Authentication being called twice Hello, I have implemented AuthenticationProvider to write my custom authentication logic. It is getting invoked. But the problem is, autehnticate() gets called twice. I am not able ...
What's the best way to do authentication in ssh? struts2 +spring 3+hibernate. Now I wanna do login authentication over some protected resource, page or action. That being said, the page will ...
Hi, I'm using typical Spring Security configuration. Everything works fine, but I'd like to manually request authentication by throwing AccessDeniedException in handleRequest method (in any AbstractController instance). As you know my ...
hi, I was able to use spring security 3.0.2 and use
We have a hidden login form on the most of pages. It will show up when a user click the signin link. We also have a login page for the situation ...
ActiveDirectory authentication Hello all i have a webapp which is currently usign LDAP for authenticating our users. At the moment i am using a LdapAuthenticationProvider along with ldap.authenticator.BindAuthenticator (and a user ...