ldap 1 « Security « Spring Q&A

1. Spring embedded ldap server in unit tests    stackoverflow.com

I am currently trying to use an embedded ldap server for unit tests. In Spring Security, you can quickly define an embedded ldap server for testing with the tag with some ...

2. How to do LDAP authentication and database Authorization in Spring security?    stackoverflow.com

I'm new to Spring, so this question may look like so obvious. I'm trying to implement Spring security and my requirement is to authenticate the user name/password against a LDAP server ...

3. How do I override the Grails Spring Security plugin for my LDAP-only security system?    stackoverflow.com

I have an existing Spring application with a Swing interface. It interfaces using Spring Security into an LDAP system, with no User table, no Role table, no security tables whatsoever. I ...

4. LDAP-authentication and local roles don't work    stackoverflow.com

authentication via LDAP works like a charm, however, when I assign a role to a user and secure a page in the requestmap (like /books/show/** and ROLE_USER) this only works for ...

5. Grails LDAP authentication failed    stackoverflow.com

I am developing a web app by using Grails and using Grails LDAP as my Authentication mechanism. However, i always get following error:

{Error 500: Cannot pass null or empty ...

6. How do i use "Remember Me" autentication with Spring Security and LDAP?    stackoverflow.com

I want to use a Spring Security's "Rememeber me" with LDAP autentication. LDAP autentication configuration is described here, I've just made some tiny changes. Could you explain to me how ...

7. Cannot use Spring LDAP with Spring Security    stackoverflow.com

I want to authenticate users against our AD so I understand that I need spring security and spring ldap. Here is what is in my POM:


8. How to manually query LDAP through Acegi's beans?    stackoverflow.com

I have an application using Acegi (earlier version of Spring Security) and LDAP for logins. Now, a specific scenario requires me to discover user's LDAP groups at arbitrary time (not at ...

9. Spring security ldap: no declaration can be found for element 'ldap-authentication-provider'    stackoverflow.com

Following the spring-security documentation: http://static.springsource.org/spring-security/site/docs/3.0.x/reference/ldap.html I am trying to set up ldap authentication (very simple - just need to know if a user is authenticated or not, no authorities ...

10. Spring security ldap authenticate first    stackoverflow.com

I have set up an ldap authentication using the following configuration. I just need to user to authenticate to the LDAP data store, then have their session get an authentication ...

11. Spring security custom principal bean    stackoverflow.com

I have a web application that is set up to use the default ldap server/authentication manager/authentication provider/user service. I have another DAO that already does majority of the work that ...

12. Auto-creating User details with Grails and LDAP    stackoverflow.com

I'm using the Acegi Security plugin for Grails, and authentication via LDAP. The application logs show that on login, we can authenticate the user and get their roles via LDAP, but the ...

13. Spring security custom ldap authentication provider    stackoverflow.com

I currently have my ldap authentication context set up like this:

    <ldap-server url="ldap://host/dn"

14. How to configure Spring Security PasswordComparisonAuthenticator    stackoverflow.com

I can bind to an embedded ldap server on my local machine with the following bean:

<b:bean id="secondLdapProvider" class="org.springframework.security.ldap.authentication.LdapAuthenticationProvider">
        <b:bean class="org.springframework.security.ldap.authentication.BindAuthenticator">

15. Spring Embedded Server    stackoverflow.com

Hey, I'm using spring 3.0.2 and ApacheDS 1.5.5 and I'm trying to run the embedded server using: The content of the user.s.ldif file is : dn: cn=The Postmaster,dc=example,dc=com objectClass: organizationalRole cn: The Postmaster But I always get ...

16. Spring Security LDAP user data caching on local database    stackoverflow.com

After asking: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3009740/ldap-user-data-caching-on-local-database I want to cache LDAP user data in the application local database to allow fast queries. How may I cache LDAP user data in the local database using Spring Security. ...

17. Spring LDAP 1.3.0 clarify    stackoverflow.com

I have this error, what does it mean?

org.springframework.ldap.NameNotFoundException: [LDAP: error code 32 - 0000208D: NameErr: DSID-031001A8, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT), data 0, best match of:
]; nested exception is ...

18. Spring security LDAP connection    stackoverflow.com

Hello i am new to spring.
I am trying to connect to ActiveDirectory from my server using Spring-security1.3.0 spring2.0.1.
I am using the documentation example (18.4.5)
I can see the ...

19. spring ldap outofmemory unable to create new native thread    stackoverflow.com

HTTP Status 500 - 


type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


javax.servlet.ServletException: Filter execution threw an exception

root cause 

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable ...

20. Manage special roles in ldap    stackoverflow.com

I have a web-app configured with spring security which gets users and roles from an ldap tree. I have a dn ou=User,dc=application for users and, for role, ou=Groups,dc=application . Every role is an ...

21. Spring ldap multiple group bases in authoritiespopulator    stackoverflow.com

Is there any way in Spring to set it up such that an authoritiespopulator will look in more than one location?

<bean id="authoritiesPopulator" class="org.springframework.security.ldap.populator.DefaultLdapAuthoritiesPopulator">
    <constructor-arg ref="contextSource" />

22. Authentication using LDAP against ADAM using spring security    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to get a Java app using spring-security to talk to a local ADAM instance that I have setup. I have successfully installed ADAM and setup as follows....

  • Instance running on ...

23. Grails / Spring Security LDAP: alternate check method    stackoverflow.com

I've been wondering if there's a way to configure Spring Security LDAP plugin to perform the authentication not in the standard way but as follows:

If one is able to connect and ...

24. How I can do the web application with SPRING-SECURITY 3.0 to authenticate/autorizate (with roles) in a ldap?    stackoverflow.com

Hi I have the application that need to authenticate / authorization (with roles) in a ldap weblogic v3. I'm using the Spring-Security version 3 . Next the code that I'm using for the ...

25. Spring Security LDAP - login problem (ProviderNotFoundException)    stackoverflow.com

I have problem with LDAP Spring Security, I'm trying to authorise against the LDAP server. I have the spring configuration xml file (security-config.xml) like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
 xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:sec="http://www.springframework.org/schema/security"
 xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans ...

26. Spring security ldap authenticate    stackoverflow.com

I have set up an ldap authentication using the following configuration. I just need to user to authenticate to the LDAP data store, then have their session get an authentication token. ...

27. how to Edit attribute in AD to bypass SSL    stackoverflow.com

how to set property to bypass SSL connection with AD 1) Use ldap_opt_encrypt to secure the connection 2) Disable this security requirement (via the 12th bit of dsHeuristics) can any one tell me ...

28. How do you configure Spring-Security-LDAP plugin in Grails to use TLS?    stackoverflow.com

Changing the authentication strategy to org.springframework.ldap.core.support.DefaultTlsDirContextAuthenticationStrategy may be the solution. But how/where do you configure that?

29. Spring LDAP Authentication (Automatic or not?)    stackoverflow.com

I read through the Spring LDAP reference docs and was unable to figure out whether user authentication against the LDAP server is automated or not. By "automated" I mean ...

30. How can I get plaintext password from spring-security?    stackoverflow.com

I use Grails + spring-security + LDAP to authenticate users. The authentication works now but I need the plain text password to authenticate a second service. I tried the SpringSecurityService properties but ...

31. Spring Security with LDAP and custom UserDetailsContextMapper    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to make Spring Security 3.05 to work with a modified UserDetailsContextMapper so that i can get a few more info out of LDAP they way i need to, ...

32. LdapAuthenticationProvider not checking if user is not active    stackoverflow.com

I can auth my website with either ldap or by looking in db using different spring security authentication providers. When i use the database auth, i use UserDetailsService, which correctly checks ...

33. Spring LDAP - bind for successfull connection    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to authenticate and then query our corporate LDAP using Spring LDAP and Spring security. I managed to make authentication work but when I attempt to run search I always ...

34. Grails Spring Security LDAP Plugin: Use LDAP for auth but only allow users stored in the database to login    stackoverflow.com

I have a table of usernames that map to LDAP usernames. What I want to do is to have a list of users or just usernames in a database and only ...

35. Gormless LDAP with Spring Security in Grails    stackoverflow.com

Here's my grails config for ldap

grails.plugins.springsecurity.ldap.context.managerDn = 'uid=admin,ou=system,dc=example,dc=com'
grails.plugins.springsecurity.ldap.context.managerPassword = 'secret'
grails.plugins.springsecurity.ldap.context.server = 'ldap://localhost:1389'
grails.plugins.springsecurity.ldap.authorities.groupSearchBase = 'ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com'
grails.plugins.springsecurity.ldap.search.base = 'dc=example,dc=com'

grails.plugins.springsecurity.ldap.authorities.retrieveDatabaseRoles = false

grails.plugins.springsecurity.providerNames=['ldapAuthProvider', 'anonymousAuthenticationProvider']
This is my log
DEBUG springsecurity.RequestHolderAuthenticationFilter  - Request is to process authentication
DEBUG authentication.ProviderManager ...

36. Spring 3, Spring Security, LDAP, How do I add roles to LDAP?    stackoverflow.com

Spring 3, Spring Security, LDAP, How do I add roles to LDAP; I changed my Spring 3 project that is using Spring Secuity to use LDAP from MySQL. The login ...

37. Trying to use Spring LDAP for coding    stackoverflow.com

Trying to use Spring LDAP for coding but this is my error NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/directory/server/core/DirectoryService

38. Spring Ldap security to autheticate in multiple domains    stackoverflow.com

   I have 3 ldap domains like 
i need a mechanism ...

39. Commentable plug-in with Spring Security LDAP    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to get the commentable plug-in running with the spring security framework ldap plugin from Burt Beckwith. I found a similar problem here. The only difference seems ...

40. spring-security : Using user's certificate to authenticate against LDAP    stackoverflow.com

I managed to authentify the user against the Ldap using the username found in the certificate. What I would like to obtain is to authentify the user using directly the certificate ...

41. Grails / Acegi, working with database and LDAP?    stackoverflow.com

We've been using Acegi for over 2 years on a Grails project. During that time, we've been storing all our users in the database, which works fine. However, as time changes, ...

42. How to make a ldap connection with remember-me in spring-security?    stackoverflow.com

I've made a ldap connection and a dao authentification to my grails app with success, but the rememberMe's option doesn't work (no cookie created), and I've got that error : I'm ...

43. Spring security 2.0.x UserDetailsContextMapper and Spring LDAP 1.2.0 AbstractContextMapper    stackoverflow.com

I am securing an application using spring security. As part of my configuration I can pass "OurUserDetailsContextMapper", which implements UserDetailsContextMapper, in to a userDetailsService to populate a UserDetails object with extra attributes ...

44. using spring-ldap with ssl    stackoverflow.com

I need to talk to an LDAP server via spring-ldap with SSL, and the other end has a self-signed certificate no less. Can any kind soul please point me to some ...

45. Spring security and ldap    stackoverflow.com

this is my first time trying spring security and ldap. I have couple of novice questions. My main confusions are:

  1. How do we assign roles to users? Is it done on ...

46. grails: spring-security and LDAP only    stackoverflow.com

I'm having the following error:

2011-06-27 17:23:57,241 [http-8080-1] DEBUG authentication.LdapAuthenticationProvider  - Processing authentication request for use
r: nvb0343
2011-06-27 17:23:57,241 [http-8080-1] DEBUG search.FilterBasedLdapUserSearch  - Searching for user 'xxxxxx', with user search [ ...

47. Grails Spring Security Configuration thru xml    stackoverflow.com

i am new at grails spring security, and i wanted to know if it is possible to enable/disable security of in my app thru an xml entry. rather than having grails.plugins.springsecurity.active = true I ...

48. Grails spring-security-ldap without user/role in databse    stackoverflow.com

I am looking for a Spring Security LDAP tuturial. The few tutorials i have found all seem to create a user/roles domain classes What i want is to use the controllers ect. but ...

49. How to handle user information with Spring Security, Spring LDAP, and Hibernate?    stackoverflow.com

I have an application built on Spring MVC that uses Hibernate for all of it's DB interaction needs. There is now a need to update the application to use our LDAP ...

50. How to use both database and LDAP authentication in Spring security?    stackoverflow.com

We have a Spring MVC application. We now have to integrate spring security in it. The authentication can be done using either database or using LDAP. We will a have a configuration ...

51. Spring Security LDAP Bind Authenticator Verifies Only First 8 Characters of a Password    stackoverflow.com

My web application uses Spring Security for authentication and authorisation. The authentication is pre-authenticated via a corporate SSO. However, as a fallback, the application uses a form based login for authentication otherwise. ...

52. How to get all users using ldap?    stackoverflow.com

I trying to use ldap && spring, and I have some questions. I need list of users and list of groups. What the query I should to use? I trying to use ...

53. How do I access the user's password from LDAP in a LdapUserDetailsMapper using spring security?    stackoverflow.com

We are using spring security in our web application based on spring MVC. We are doing authentication using LDAP module of spring security which is working properly. Now I need to ...

54. Spring security authentication using LDAP    stackoverflow.com

I am new to spring security and i've tried to run a sample application based on the spring-security ldap example. Below is my configuration of the applicationContext-security.xml:


55. Spring LDAP TLS / SSL Exception: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target    stackoverflow.com

Connecting to the LDAP server over TLS fails with the exception

org.springframework.ldap.UncategorizedLdapException: Failed to negotiate TLS session; nested exception is javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification ...

56. Spring Security - Retrieving Role of a User    stackoverflow.com

I am using OpenDS for Authentication of my Application. I am able to Authenticate the user successfully but not able get the roles of the user. The following is the configuration in ...

57. When to use spring ldap authentication    stackoverflow.com

i am new to spring security i read some articles about it, but couldn't find out when to use it. so i want to know when to use spring LDAP authentication and it would ...

58. Implement second layer of authentication in Spring Security    stackoverflow.com

In a Spring MVC application with Spring Security 3.0.2 I need to perform a secondary authentication (I can't think of a better wording) after standard authentication took place. This secondary authentication is ...

59. Grails: LDAP-Authentication with RememberMe-Functionality    stackoverflow.com

following scenario: I've an grails application. The Users gets authenticated via LDAP (using spring-security-ldap plugin). This works fine. But now, I want to use the 'rememberMe'-functionality of the spring-security-framework. So I created a ...

60. Using LDAP for Secure User Data with Spring?    stackoverflow.com

We're using the Spring Framework (Security, MVC, etc.) at my work for some new web applications where users will authenticate against LDAP and the main application datastore will be a MySQL ...

61. JAVA spring security with LDAP authentication    stackoverflow.com

My Task is using Spring security authentication with LDAP Autherization with database. Does anybody see any simple and good example ???

62. ActiveDirectory LDAP integration with Spring using searchbase, filter, user, password properties    stackoverflow.com

I'm a seasoned Java/Spring programmer with minimal knowledge of LDAP and I can follow Spring Security LDAP example app. My client has a legacy Java sample code that connects to LDAP ...

63. Problem with: How do I authenticate against LDAP but load user roles from a database    forum.springsource.org

Jan 12th, 2011, 01:01 PM #1 springredfire View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jan 2011 Posts 10 Problem with: How do I authenticate against LDAP but ...

64. LDAP: Cannot update a user alone in a groupOfNames based role    forum.springsource.org

LDAP: Cannot update a user alone in a groupOfNames based role Hello, we are using Spring Security 2.0.6 with an LDAP backend. Roles are of objectClass 'groupOfNames' which apparently requires at ...

65. spring-security LDAP    forum.springsource.org

spring-security LDAP hi, Someone can help me with the set up of Idap, Im experience many errors wich I cant resolve. initialDirContextFactory Code:

66. ldap Spring security authenticate on multiple values    forum.springsource.org

Hi! I guess I am not really sure what you mean, since you're talking about two different concepts. Authentication deals with user identification (is the user identifiable as a valid user). ...

67. ldap user-service authorization    forum.springsource.org

The user-service element is not intended for this (it creates an in memory mapping of users). If you want to customize the authorities looked up for Ldap based authentication, you can ...

68. Spring Security + Grails + LDAP    forum.springsource.org

Spring Security + Grails + LDAP Hi all! I hope to contribute in this community with my little knowledge. (I'm Spanish and my English is not very good, so sorry for ...

69. LDAP Authentication and Database Authentication for different urls.    forum.springsource.org

LDAP Authentication and Database Authentication for different urls. Hello, I have successfully implemented LDAP Authentication with Spring Security. I am using Spring Framework 3.0.5 But now I have a new requirement. ...

70. Multiple Authentication for Web and Webservices with LDAP    forum.springsource.org

Multiple Authentication for Web and Webservices with LDAP Hi, I been working on spring security since two days. I wanted to authenticate my web access /**/admin/*.jsp* to LdapServer1 and /**/services/**ServiceImpl (all ...

71. Spring-security + spring-ldap    forum.springsource.org

Spring-security + spring-ldap Hi, I can successfully obtain information from LDAP in my UnitTests. But when I run the webapp and I come to the point where I want to print ...

72. Auth using LDAP - Roles from database    forum.springsource.org

Auth using LDAP - Roles from database Hello: I'm learning Spring Security and I have a question. I have a web service which authenticates the user using the built-in LDAP password-compare ...

73. Error using LDAP Authentication with Microsoft ADAM    forum.springsource.org

Jun 6th, 2011, 09:20 AM #1 eborisow View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Feb 2007 Posts 3 Error using LDAP Authentication with Microsoft ADAM Hi, I ...

74. Spring-security UserDetailsContextMapper vs Spring-ldap AbstractContextMapper    forum.springsource.org

Spring-security UserDetailsContextMapper vs Spring-ldap AbstractContextMapper hello I am using spring-security 2.0.x and Spring-ldap 1.3.1, although I think the questioon also applied to spring-security 3 I am securing an application using spring ...

75. remember-me authentication with ldap    forum.springsource.org

Jun 20th, 2011, 08:13 AM #1 cowabunga1984 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2010 Posts 2 remember-me authentication with ldap Hi @ll, I try to ...

76. Mapping LDAP Roles to Application Roles    forum.springsource.org

Mapping LDAP Roles to Application Roles Hi, I'm using Spring Security 3.0.5 with LDAP authentication (Active Directory). Everything works fine. However I feel it's a bad practice to directly map the ...

77. Does spring security support multiple LDAP provider??    forum.springsource.org

Does spring security support multiple LDAP provider?? I have two LDAP servers like these: ldap://server1:389/DC=xxx,DC=xxx ldap://server2:389/DC=xxx,DC=xxx,DC=xxx I need to setup our spring security xml in a way that if the user ...

78. Recommendations for storing LDAP passwords?    forum.springsource.org

I was wondering if anyone had some recommendation when it comes to storing password in enterprise environments. When using Container managed security with LDAP, the password used to connect to LDAP ...

79. To make LDAP authentication work for multiple domains    forum.springsource.org

To make LDAP authentication work for multiple domains Hi All, I am using Spring Security 3.1.0 RC2 & Spring LDAP 1.3.1. I am trying to do LDAP authentication. I successfully configured ...

80. Login to Windows AD with Spring Security & LDAP    forum.springsource.org

Login to Windows AD with Spring Security & LDAP How to login to windows AD which requires domain name to be prefixed to the user name with a forward slash? This ...

82. Retrieving Groups from Opend DS -- Spring Security LDAP    forum.springsource.org

Retrieving Groups from Opend DS -- Spring Security LDAP Hi, I am using Spring Security LDAP in my application. I am able to validate the user but I am not able ...

83. Combine pre-authentication with LDAP for user details and authorities    forum.springsource.org

I was wondering if I can combine pre-authentication with LDAP for user details and authorities. I assume yes because Spring Security is prepared to handle a myriad of security infrastructures. Our ...

84. Multiple authentication provider (custom + ldap)    forum.springsource.org

Multiple authentication provider (custom + ldap) Hi, I would like to set up a multiple authentication provider to my website. When a user attempt to log in, the first authentication provider ...

85. Reuse password (encrypted) for second ldap authentication    forum.springsource.org

Reuse password (encrypted) for second ldap authentication Hi all I use Spring Security 3 to secure a webapp and some web services. My webapp is secured, and it calls my web ...

86. LDAP SwitchUserFilter: Access denied due to single ROLE_PREVIOUS_ADMINISTRATOR    forum.springsource.org

2011-11-01 11:21:37,714 DEBUG [org.springframework.security.access.hierarchicalro les.RoleHierarchyImpl] - CA1F20B7B07AB5F50630B3C176C342FD getReachableGrantedAuthorities() - From the roles [ROLE_PREVIOUS_ADMINISTRATOR] one can reach [ROLE_PREVIOUS_ADMINISTRATOR] in zero or more steps. 2011-11-01 11:21:37,715 DEBUG [org.springframework.security.access.vote.Affirmati veBased] - CA1F20B7B07AB5F50630B3C176C342FD ...

87. Acegi and ldap authentication    forum.springsource.org

It is still in the sandbox as unit testing an LDAP server is a bit of a challenge, especially on a Windows-only platform. Anyone know of a good approach? You'll need ...

88. Grails LDAP security - get password    forum.springsource.org

Grails LDAP security - get password How can I get the password entered on the login webform prior to posting the auth request to config.apf.filterProcessesUrl? From the LDAP example, there is ...

89. Spring security Open ldap issue    forum.springsource.org

Spring security Open ldap issue Hi, I am using Openldap,spring security 3.0.5,cas-server-support-ldap-3.4.8.jar. I am trying to do cas server authentication against open ldap. Once I get the DirContext object, I am ...

90. Acegi for LDAP    forum.springsource.org

Acegi for LDAP Hello Ben, I have used Acegi security for spring framework in my Web Project. It is very good. Currently user data is in Database so I had no ...

91. Authenticate/LDAP Authorize/RDBMS    forum.springsource.org

Our application needs to Authenticate against LDAP, but we probably won't get the permission we need to add our specific authorization needs in our LDAP tree. Is it possible with Acegi ...

92. Authorization against LDAP    forum.springsource.org

93. Getting Roles from People via LDAP    forum.springsource.org

Getting Roles from People via LDAP I try to login in my webapplication which I have secured with acegi. Here ist my LDAP config Entry: Code: ...

94. UnsupportedOperationException when authenticating a user with LDAP    forum.springsource.org

I'm having problems with the user authentication using ldap. As far as I can tell the admin bind works fine. However when I try to verify a normal username/password, I get ...

95. ldap + ssl    forum.springsource.org

Originally Posted by Luke It should. Have you tried it and found a problem? hm.. i wonder if it is ssl problem. simply, i have a user with dn: uid=umrzyk,ou=People,dc=local. that ...

96. LDAP + ROLE with dao    forum.springsource.org

Hello, I'm using asegi with spring/hibernate, and I have to configure a ldap (only for authentification (maybe password comparaison) but to get user role with a POJO mapped to database. Can ...

97. Using LDAP and database for authentication    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I am trying to use Acegi in my current project, I have a requirement of exposing the applicaton to external as well as internal users. The project proposes to use ...

98. Cross posting - ACEGI LDAP Problem    forum.springsource.org

Cross posting - ACEGI LDAP Problem Apologies for cross-posting. I did it because the core 1.2.8 will need to have this defect fixed. I have run into this exception while trying ...

99. LDAP Role retrieval problem    forum.springsource.org

LDAP Role retrieval problem ok, users are authenticated properly against Oracle Internet Directory (OID). But I can't seem to retrieve the proper roles for the user. I want to retrieve the ...

100. ldap roles populator using objectclass attributes    forum.springsource.org

ldap roles populator using objectclass attributes Hi, In the LDAP authentication examples, the user roles are fetched from the ldap server by searching the ou=groups,... DN and then checking if the ...