applicationContext « Security « Spring Q&A

1. How can I access the ApplicationContext from within a JAX-WS web service?

Similar to How can I access the ServletContext from within a JAX-WS web service?, is there a way to access applicationContext, easier than this?

import javax.annotation.Resource;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;

import org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext;
import ...

2. how to add filterclass into applicationContext?

I have a filterclass that i normally will put in web.xml. may i know how to specify it inside spring applicationcontext so that i able to use spring features in ...

3. spring security : Failed to load ApplicationContext with pre-post-annotations="enabled"

I am using spring 3.0.1 + spring-security 3.0.2 and I am trying to use features like @PreAuthorize and @PostFilter annotations. When running in units tests using @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) or in a main(String[] args) ...

4. Spring security using JPA. How to configure applicationContext-security.XML file?(using DaoAuthenticationProvider)

I was using JDBC Authentication service for my security. code of authentication provider is ,

    <jdbc-user-service id="userDetailsService" data-source-ref="dataSource" />
And for data source,
<bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource" >
  <property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" ...

5. Possible to access java variable in ApplicationContext.xml?

We're using the Springframework. Is it possible to access an existing variable from a java class in ApplicationContext.xml? For instance, we have a class with a threadnumber which is initialized on 5. ...

6. Spring MVC 3, applicationContext.xml

What's wrong with the below config file. Its the applicationContex.xml give a syntext error.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

7. Is Application Context in Spring Framework user specific or application specific?

Is application context you load from .xml file is user specific level or application level, like context is once loaded for all the user? or every user has separate application context? while ...

8. spring context.refresh() and concurrent access

I am planning to use spring as a configuration service for our enterprise application. This part has been well documented in spring reference guide and other blogs. Basically using a property ...

9. How do I access a property via the ApplicationContext

When a properties file is used in a Spring ApplicationContext, its properties may be accessed in this manner: ${someproperty} inside your xml configuration files. But how do you access the same ...

10. How to access beans from the applicationContext.xml in my service layer.

How to access beans from the applicationContext.xml in my service layer. I am working on a Spring Web MVC project and that issue is that my service layer needs a URL, User ...

11. dispatcher-servlet.xml vs applicationContext-security.xml

I have a Java Spring MVC Project and at the service level I had a object needs some config information like user name, hostname and password. Originally, I put the ...

12. Need access to ApplicationContext from outside of Views

Need access to ApplicationContext from outside of Views I'm in the middle of porting an application to spring rich (and spring) and have places in my code, where I would like ...

14. LDAP integration in applicationContext-Security.xml

LDAP integration in applicationContext-Security.xml How to login to windows AD which requires domain name to be prefixed to the user name with a forward slash? This is the configuration I use ...

15. Configuration Error at applicationContext-security.xml file

Configuration Error at applicationContext-security.xml file Hi, M getting error in applicationContext-security.xml file.. it shows dat Code: Multiple annotations found at this line: - Configuration problem: spring-security-web classes are not available. You ...

16. applicationContext-security - wrong redirections.

applicationContext-security - wrong redirections. Hey There, I would appreciate your assistance. I've deployed my application on Tomcat5.5, configured it to work against Apache via this: ProxyPassMatch ajp://localhost:8009/$1 The ...

17. How to access beans from the applicationContext-.xml in my service layer

How to access beans from the applicationContext-.xml in my service layer How to access beans from the applicationContext-.xml in my service layer. I am working on a Spring Web MVC project ...

18. dispatcher-servlet.xml vs applicationContext-security.xml

dispatcher-servlet.xml vs applicationContext-security.xml dispatcher-servlet.xml vs applicationContext-security.xml I have a Java Spring MVC Project and at the service level I had a object needs some config information like user name, hostname and ...

19. Singleton required for global access to ApplicationContext?

Is there a mechanism in Spring to provide global access to a single ApplicationContext object.? As far as I can tell you have to either write your own Singleton to hold ...

20. Access ApplicationContext created by ContextLoaderListener

I am looking for the technique / code to access the ApplicationContext object created by the ContextLoaderListener. Code: org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener I want to be able to reference the ApplicationContext like ...

21. Access ApplicationContext loaded by Listener

Access ApplicationContext loaded by Listener Hi, Anyone known how to load the applicationContext accessing to Listener? The example: I've a listener that load the application context in web.xml contextConfigLocation /WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml ...

22. ApplicationContext access from standard servlet

How do I get access to the ApplicationContext using a standard Servlet mapped in web.xml? I want to try using the JSR223 RI to get PHP working inside of java, and ...

23. access to applicationcontext in DatasetProducer(jfreechart)

hi! how i get a reference to my WebApplicationContext in a class implements datasetProducer? I have no access to servletContext outside my struts actions. I use struts with (contextLoaderPlugIn/ActionSupport for my ...

24. Need access to Spring ApplicationContext from EL function

Need access to Spring ApplicationContext from EL function I need to develop a JSP EL function for a web application I am working on. This function needs to be able to ...

25. ApplicationContext awarness of current user

ApplicationContext awarness of current user Pretty new to the framework. I'm trying to use it to build a simple web application, and I'm at the point where I try to design ...

26. where to put 'applicationContext.xml' for access from SLSB+DAO (using JBoss3)

In the manual, there is a section which talks about 'Using Spring convenience EJB implementation classes' i.e. section 17.2. I understand that the abstract class provides convenience methods but my question ...

27. Access Spring Bean from applicationContext

Which session factory? Hibernate? You can retrieve an actual FactoryBean by doing an ApplicationContext.getBean("&" + beanName). The prefix indicates you want the factory itself, instead of the Object it will create. ...

28. Access to applicationContext

Hi everybody, this is my problem: i have configured my spring web app, when i take access my applicationContext(configured by WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml) from a local method(for example from a static void main(...)) ...

29. access to ${webapp.root} in applicationContext.xml

access to ${webapp.root} in applicationContext.xml Hi all, Does anyone know how to gain access to property ${webapp.root} declaratively in file applicationContext.xml. In reference documentation, chapter, the following example is found: ...

30. Separate Authentication for other ApplicationContext

Separate Authentication for other ApplicationContext Hi, I have a web app which uses acegi. This web app calls a services which uses acegi too. This service is loaded by an extra ...

31. Access of ApplicationContext outside of Spring

Access of ApplicationContext outside of Spring In order to access my ApplicationContext from a non-spring object I have created a ApplicationContextHolder with a ThreadLocal variable which holds the applicationContext and creates ...

32. Passing password parameter from the UI to ApplicationContext.xml

Passing password parameter from the UI to ApplicationContext.xml Hi All, I have to read the username,pwd and url from the UI to the ApplicationContext file. When the user provides these details ...

33. Access extern applicationContext into web application

Hello, I want to add web application context in my web app, the application context is stored into an external jar wich contains hibernate DAO classes and confi files. I have ...

34. Samples Tutorial applicationContext-security.xml results in XML errors

Samples Tutorial applicationContext-security.xml results in XML errors I am using the samples Tutorial applicationContext-security.xml which gives following error at each & every tag definition Code: Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching ...

35. ApplicationContext Access Pattern

ApplicationContext Access Pattern Hi Folks, Is there a standardized pattern for accessing a single ApplicationContext in an application. Let's say I want to provide an API for creating Receiver objects interact ...

36. Variables in applicationContext-security.xml

Variables in applicationContext-security.xml I am going to have multiple websites tie in with my web-app. The username and password (as well as other information) will be pulled from various databases (depending ...

37. Cannot use the custom tag in applicationContext-acegi-security.xml

Cannot use the custom tag in applicationContext-acegi-security.xml Hi, This may be a silly question but I am extremely new to Spring security ...please bare with me.. I am implemting the TargetUrlResolver ...

38. Password Encoder SHA in applicationContext-security.xml

Password Encoder SHA in applicationContext-security.xml Hi I cannot login using Password Encoder SHA. Error: Code: DEBUG ( - Updated SecurityContextHolder to contain null Authentication DEBUG ( - Authentication request failed: ...

39. How to correctly access ApplicationContext after it's been initialized?

I'm quite new to Spring so sorry for the stupid question. For test purposes i've initialized by beans in the following way: public static void main(String[] args) { Code: ApplicationContext context ...

40. Sharing bean(s) between applicationContext-security.xml and dispatcher-servlet.xml

Sharing bean(s) between applicationContext-security.xml and dispatcher-servlet.xml Hello, I'm incorporating Spring Security into my application. My web.xml contains another contextConfigLocation called /WEB-INF/applicationContext-security.xml. I have an existing xml configuration for my dispatcher servlet: ...

41. Editing ApplicationContext-security.xml amatuer question

Editing ApplicationContext-security.xml amatuer question I recently setup JasperServer and embedded its services into my web application via its HTTP API. I want to disable or change the passwordEncoder type bean to ...

42. Error in applicationContext-security.xml

When I run the "security setup" command for the "clinic" app I get the following error in Eclipse STS. Any help is appreciated. I am enclosing the XML file. Description Resource ...

43. New release 2.3.1 caused error in applicationContext-security.xml

The specific error is "Static factory method 'createSingleAttributeList' with 1 arguments not found in factory bean class ' g' " It occurs whenever one introduces a "" element within the ...

44. Error in applicationContext-security.xml after security setup

After setting up security via Roo command 'security setup' i get the following error in applicationContext-security.xml Static factory method 'createSingleAttributeList' with 1 arguments ...

45. add single session config in applicationContext-security.xml

add single session config in applicationContext-security.xml I am using applicationContext-security.xml. I want to add some config param so that each user can only log in once. I found a config example ...

46. Problems with the applicationContext-security.xml

Problems with the applicationContext-security.xml Hello! I have a problem with the applicationContext-security.xml! I attached seven users with different roles in this file. These roles have different access rights for many different ...

47. testing applicationContext-security.xml before starting server

I love Spring and am learning more and more about Spring security, which I like as well. One issue that I encounter with both is when I make a small change ...