jersey « Security « Spring Q&A

1. Jersey, Spring, Tomcat and Security Annotations

I need to secure a simple jersey RESTful API in a Tomcat 6.0.24 container. I'd like to keep the authentication with Basic Authentication using the tomcat-users.xml file to define the users ...

2. Unable to retrieve security context from within Spring-Jersey

I am trying to retrieve a security context within my spring-jersey bean, however I keep getting Null authentication. When I run the same command from within my spring application it correctly ...

3. spring-security & jersey: no automatic redirection to the login site

I ran into the following problem using spring-security 3.0.3 with jersey 1.2: when i annotate my Jersey Resources with the @Secured or @PreAuthorize Annotations, spring-security does not autoredirect the user-agent to the ...

4. Java Spring Web App - Database Access Exception

Hi iv been struggling with this error for some time and really cant figure out why its occurring , i have a web application that uses springs simpleJdbctemplate to access a ...

5. Cannot integrate Spring Security BASIC Authentication into Jersey/JAX-RS and Tomcat

I am attempting to add BASIC authentication to a RESTful web service that I have created using Jersey/JAX-RS and Tomcat Apache 7.0. In the future I want to deploy this web ...

6. Jersey client filter thread safety

I am using a singleton instance of the jersey client configured through spring, with multiple threads that each set different authentication filters on the client. According to the docs

7. Jersey/REST Authentication/Authorization and ... business logic?

Jersey/REST Authentication/Authorization and ... business logic? Have an interesting situation that I personally haven't encountered with Spring before. On our team it is a debate as to whether this is Spring ...

8. Access object in Jersey

Ok, guys. is it possible to do so? Code: @GET @Produces("text/plain") @Consumes("application/xml') public String printme(WSAuth auth,OtherObject obj) { //Do validation stuff return "success"; } Since i am using XML as input ...

10. Unable to retrieve security context from within Spring-Jersey

Unable to retrieve security context from within Spring-Jersey Hello all, I am trying to retrieve a security context within my spring-jersey bean, however I keep getting Null authentication. When I run ...