OpenID « Security « Spring Q&A

1. multiple security:custom-authentication-provider

In applicationContext.xml, it is valid to defined mmultiple security:custom-authentication-provider ? for example

<bean id="dummyAuthenticationProvider" class=""> <security:custom-authentication-provider ...

2. Using OpenID (RPX) (and maybe OAuth) for a RESTful web service

How would you combine OpenID with a RESTful web service? The personal project I'm working on is using the RPX SaaS to do OpenID. The key result of this is URL describing ...

3. How do I handle user logins with Spring MVC?

I'm using Spring MVC for a web app. I want to use OpenID for my application, but I'm just wondering of what a good way to handle authentication in general ...

4. Use OpenID Selector with Spring Security

How do I use an interface like for OpenID log in with Spring Security?

5. Getting the OpenID URL from a Grails Controller/Service

I'm using acegi 0.5.2 and enabled OpenID support. I would like to know how to accesss the URL (or username) returned by a provider (i.e. Google, Yahoo!). I can't find any ...

6. How do I specify Open ID Realm in spring security?

We are using Spring security in our application with support for username / password based authentication as well as Open id based authentication. The issue is that google gives a different open ...

7. OpenId authentication and automatic registration with Spring Security 3.0.2

I'm implementing an app using spring security 3.0.2 with OpenId login and registration. I can login succesfully, but if the user isn't registered i want to do: 1) Get some OpenId attributes like ...

8. Spring Security with OpenId Checkin for isAccountNonLocked

I have an application that is using Spring Security 3.0.3 and OpenID as its main authentication provider. I am curious as to why in my UserDetails Object the "isAccoutNonLocked" method is ...

9. Is existed Authentication and Authorization frmeworks for Java that support openId (except Spring security)?

Actually I am interested in Java AA framework that supports many types of A&A. I found that exist JAAS, but don't fond any information about OpenId support. Maybe there exists a module ...

10. Is there a Spring Security OpenId Registration like stackoverflow?

I cannot find a complete example anywhere of a Spring Security Web App with Open Id registration similar to stackoverflows. I would say I'm pretty techy guy but I find Spring ...

11. How to provide openId login to wicket app?

I am looking for a tutorial/guide or sample app. I would prefer something standards based, ideally something using Spring Security.

12. OpenId with Spring Security useful link?

Can any one give me useful link of tutorial for using Spring Security with OpenID?

13. Spring MVC 3 and open id Authentication: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient.getParams()

I'm trying to create open id authentication to my web application. And i'm getting

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient.getParams()Lorg/apache/commons/httpclient/params/HttpClientParams;
error on start up. But i have already add dependency of commons-httpclient 3.1 Here is ...

14. JS openID selector for DOJO

I've found openid selector which supports with jQuery, MooTools and prototype. Is there anything similar, compatible with DOJO or can I make it work with DOJO somehow? I'm planning ...

15. NPE in Spring Security OpenID Plugin bootstrap

I'm attempting to use the Spring Security OpenID plugin in grails. I used the supplied scripts to generate the various classes and I have the following in my Config.groovy:

grails.plugins.springsecurity.userLookup.userDomainClassName = ...

16. Register while login with openid spring security

I have followed this demo implementing login using spring security and openid. I am successful implementing it, But using spring security I have to provide the user details in the ...

17. OpenId attribute Exchange is not working (Spring Security)?

My Security-config.xml has following lines to provide support for openId and request two attributes (name,email) from OpenId Providers...later I will use these(and few more) attributes in more useful manner.


18. How to supply multiple URIs as type value during attribute exchange inside tag in security-context.xml?

I am using Spring Security 3.0.5 to provide the authentication and authorization in the web site I am working on... for accessing email attribute I have defined as follows... <security:openid-attribute name="email" ...

19. OpenId attribute exchange is not working for yahoo?

I am using Spring Security 3.0.5 for providing openid support to my web site. I have written following code in my Spring-Security.xml <security:attribute-exchange> ...

20. Spring Security with Openid and Database Integration

I am very new to Spring and Spring Security, and hoping someone can help me to solve the following problem. What I want to achieve is to extract user's username and email ...

21. Spring Security OpenID access login page hidden form input value using CustomOpenIDAuthenticationFilter

According to the API, The OpenID authentication involves two stages:

  • Submission of OpenID identity
  • Processing the Redirect from the OpenID Server
  • My task is to capture the first stage and extract the extra ...

    22. How to carry a string value during the authentication using Spring security OpenID

    I have been working on this for several days, and hope someone can help me. There are three requirements for the authentication processing.

    1. Authentication using OpenID, login page is login.jsp. After login is ...

    23. Best place for get email when user use openid login

    I'm developing some site with openid auth. For openid auth I use standarts spring security filter and provider:, And for create user I use my custom UserDetailsService. So question is where's the best ...

    24. Spring security openid attribute exchange list

    Can anyone provide a list of attribute exchange for AOL, myopenID and openID? I am using the JQuery Simple OpenID Selector and Spring security for my webapp login, the JQuery Simple OpenID ...

    25. spring security with openid failure handler

    When are you expecting it to be called? Can you please describe in some detail how you think this should work? Please supply logs if you have them.

    26. Spring security OpenId plugin

    Spring security OpenId plugin I want to change the way OpenId authentication is done in the Spring Security Core OpenId plugin. Basically I want to do some customization in OpenIdUserDetailsService. What ...

    27. OpenID with Javascript OpenID Selector

    28. Basic Authentication with OpenID Authentication

    Basic Authentication with OpenID Authentication Hello, First, my apologies if this question has already been answered. I just registered. I did a search and didn't find any thing relating to my ...

    29. site logout does not release openid session

    site logout does not release openid session I am using form auth with a simple all-defaults . When I log out with /j_spring_security_logout, I lose my site principal as expected, ...

    30. conditional remember-me w/ openid

    conditional remember-me w/ openid The openid sample app has remember-me configured, but has no checkbox for it on the login chooser page. I guess that this means that remember-me is always ...

    31. no openid attrs from Yahoo

    no openid attrs from Yahoo The sample openid app (from Git master tip) does not retrieve any attributes from AOL. It doesn't retrieve any attributes from AOL or Wordpress either, but ...

    32. suggestions for limiting openid providers

    suggestions for limiting openid providers It seems that mapping to provider URLs is done automatically by openid-selector. Consequently, I believe that by just manipulating JavaScript or even HTML, the end user ...

    33. how to set openid realm

    how to set openid realm I'm getting ready to give up on using Spring Security + openid for a real web app. Basic adjustments which seem to be supported looking at ...

    34. need help with declarative openid customizations

    Apr 1st, 2011, 09:07 PM #1 blaine View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Mar 2011 Posts 49 need help with declarative openid customizations Per Luke Taylor's recommendation, ...

    35. OpenID support - ConnectTimeoutException even though proxy settings are correctly set

    May 16th, 2011, 12:18 AM #1 skram View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date Dec 2010 Posts 291 OpenID support - ConnectTimeoutException even though proxy settings are ...

    36. openId

    openId I have an error getting openid to work. I get this stack trace by enabling spring security debug Any insight into this would be immensely appreciated. -fm Code: - Return ...

    37. openid attributes

    what's the best way to get the openid attributes? In class OpenIdUserDetailsService which implements UserDetailsService and method loadUserByUsername OpenIDAuthenticationToken token = (OpenIDAuthenticationToken)SecurityContextHolder.g etContext().getAuthentication(); returns null I see the data in the ...

    39. how to use spring openid to redict to different page?

    i'm using spring openid, by default, after authenticated user, user will be bring back to the main page. may i know how to configure spring openid so that it redirect to ...

    40. Spring Security 3.1 OpenID with CustomUserDetailsService and pre-registered users

    Spring Security 3.1 OpenID with CustomUserDetailsService and pre-registered users I apologize in advance if this question has already been asked, but I could not find anything after my initial searching. I've ...

    41. Integrating JdbcDaoImpl with OpenID

    I want to store pre-registered users in a backend database rather than the application context file. I'm using the applicationContext-security.xml file that came with the openid sample application. After looking at ...

    42. How to have both an openid-login and a form-login side by side ?

    How to have both an openid-login and a form-login side by side ? Hi, I'm using spring-security 3.0.6.RELEASE. I would like to have a login page where to forms are displayed ...

    43. Spring security openid attribute exchange list

    44. restricting openid providers on server side

    What's the simplest, most correct way to restrict which OpenId service providers are allowed? I only allow 4 providers in my client UI, but it wouldn't be hard for a user ...

    45. Dynamic OpenId Attributes list

    Hello, I am trying to use OpenId Authentication in my application. The user Role is a attribute on the server. The application has to support many OpenID servers. So at the ...

    46. Acegi & OpenID

    Acegi & OpenID Has anybody done any work on integrating OpenID into acegi? I was surprised not to find any comments about this. I'm thinking of implementing AuthenticationProvider with something that ...

    47. openid in sandbox?

    Hi everyone, I hear that there is openid support in the sandbox. Are there compiled binaries for the sandbox? Is acegi using CVS or Subversion, since I see references to both ...

    48. OpenID

    Hi, I would like to add OpenId support to my project ( I've read somewhere that acegi is supporting, but I couldn't find any documentation about this. What's acegisecurity version number ...

    49. OpenID and Spring Security 2.0 RC1

    OpenID and Spring Security 2.0 RC1 Hi, I tried the openID support in Spring Security 2.0 RC1 and it works well (thank you!). I do have two questions though: o It ...

    50. Problems using OpenID support with concurrent session control

    Problems using OpenID support with concurrent session control Gurus, I am having trouble getting open id auth to work with concurrent session support in SS. I'm using Spring Security 2.0.0. Immediately ...

    51. Spring Security 2.0.0 + OpenID = HttpMethodDirector - Narrowly avoided an infinite l

    Apr 28th, 2008, 11:24 AM #1 attack7 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Aug 2005 Posts 23 Spring Security 2.0.0 + OpenID = HttpMethodDirector - Narrowly ...

    52. How to configure Custom Authentication Provider for OpenID login

    How to configure Custom Authentication Provider for OpenID login I would appreciate any pointers that will help me configure a custom authentication provider for openID login. I want to provide both ...

    53. No OpenId errors in view

    No OpenId errors in view Hi, I've implemented an app that uses openID exclusively for login. Everything is "working", however I can't figure out how to trap errors and return something ...

    54. OpenId and Username Login in the same Form

    OpenId and Username Login in the same Form Hello everyone, I'm trying to implement this requirement. The user should be able to login via OpenId by just entering his OpenId in ...

    55. OpenID on Spring sites

    I'm posting this here as it's as good a place as any. On what I will loosely call the "Spring site" I have the following logins: 1) This forum 2) The ...

    56. openid filter in security schema

    I've tried to make an openid login using traditional beans, but i get an exception, which tells that there is no OPENID_PROCESSING_FILTER defenition in the schema (on the springframework official ...

    57. OpenID sample

    58. form and openID login

    just an update guys on this matter. I managed to make form and openID work together. this are the steps that I took to make it work. 1. SET HTTP auto-config ...

    59. openID auth fails when using port 80 for some providers

    openID auth fails when using port 80 for some providers Hello, My first post here, I have done some homework but please forgive me if i'm missing something really simple here. ...

    60. [RC1] "No AuthenticationEntryPoint" when combining form and openid login

    [RC1] "No AuthenticationEntryPoint" when combining form and openid login I am trying to combine form login and openid login in Spring Security 3.0.0.RC1. This is my configuration: Code: ...

    61. Custom UserService for OpenID

    Custom UserService for OpenID Hi guys, I am fairly new to Spring, so don't be mad at me. What I want to achieve is a form that allows the user to ...

    62. OpenID Suggestion / Attribute Exchange Support

    I'm not sure how this should be implemented (yet), but I wanted to open the discussion and maybe result in a JIRA for enhancement. The support of attribute exchange (AX) in ...

    63. JPA (ORM-Hibernate), OpenID and Spring Security

    Can someone point me in the right direction on how to use OpenID, Spring Security and Hibernate together. If possible, please provide an example and brief explanation.

    64. Spring Acegi security with OpenId support

    Hi Guys, I am new to Spring Acegi security. I want to develop Spring Acegi security with OpenId support. Please help me to know about openId Support in Spring Acegi Security ...

    65. Setting up Attribute Exchange with OpenID

    Setting up Attribute Exchange with OpenID I'm using 3.0.0.RC1, and trying to implement AX for OpenID based on what Luke suggests in SEC-935, but I'm obviously missing something. I've written my ...

    66. OpenId "Provider Authentication Policy Extension 1.0" support

    Hi all, I've been unable to determine if OpenID PAPE support is in the Spring Security roadmap. OpenId4java supports all three extension protocols (PAPE, AX, SREG). As OpenId becomes more popular, ...

    67. OpenID Integration [newbie here]

    OpenID Integration [newbie here] Hey all, Ok, so what I want is exactly what this blog is describing: Basically, a normal login along with the choice of an OpenID -- ...

    68. OpenID Token

    Hey all, My site is going to use OpenID as a way for users to login. How do I retrieve the OpenID token (url) after the OpenID authentication has succeeded and ...

    69. Registration with OpenId

    Hi. I need a suggestion: where I can create and save in DB a new User if I using openId login? I can authenticate User, but than I need save some ...

    70. OpenId attribute-exchange

    OpenId attribute-exchange Hi. I use attribute-exchange in my application, but code Code: OpenIDAuthenticationToken token = (OpenIDAuthenticationToken)SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); List attributes = token.getAttributes(); returns 0 size list. My configuration: Code:

    71. Associating an OpenID with existing user

    I am looking for pointers for associating an OpenID with an existing authenticated user. Once a user is authenticated with username / password I want to give him the option of ...

    72. What can we do after authentication successfully using openID?

    What can we do after authentication successfully using openID? What can we do after authentication successfully using openID? I want to use Spring openID module to support OpenID login, I also ...

    73. openID configuration with Spring security2 and all things can work

    openID configuration with Spring security2 and all things can work configuration: Code: