access 3 « Security « Spring Q&A

1. can not data access

can not data access my working env.-hibernate 3.2 , spring 2.5 ,jsf 1.1 ,create data access using Hibernate reverse engineering I have a problem with Login page. after submitting, there is ...

2. Access private member of a class from the advice ?

If you use AspectJ weaver, you can declare your aspect as 'privileged'. Such an aspect may access private members. If you use Spring AOP, then you may be able to use ...

3. Nested access with MapSqlParameterSource

Nested access with MapSqlParameterSource Hi All, I was wondering if there was a way to use the MapSqlParamaterSource class with the NamedParameterJdbcTemplate to retrieve nested properties of Objects from a SqlparameterSource. ...

4. Which Data Access Technology Should I Select?

Which Technology Should I Select? Dear friends, First of all, I excuse for my poor English. I am new with Java EE and also Spring. Some of my friends and me ...

5. unauthenticated access to spring

unauthenticated access to spring I have a design question to ask. I have an appfuse web app (basic-spring mvc-hibernate) which takes in form data from an external source like an external ...

6. access an @RequestMapping handler at runtime

access an @RequestMapping handler at runtime Hi, I would like to know if there is a way to retrieve a handler based on its requestmapping at runtime ; suppose i have ...

7. Quartz Scheduling and Data Access

Quartz Scheduling and Data Access I have set up a quartz trigger using spring that calls a class that implements QuartzJobBean and runs the executable method. The class also has references ...

8. data access object is null in the action class

data access object is null in the action class Hello every one, I am in big trouble please help me, Its very urgent. I have to fix it by tonight. I ...

9. Consolidated update site - Access denied!

Hi, Just tried browsing the consolidated update site advertised in this article: The URL quoted there is: This redirects to the following: which gives me an xml doc ...

10. 403 - Access is denied after authenticating

403 - Access is denied after authenticating Greetings I'm trying to update an existing app to SpringSecurity 2.0.5 from older version of Acegi. I started out with the hard-coded example details ...

11. Access Stored PRocedure using JDBCTemplate and StoredProc class

Access Stored PRocedure using JDBCTemplate and StoredProc class hi , we have stored procedure to get all columns of table. Due to project constraints, we dont use hibernate nor put sqls ...

13. direct access to the icons - how protect?

Impossible. For a web browser to be able to display an image it must be able to retrieve it. If the web browser can retrieve it then so can anyone making ...

14. Getting access to ServletContext from the Service layer

I'm looking for advice on how to provide access to the ServletContext in the Service layer. To be precise, I need to have access to a few informations given by the ...

15. Using ServiceTracker To Access ConfigurableApplicationContext service

Using ServiceTracker To Access ConfigurableApplicationContext service Hello, I'm creating an Eclipse RCP application that uses two Spring DM powered bundles. Each bundle exposes one or more beans as OSGI services. This ...

16. Access timeout by getJdbcTemplate()

Access timeout by getJdbcTemplate() I use the JdbcDaoSupport to connect to access the database. The WAR file is deployed on Tomcat-Server. The datasource definition looks as follow: Code: ...

17. getenv.* : Access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission getenv.*)

getenv.* : Access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission getenv.*) I get the following error. Upon investigation, I found that org.springframework.context-3.0.0.RC1.jar, calls System.getProperties() and System.getenv() to initialize SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_BEAN_NAME & SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_BEAN_NAME. Both these calls raises exceptions ...

18. Allowing access by reauthentication

Allowing access by reauthentication Hello all, I want to ask a Spring Security question; here's the scenario: Some very important user logs in a spring-security based application. This user has access ...

19. Blocking access to views with in a flow?

Blocking access to views with in a flow? Im trying to implement a wizardformcontroller like flow which consists of a sequence of 3 pages using spring 3.0 annotated controllers. Pages are: ...

20. Custom Access Decision Voter Not Being Called.

Jan 15th, 2010, 07:01 AM #1 raja_s_patil View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Jan 2009 Posts 56 Custom Access Decision Voter Not Being Called. Hi, I am ...

21. Problem defining an access decision manager with a custom voter

Problem defining an access decision manager with a custom voter Hello, Im trying to implement a custom access decision manager similar to all the examples out there, by implementing my own ...

22. Configuring Access Decision Voters

Configuring Access Decision Voters Hi, I am learning Spring, spring-security. I am trying out access decision voters my config is as follows ...

23. Access is Denied for Granted User

Hello. I wrote extremely simpmle method: Code: public String read(String input) { GrantedAuthority[] authorities = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getAuthorities(); for(GrantedAuthority authority : authorities) { System.out.println("authority: " + authority.getAuthority()); } return input; } After login ...

24. Howt to access "thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart"??

In an pure aspectj environment, thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart object is instantly available in any advice. But I am currently working in spring-aspectj+load-time-weaving only environment. How do I access this object from a standard ...

25. How to Access Spring's Internal FilterInvocationDefinitionSource

How to Access Spring's Internal FilterInvocationDefinitionSource Hello all. In our application, I have a bean that is injected with some URL's (e.g. /, /url1, etc.). I have the need to programmatically ...

26. Access httpservletrequest in spring advice

Hi, I am using CXF for my restful service and spring for DI. In a security advice, I need to get hold of the httpservletrequest in order to retrieve user info ...

27. composite id's access ?

28. Access to RAW payload(before unmarshalling) in AbstractMarshallingPayloadEndpoint

Access to RAW payload(before unmarshalling) in AbstractMarshallingPayloadEndpoint In my specific use case I would like to get access to the RAW payload before/after the unmarshalling is done specifically when using AbstractMarshallingPayloadEndpoint. ...

29. Problem with Data Access with SimpleJdbcCall

Problem with Data Access with SimpleJdbcCall hi I'm using SimpleJdbcCall to call a stored Procedure MySQL, here is the code for this : package com.shemsit.spring.jdbc; import java.util.Map; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.MapSqlPar ...

30. How to access by order-Field?

Hi! I have two entities: Exercise and Task. On the Exercise side: Code: @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "exercise") private Set tasks = new HashSet(); On the Task side: Code: @NotNull ...

31. Access to JobParameters in ChunkListener

ChunkListener is a simple interface just providing two simple beforeChunk() and afterChunk() methods. How can I access JobParameters, ChunkContext, etc in my ChunkListener ? More specifically, I need to set some ...

32. access the original AppContext

I would like to access the app context instance that is created by the ContextLoadListener. I know it is possible. Because, the dispatcher servlet does this. If you have your servlet ...

33. Cannot access

Since yesterday I am trying to access, but my browser always tells me the connection was reset. I tried it from different locations and computers, but the result is always ...

34. Access to static files inside Jar file

HI, I need to provide a web acess to folders and statics files (html, js, css) packaged into a Jar files (saved on /WEB-iNF/lib) Does somebody know a way to create ...

35. Access Connection object in StoredProcedure class

Our DAO extends StoredProcedure class (Spring 2.5.6) to call stored procedures with output parameters and functions. We need to access underlying connection object from within our DAO before spring closes the ...

36. How might one get access to the JOB_EXECUTION_ID in onWriteError?

How might one get access to the JOB_EXECUTION_ID in onWriteError? Hi, I have an "public class ErrorClassifyingStepListener extends StepListenerSupport" I use on all my steps to map Exceptions to different ...

37. Strange File access problem in spring batch

Strange File access problem in spring batch Hi friends, I am using 2.1.0.release spring batch version and facing problem while reading from a flat file. Scenario is, in first step m ...

38. Data access failure

Jun 15th, 2010, 05:00 AM #1 techbrainless View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jun 2010 Posts 8 Data access failure Hi All, I just have started ...

39. how do we access the samples using svn?

40. No access to getParameterTypes() on Signature

Jul 8th, 2010, 10:39 PM #1 monster910 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jul 2010 Location Chicago, IL Posts 9 No access to getParameterTypes() on Signature ...

41. Access the step commit interval for display purposes

Access the step commit interval for display purposes Hi, We have a workbench application for all our Spring batch jobs and in the overview we display job execution output, e.g. commitCount, ...

42. How to access StepExecutionContext from the reader

I have a requirement to store the data read in the reader in the job execution context so that it is accessible to the other steps. Is it possible to access ...

43. JS parameter access

First I don't think you mean to use the hash (#) symbol in your URL. In any case, you have a couple options. You can pass the parameter as a query ...

44. How to access an instance loaded by the other classloader except using reflection?

An instance which is loaded by the other classloader, how can we access it without ClassCastException being thrown? As far as I know, we can use reflection.But it seems that using ...

45. How do I access application scope in my configuration Java file?

Hi, I'm using Spring 3. I have a class that deals with application context items. My question is, how do I access the application scope from this class ? Code: @Configuration ...

46. I want to access two datasources in my spring application. How could I do this??

I want to access two datasources in my spring application. How could I do this?? I have two databases (1) Informix (2) Oracle. I have created two data-sources by using weblogic ...

47. Help! Having difficulty with Data Access in persistense.

Help! Having difficulty with Data Access in persistense. Hi there! Been stuck for a few hours now hoping someone could be of assistance. Let's say I have a TABLE A ID ...

48. Getting access to TemporaryReplyChannel

Getting access to TemporaryReplyChannel In my application, which is a webservice request / response type, I want to handle the exception thrown during the flow, just before sending the response. The ...

49. unable access to SVN once install STS to Helios

Once I installed the STS to eclipse Helios, I'm no longer able to access to SVN. The error message indicate that Proxy Authentication Required. If I uninstall the STS, then SVN ...

50. Access is denied (user is not anonymous); delegating to AccessDeniedHandler

Access is denied (user is not anonymous); delegating to AccessDeniedHandler Good night, I am trying to use the spring security for to authenticate in weblogic ldap, but is occur the follow ...

52. ResourceUtils to access file in external JAR

ResourceUtils to access file in external JAR Hi, I'm new to the forum and to Spring, so first of all hi and thanks for your patience :P My question is simple, ...

53. Multiple data access objects?

Multiple data access objects? I'm introducing Spring gently into an existing webapp, and am trying to get my head around certain aspects of it. I've read tutorials showing the creation and ...

54. When using JdbcTemplate, how do I access the connection?

When using JdbcTemplate, how do I access the connection? In an EJB app, I'm using JdbcTemplate to simplify some of the SQL coding I must do. Basically, I've got a session ...

55. Give access to more than one group

TomBlank, That is the correct usage of the authorize tag for your requirement. I wonder if there is a typo and role names are supposed to be ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR, ROLE_OWNER (use a ...

56. Access is denied (user is anonymous)

Access is denied (user is anonymous) Hi every one i have some problem please help me this is part of my spring security xml

57. Audit Trail for Data Access in Spring

I would like to ask if there is any generic audit trail to the data access in the JDOInterceptor/HibernateInterceptor or in Spring? If not, besides the use of the database trigger, ...

58. No Access to Spring IDE update site

Hi, I am trying to download the Spring IDE plugin for eclipse. I tried several links for the update site but NONE did work. Is there any possibility to install the ...