captcha « Security « Spring Q&A

1. Integrating Captcha with Spring Security

What is appropriate way to integrate SpringSecurity with Capcha ? I have following use case : When user will tries to login, if we he failed to login N times, captcha will ...

2. Acegi/Spring Security Captcha force new captcha value

We are using Grails Acegi plugin 0.5.1 for authentication and also the Captcha functionality. On input validation errors, I would like to generate a new Captcha value. I am ...

3. Show captcha after three wrong attempts by the user

I am working on a application where at some places I need to introduce captcha if N number of attempts failed. These places can be signup, login, add to wishlist, subscribe ...

4. best captcha for spring?

Trying to implement captcha with spring framework. I'm searching to find a good one. Different users have different opinions. Any idea which works best with spring? What is the advantage of ...

5. Captcha in JSR Bean Validation in Spring

I'm thinking to implement a captcha validation and see if it's possible in JSR bean validation. Captcha library like SimpleCaptcha or Kaptcha would use session to store the captcha info when ...

6. ClassCastException when using captcha

ClassCastException when using captcha I wanted to use captcha functionality with acegi and configured my application context as follows (see below). But I get the following error whenever I call my ...

7. Captcha Concerns

Hi, I am using the captcha filters to secure pages in my site. All is well, except that the CaptchaValidationProcessingFilter continues the filter chain if the validation fails. Is this expected, ...

8. Need a guide to implement Captcha Support

Need a guide to implement Captcha Support Hi all, I'm a newbie in acegi-spring and so far I'm impressed with the elegance of both. Most of the time existing examples help ...

9. logoutFilter and captcha error

Hi, I'm having problems when using logoutFilter and captcha support together. The problem seems to be that when SecurityContextLogoutHandler clears the context, it changes the required CaptchaSecurityContextImpl by a standard SecurityContextImpl. ...

10. integration of acegi+spring +captcha

integration of acegi+spring +captcha hai, any one can help me. thanks for all the person who look at thisproblem. i am integrating acei+captcha+spring. I have followed the weblog.morosystems site, suggested by ...

11. Captcha Help

Specifically using Spring? I've recently integrated a captcha from the ZK Ajax toolkit which was painless but it required extra libraries to be included into the application. An alternative is to ...

12. Spring Security 2.0 and captcha

Spring Security 2.0 and captcha Hello, I am developing some web application, that needs to be secured with CAPTCHA. Additionally I am using Spring Security 2.0.0. I have found that Acegi ...

13. captcha dependency on com.sun.image.code.jpeg* in osgi

captcha dependency on com.sun.image.code.jpeg* in osgi Hello, I am trying to deploy the simplecaptcha servlet with my spring web module in spring source ap. When I try to deploy it, it ...

14. Spring Authentication with CAPTCHA

15. Spring 3 library related to Captcha support

Spring 3 library related to Captcha support When I was using the 1.0.7 version of the acegi security, there were classes related to captcha, such as: org.acegisecurity.captcha.CaptchaEntryPoint org.acegisecurity.captcha.TestOnceAfterMaxRequests CaptchaChannelProcessor org.acegisecurity.captcha.AlwaysTestAfterTimeInMil lisCaptchaChannelProcessor ...