Logout « Security « Spring Q&A

1. Spring Security - Can't Login After Clicking Logout    stackoverflow.com

I've added Spring Security to my application. I am able to login fine but after I click logout, I'm then unable to login again. Here is my applicationContext-security.xml

<http auto-config="true" access-denied-page="/accessDenied.html">

2. Why does Spring Security go to last page before logout when I log out and log back in?    stackoverflow.com

I have a web application running on Spring Webflow with Spring Security. I have a problem logging out because my app kinda remembers the last page after logging out. When I ...

3. Problem with Spring security's logout    stackoverflow.com

I've got a problem logging out in Spring framework. First when I want j_spring_security_logout to handle it for me i get 404 j_spring_security_logout not found: sample-security.xml:

    <intercept-url pattern="/messageList.htm*" access="ROLE_USER,ROLE_GUEST" />

4. spring security customize logout handler    stackoverflow.com

How can I add my own logout handler to LogoutFilter in spring-security ? Thanks!

5. spring security j_spring_security logout problem    stackoverflow.com

i am working on spring security. but the j_spring_security serlvet seems not working. how do i debug the problem, or at least look for the root cause? i dont see any ...

6. Can i go logout page on inactivity    stackoverflow.com

Please suggest me solution to go logout page on inactivity just like bank pages will do. After session timeout, app has to display login page to login to the application. I am ...

7. Grails Spring Security Core logout message    stackoverflow.com

I have an action which allows user to change his password. When everything goes well, I'd like to logout him and display a message that everything went well and now he ...

8. Spring security logout link in Facelets    stackoverflow.com

I used to have JSPs implementing spring security logout like this:

<a id="logout" href="<spring:url value="/j_spring_security_logout" htmlEscape="true" />">Logout</a>
Later on when I changed to jsf 2, and started using Facelets, I can't get it ...

9. Spring security login/logout url related issue    stackoverflow.com

I am using spring security for my application. Following are some lines from my applicationContext-Security.xml to set access as ROLE_USER for /offers and /add links and no filters for /list link.

<intercept-url ...

10. Spring security - unable to logout    stackoverflow.com

I retrofitted my GWT/GXT application with basic LDAP Authorization using basic HTTP authentication. It works well when I start new browser - I get the prompt and get authorized against corporate ...

11. changing spring security logout-success-url programmatically    stackoverflow.com

I need to redirect the user to 2 different logout urls based on his role. How do i go about doing this? i am using spring security 2.0 and my xml looks ...

12. Custom Spring Security Logout Filter    stackoverflow.com

I need to de-authenticate a user (kill their session) within my spring security 3.0.5 web app and then send a redirect to another site to notify them of the logout. ...

13. Spring Security Logout Back Button    stackoverflow.com

Does spring security have a way to prevent the last point below? I'm using 3.0.5 -user logs into my website -user goes to any page in website and clicks log out -log out ...

14. Grails Spring Security plugin: logout not working    stackoverflow.com

I just add the spring-security-plugin to my grails project. everything looks working fine. but when I try to logout the app shows me the logout message, however the application is still ...

15. After logout back button should always direct to login page    stackoverflow.com

I'm using spring security and this is the configuration file,

    <intercept-url pattern="/login.htm" access="permitAll"/>
    <intercept-url pattern="/admin.htm" access="hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')"/>
    <intercept-url pattern="/common.htm" access="hasRole('ROLE_USER')"/>


16. How to edit timed logout in Spring security    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to figure out where the timed-logout function of Spring's light security is located, and how to edit it to use my custom logout method. My understanding is that there ...

17. How to handle logout in spring application    stackoverflow.com

I have spring app on which the logout is not implemented properly. when i click on my menu option it opens new windows for "ABC" application. so when i clicks ...

18. How can i log out from my own created gsp view with spring security installed in grails app?    stackoverflow.com

I have installed spring security plug in to grails project.i have made my default action as auth. and when i login i get gsp view created by me.now how can i ...

19. Spring security logout not working    stackoverflow.com

here is my configuration files when i am clicking on the logout button,this is not redirecting back to the login page. basically i am using Jsf along with the Spring webflow i have defined ...

20. Spring Security 3 Logout not working    stackoverflow.com

I am new to spring security. I have created an example in spring security 3. I am facing a problem. I am able to login successfully with the default login page, but ...

21. Spring Security : Problem with the back button    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to use the logout functionality provided by Spring security. The logging out works fine. The session gets invalidated(by calling logout method in SecurityContextLogoutHandler class). The user is redirected to ...

22. how to get redirected to a method at login/logout before target-url called in spring-security, spring mvc    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to record current time of Login(in a method or object) once the Login is successful and assign LastLogin time to current login time at logout. I am using ...

23. Grails Spring security core pre-logout    stackoverflow.com

I'm using Grails Spring Security Core plugin and I need to perform a few actions when logout happens such as delete some class instances related to the user. I tried the ...

24. How to invalidate session on logout in Spring    stackoverflow.com

I have a web application where I use spring security. I have a problem logging out because my application remembers the last page after logging out. What I want is once ...

25. spring security logout causes NullPointerException    stackoverflow.com

I've been trying to understand spring-security for some time, and I've gotten around with most of the things except for the logout aspect. Going through other questions on SO, i felt ...

26. How to Overwrite Spring Security Login Logout Files    stackoverflow.com

How can I overwrite default login logout pages of Spring Security. I will put my own login.html and logout.html files and don't use jsp files just works with static contents at ...

27. Spring security is not deleting remember me cookie when I logout    stackoverflow.com

I have a login page with a remember me checkbox when i actually checkbox and login it works and creates the cookie for me logging in the problem is when I ...

28. use joinpoint to trace user logout    stackoverflow.com

I'm using Spring AOP to make a system log, my aop pointcut is like:

<aop:pointcut expression="execution(* a.b.*.service.impl.*.*(..)) or (execution       
(* a.core.service.impl.*.*(..)))" id="allMethod"/>
The problem is it only trace ...

29. Logout not Clearing Authentication    forum.springsource.org

30. HOWTO: Acegi Logout    forum.springsource.org

All, I have been looking for a way to issue a logout commnad with acegi. Is there something I am missing? I tried to just invalidate the session, but that doesn't ...

31. Spring Security session-fixation-protection=none combined with Logout Error    forum.springsource.org

Spring Security session-fixation-protection=none combined with Logout Error Hello, I had to use session-fixation-protection="none" in my application (form based login) as I have to switch between https (for login) and http (for ...

32. Spring Security Logout Back Button Page History    forum.springsource.org

Spring Security Logout Back Button Page History Does spring security have a way to prevent the last point below? I'm using 3.0.5 -user logs into my website -user goes to any ...

33. Spring Security Logout    forum.springsource.org

Hello developers, I am new to spring security and i just want to ask how to perform the logout operation in spring security? Any replies will be appreciated. Thanks. Rodel

34. Back button problem after logout - Spring Security    forum.springsource.org

Back button problem after logout - Spring Security My problem is: 1)I access of my web application; 2)I surf throught my applicatin; 3)I logout => my configuration send me at my ...

35. Spring Security 3.0.5 Release: Open id questions (post direct and logout).    forum.springsource.org

Spring Security 3.0.5 Release: Open id questions (post direct and logout). Hi I have two questions regarding open id. #1. How do I set the post redirect of open id to ...

36. Logout user from AuthenticationSuccessListener    forum.springsource.org

I have a AuthenticationSuccessListener in which I retrieve the logged in user from a database based on the username. In case the user cannot be found, I would like to logout ...

37. Multiple/distinct security/login/logout in one webapp?    forum.springsource.org

Multiple/distinct security/login/logout in one webapp? My goal is to have two paths, "/pub" and "/admin", where ROLE_USER can access the former and ROLE_ADMIN the latter. Each path should have it's own ...

38. Spring Security 3.0.6: not directed to logout-success-url    forum.springsource.org

Aug 27th, 2011, 07:51 PM #1 dxxvi View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date May 2006 Posts 67 Spring Security 3.0.6: not directed to logout-success-url Please help, I ...

39. Spring Security logout error login    forum.springsource.org

Spring Security logout error login hi my problem is when i logout and try to login again it shows me this mensage: {"rs":[]} and dont show anything, the page stay in ...

40. acegi not calling JAAS LoginModule.logout() anywhere?    forum.springsource.org

acegi not calling JAAS LoginModule.logout() anywhere? I can't seem to find anywhere any Acegi code that supports logout in a JAAS environment. What I'm looking for is something along the lines ...

41. Changing user back to anonymous on 'logout' ?    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I have Acegi working with ROLE_USER and ROLE_ANONYMOUS. I want to have a 'logout' which should result in the Authenication object held in the session changing from a specific user ...

42. total logout of the acegi    forum.springsource.org

total logout of the acegi Hi all I have the problem that when i logout from my aplication. First i login with an uner and acegi execute my InMemoryDaoImp class and ...

43. Logout in acegi 1.0-RC2    forum.springsource.org

Logout in acegi 1.0-RC2 Did anybody managed to make simple logout functionality with acegi framework? After reading some threads here and several hours of experiemnting I still cannot find solution. So, ...

44. Acegi automatically logout user when session expires    forum.springsource.org

Acegi automatically logout user when session expires Hello All, We currently use Acegi/Spring in our java app. The user can manually log out by clicking the logout button; we then invalidate ...

45. JCaptcha and Acegi logout    forum.springsource.org

..... Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); for (LogoutHandler handler : handlers) { handler.logout(request, response, auth); } return new ModelAndView(getSuccessView());

46. Acegi Logout using 'j_acegi_logout'    forum.springsource.org

Acegi Logout using 'j_acegi_logout' I am trying to implement logout on a Web app using Acegi. I am using a simple link Logout to implement this functionality. I get the ...

47. Acegi Logout using 'j_acegi_logout'    forum.springsource.org

Acegi Logout using 'j_acegi_logout' I am trying to implement logout on a Web app using Acegi. I am using a simple link Logout to implement this functionality. I get the ...

48. Problems with concurrent sesions, when user forgets to logout before closing window    forum.springsource.org

Problems with concurrent sesions, when user forgets to logout before closing window Hi, I'm using acegi security 0.8.2 to prevent users loging in more than once with the same user name. ...

49. Application Logout using Acegi    forum.springsource.org

Hi All, I am using Acegi as a security module in my application. How shall I provide application logout functionality. Please tell me ASAP. Thanks in Advance.

50. How to let admin to force user to logout?    forum.springsource.org

Hello, My ultimate goal is to give an admin a functionality to force a user -who may be login and gained authoroties in a very normal legal way - to logout. ...

51. User Logout Problem in rememberme services    forum.springsource.org

Oct 15th, 2007, 01:28 PM #1 mahudeeswaran View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jul 2007 Location Chennai,India Posts 18 User Logout Problem in rememberme services Hai ...

52. Acegi Logout    forum.springsource.org

Acegi Logout I'm using logout filter to log the user out of the application and it redirects to the appropriate url. Now if i copy paste any of the URL into ...

53. How to logout all users    forum.springsource.org

54. Clear SSL State on Logout    forum.springsource.org

Clear SSL State on Logout We're using X509 authentication with the SecurityContextLogoutHandler. When the user selects Logout, the security context holder is properly cleared. However, if the user attempts to then ...

55. Problem With Acegi Logout Filter    forum.springsource.org

Problem With Acegi Logout Filter Hi Friends, I m a newbie to this acegi and i configured the logout filter in the application context file and its working fine (ie., just ...

56. j_spring_security_logout not found in Eclipse    forum.springsource.org

/j_spring_security_logout is the default path to hit the LogoutFilter. Eclipse shouldn't be aware of it since it's not a servlet container (unless you added some kind of servlet plugin). Are you ...

57. Spring Security 2.0 - logout - j_spring_security_exit_user    forum.springsource.org

Hi, Is there a link to documentation on how "j_spring_security_exit_user" works? I was only able to find an example in the tutorial "exitUser.jsp" One of the things I'm trying to figure ...

58. How does logout work in Spring Security compared to Acegi ?    forum.springsource.org

How does logout work in Spring Security compared to Acegi ? In Acegi, in order to log out from, say, a jsp, you added a link to a logout url, and ...

59. What is j_spring_security_logout?    forum.springsource.org

I am a beginner of Spring Security. Could someone explain what is "j_spring_security_logout"? I am trying to implement OpenID. I downloaded "spring-security-samples-openid-2.0.4.war" and ran the example. However, logout does not work. ...

60. problem in making any user logout from the system    forum.springsource.org

problem in making any user logout from the system Hi, I am using spring security for maintaining user authentication and authorization. We have different roles for our site. Now a admin ...

61. "Access is denied" when i want to logout    forum.springsource.org

"Access is denied" when i want to logout hi, i'm begginer with acegi security, when i try to logout i always have this message : Code: org.acegisecurity.AccessDeniedException: Access is denied org.acegisecurity.vote.AffirmativeBased.decide(AffirmativeBased.java:68) ...

62. authentication not cleared after logout?    forum.springsource.org

authentication not cleared after logout? I am facing an issue where a user logs into an application and has a small set of GrantedAuthorities. The user logs out, then an admin ...

63. Spring Security - Ajax login/logout?    forum.springsource.org

Spring Security - Ajax login/logout? I've got a login form configured to work with Spring Security - action set to j_spring_security_check and fields called j_username and j_password etc. The form works ...

64. Certificate and logout    forum.springsource.org

Certificate and logout Hi all, I'm using Spring security to handle security in a web app. It uses X509 certificates ; the certificate is created by a card reader, when a ...

65. /j_spring_security_logout    forum.springsource.org

66. External logout Spring security    forum.springsource.org

External logout Spring security Hi, I have following requirement. I am using Spring security My client's application will fire logout URL with a user token. My application should intercept the logout ...

67. acegi logout and back button    forum.springsource.org

Hi all, in acegi, event I log out , i still use back button the view the security page, how can i handle this Code: <%@ page import="org.acegisecurity.ui.rememberme.TokenBasedRememberMeServices" %> <%@ page ...

68. Can't logout from WebApp using /j_spring_security_logout    forum.springsource.org

I'm using Spring, Hibernate and SpringSecurity in my application It perfoms well. I can log in using SpringSecurity login page and work in my app. I configured max-sessions this way HTML ...

69. Toggle Login/Logout with User Details Displayed    forum.springsource.org

Toggle Login/Logout with User Details Displayed Here is a change that I would recommend to the \src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\layouts\default.jspx: Change this: Code: ...

70. Logout from spring security    forum.springsource.org

Logout from spring security Hello, I am newbie learning spring and spring security. I am using flex->BlazeDS->SpringBlazeDSIntegration->spring stack. Just now i have learned how to login from flex to springsecurity. What ...

71. Help? Does j_spring_security_logout invalidate session    forum.springsource.org

Help? Does j_spring_security_logout invalidate session Hi, I need a clarification in the logout process of spring security. I want to know if sessions will be invalidated when logout is done using ...

72. Logout in BASIC authentication    forum.springsource.org

Hi All, I am using BASIC authentication to run my project...but only problem is here I cant able to do log out...can any one please tell how can I achieve that..of ...

73. Problem with spring security's logout    forum.springsource.org

Problem with spring security's logout Hello, I've got a problem logging out using Spring security 2. First when I want j_spring_security_logout to handle it for me i get 404 j_spring_security_logout not ...

74. Manual logout of a specific user without sessions    forum.springsource.org

Manual logout of a specific user without sessions Hi everybody, I got quite stuck while setting up spring security 3.0.3 for our current web project. We use a flex-frontend with BlazeDS ...

75. spring security - login logout configuration    forum.springsource.org

spring security - login logout configuration Hi, My below configuration ain't working not sure wats wrong .. Code:

76. Problem with j_spring_security_logout    forum.springsource.org

Problem with j_spring_security_logout Hi, I'm using spring-security-2.0.5.RELEASE, after configuring everything in my web.xml and after building a applicationContext-security.xml everything seems to work fine, except for the Logout button. My idea was ...

77. Some Problems - Access, Logout, SessionTimeout    forum.springsource.org

Some Problems - Access, Logout, SessionTimeout Hello, Ive got some little problems I have a webapplication where a user can login, view some pages and log out. As roles I have ...

78. Acegi logout problem    forum.springsource.org

Acegi logout problem Hi, we had intermittent problem with acegi that logout doesnt seem to work and the session timeout doesnt kick in to expire/invalidate the session. We use acegi 1.0.7 ...

79. Zk logout Spring Security login    zkoss.org