sql « Security « Spring Q&A

1. How do I prevent unauthorized users from deleting objects in my domain model?    stackoverflow.com

I got similar domain model

  • 1) User. Every user got many cities. @OneToMany(targetEntity=adv.domain.City.class...)
  • 2) City. Every city got many districts @OneToMany(targetEntity=adv.domain.Distinct.class)
  • 3) Distintc
My goal is to delete distinct when user press delete button ...

2. Is HTTP Basic Authentication in Spring security safe from SQL Injection    stackoverflow.com

I am using HTTP Basic Authentication in my Spring MVC project. Is Spring's authentication protected from SQL Injection? Can any expert provide a statement on this? Or provide links to a statement. ...

3. ms sql server authentication problem    forum.springsource.org

ms sql server authentication problem Can anyone help me figure out why my sql server authentication user gives me an login failed error but not my windows authentication user. I wrote ...

4. SQL generated by @Secured tag is incorrect for SQL Server    forum.springsource.org

SQL generated by @Secured tag is incorrect for SQL Server Hi everyone, This is my first post in Spring forums, and I am a beginner with Spring Security so any and ...

5. Non-standard SQL in Acegi Sec?    forum.springsource.org

Non-standard SQL in Acegi Sec? My client didn't want me using an ORDB, so I'm doing regular DAO to an Oracle database. I'm guessing the following issue would not exist if ...

6. There is a sql Exception when I access the contacts example    forum.springsource.org

hi,Ben When I use oracle as database, a sql Exception throws after click Login of contacts. I seach the forum,found the follow topic : http://forum.springframework.org/showthread.php?t=14180 My Exception as well as the ...

7. Sql schema with Acegi    forum.springsource.org

I have a sybase server. When I run the following SQL query, i get the following Error : Incorrect syntax near 'GENERATED'. Msg: 102, Level: 15, State: 1 The query im ...

8. Acegi ACL SQL Syntax error and proposed solution    forum.springsource.org

Acegi ACL SQL Syntax error and proposed solution I am attempting to implement domain object security using Acegi on MySql. I will also need to support other databases in the future. ...

9. Spring Security 2.0.4 Authentication SQL (UsersByUsernameQuery override)    forum.springsource.org

Spring Security 2.0.4 Authentication SQL (UsersByUsernameQuery override) There are several postings with questions regarding how to override the default DEF_USERS_BY_USERNAME_QUERY and related authentication SQL, which are in the class org.springframework.security.userdetails.jdbc.Jdbc DaoImpl ...

10. java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES    forum.springsource.org

java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES When i try to deploy my spring portal app on jetspeed i get the above error. I'm able to login using the ...

11. Spring Security: users-by-username-query SQL Statement problem    forum.springsource.org

Jul 13th, 2010, 11:18 AM #1 Lukem View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Jun 2010 Posts 33 Spring Security: users-by-username-query SQL Statement problem Hi Everyone, I work ...