Template « Security « Spring Q&A

1. How can I access a Velocity template from a sub-subdirectory?    stackoverflow.com

I have a velocity template rendering VXML that is located at

then, in that template, I am forwarding to:
<submit next="#springUrl('/billing/billingQuestions/billingQuestionsMenuOption1.vxml')" />
Now in my Controller, I have a mapped method:
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String ...

2. How access size of an array/collection in velocity templates?    stackoverflow.com

I am using velocity for email templates in my java/spring 3 app, and was wondering how i can get the size of an arraylist added to the model from within the ...

3. Spring Rest Template with OAUTH    stackoverflow.com

My controller layer is wrapped with spring oauth2. I am writing integration test to test the api calls to controller. So i decided to use RestTemplate. Following are commands i use ...

4. security jsptaglibs in velocity templates?    forum.springsource.org

Can someone please guide me to use JSPTagLibs in velocity templates. I need to use the security tag lib in velocity templates. I see that it is possible with freemarker. Can ...

5. How to access Query parameters from Hibernate Template ?    forum.springsource.org

The HibernateTemplate is a helper class for reduce the coding (ex load, update, ex.) but if you whant use particular Hibernate function you should use HibernateCallback that exposed a session refer... ...

6. How the velocity template access a method in java    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I would like to know how the velocity engine access the methods for example $appxxx= $application.getxxxx() Here how the getxxxx() is invoked and how the application is considered as a ...

7. How do I get my freemarker templates to have access to the errors?    forum.springsource.org

I'm having a problem getting the errors in my freemarker scripts. I'm sure I just have to expose them in some way. Do I use an interceptor, or is there a ...

8. Plugin or template/example project with built-in out-of-the-box User Management    forum.springsource.org

I know, Roo ist pretty straight forward and I could implement a User Management functionality by myself. But is there a plugin or a template/example project where a User Management functionality ...