JSON « Security « Spring Q&A

1. Security problems using Spring JsonView - How do I escape the javascript or HTML    stackoverflow.com

I'm now using spring json view to generate some the outputs. To avoid XSS attacks, we sometimes need to filter the output, escaping javascripts and HTML tags. What is the best ...

2. Security in Spring MVC and JSON    stackoverflow.com

I want to provide security one way or another for Sending and Getting JSON Data,but I don't know how to do this. Our System has roles of users (System admin, General Members, ...

3. Spring security and ajax/json    forum.springsource.org

Spring security and ajax/json Hi i have an application which is ajax heavy... actually all the interaction with the server done via json messages, from spring mvc @Controller web layer the ...

4. Access Token and Acegi on a REST/JSON Webservice    forum.springsource.org

Access Token and Acegi on a REST/JSON Webservice Hi, I've read the forums a bit and wanted to get some advice on the best approach - I'm trying to setup a ...

5. JSON, REST, HTTP Authentication    forum.springsource.org

JSON, REST, HTTP Authentication Hi, I am working with the Police API. I was having problems with Authentication although I think I have resolved this now with the following code: Code: ...