and Spring 2.0 Form Taglib issue    forum.springsource.org

Acegi and Spring 2.0 Form Taglib issue I have exhausted my search prior to posting a new thread.... But, I have just integrated acegi into my application with very good success ...

12. Acegi Taglibs / Spring Training    forum.springsource.org

Acegi Taglibs / Spring Training Hello, I am disecting the Spring Training webapp in regards to acegi security. In the jsp pages there is a tag import like so: <%@ taglib ...

13. Acegi taglib and facelets    forum.springsource.org

I would like to use the taglib authz.tld with facelts. Does anybody know how to do this? How do I convert to the tld file to facelet-taglib? Is it necessary to ...

14. error with the and acegi    forum.springsource.org

Mar 26th, 2008, 06:17 PM #1 richard_lavoie View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Dec 2007 Posts 21 error with the and acegi Hi there, I'm ...

15. ACL TagLib in spring-security-acl ?    forum.springsource.org

Luke, Ben, et al, I need to implement some code using ACLs and I would like to use the newer classes, however, there doesn't seem to be a taglib implementation for ...

16. Using Spring Security Taglib with JSF/Facelets    forum.springsource.org

Using Spring Security Taglib with JSF/Facelets Hi, I'm trying to use acegijsf tags within my webapp (due to Spring Security Taglib issues with JSF) and I can't get them working fine, ...

17. Authentication object unavailable for security taglibs within OSGi    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I'm porting a web application to OSGi. One thing that worked easily before the porting was for example displaying the principal on the web page after the user logged in. ...

18. Spring Security different roles and security taglibs    forum.springsource.org

19. taglib? Conditional display of fields based on role    forum.springsource.org

I have spring security hooked up to a jsp web app. Is there a way to conditionally display jsp elements? For instance, a link or button that only gets displayed for ...

20. How do I make the Spring Security Taglib work?    forum.springsource.org

How do I make the Spring Security Taglib work? Hi! I'm using Spring Security and everything is working fine except for one thing, the security taglib. I have no clue why! ...

21. has Role granted taglib    forum.springsource.org

22. Spring Security Facelets Taglib: tags are irgnored    forum.springsource.org

Found a solution: http://spring-security-facelets-tagl...-1.2-spring-3/ My environment ist JSF 2.0 and Spring 3. But the taglib for JSF 2.0 won't work (see first post).

23. Security taglibs in jsp Tiles pages    forum.springsource.org

Hi, In my web app deployed on jboss 6 I use Spring 3 and Tiles 2.2.1. I'd like to add some spring -security(2.0.4) features. What I want to know is there ...

24. Access spring messages (ressource) within a custom taglib    forum.springsource.org

Access spring messages (ressource) within a custom taglib Hi guys, in order to have some 'modular' plugins in my spring mvc webpage, I was introducing some custom taglibs. I want to ...

25. Problem with war and Spring Security taglib    forum.springsource.org

Problem with war and Spring Security taglib I am using the tag in my layout to enable/disable menu options according to the user roles as follows Code:
