Endpoint « Security « Spring Q&A

1. How to access HTTP headers in Spring-ws endpoint?    stackoverflow.com

How can I access HTTP headers in Spring-ws endpoint? My code looks like this:

public class MyEndpoint extends AbstractMarshallingPayloadEndpoint {
  protected Object invokeInternal(Object arg) throws Exception {

2. Unable to access web service endpoint: Spring-WS 2    stackoverflow.com

I'm new to Spring-WS and I have defined an endpoint based off a schema generated from JAXB annotated classes. However, when I try to access the endpoint via soapUI, I get ...

3. Configuration for two authentication schemas with two endpoints    forum.springsource.org

Configuration for two authentication schemas with two endpoints Hi, First of all, this is my first project with Spring/Spring Security. I'm currently developing a GWT application which will be deployed on ...

4. Security on Endpoints: how to enforce roles?    forum.springsource.org

Security on Endpoints: how to enforce roles? In a Spring web / ws project I have a requirement that says that based on the granted authorities of current user authentication, a ...

5. How to test authenticated access to endpoint secured with spring-security    forum.springsource.org

How to test authenticated access to endpoint secured with spring-security I am using spring-security with form based basic authentication in my jersey server to do a secure POST request. When a ...

6. Accessing Acegi-Protected Axis Endpoint    forum.springsource.org

Accessing Acegi-Protected Axis Endpoint Has anyone tried accessing a Acegi-Protected Axis Endpoint? I am getting HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) even after using custom authenticator to supply the username, password ... /** * ...

7. Implementing WS Security selectively on @Endpoint    forum.springsource.org

What we have done is to define two MessageDispatcherServlets in our web.xml, Code: unsecure-ws org.springframework.ws.transport.http.MessageDispatcherServlet ws org.springframework.ws.transport.http.MessageDispatcherServlet Then you can use different interceptors for your endpoints. The ...

8. Security on OXM endpoints    forum.springsource.org

You can add wss4j support to any kind of (SOAP) endpoints, including the marshalling/unmarshalling ones. Wss4j support is based on an endpoint interceptor, and is completely unaware of the type of ...

9. How to access ReplyTo WSA header in @Action annoted method of endpoint    forum.springsource.org

How to access wsa:ReplyTo WS-Addressing header in @Action annoted method of endpoint I am using org.springframework.ws.soap.addressing.server.Anno tationActionEndpointMapping ato map an endpoint that uses WS-Addressing Action SOAP header to route the message. ...

10. user-specific endpoint-access?    forum.springsource.org

Hi, is it possible to secure my endpoints using different users? e.g. user1/pw1 can only access ../services/service1 and user2/pw2 can access ../services/service1 and ../services/service2 Im using spring 2.5.6, spring-ws-1.5.5 and spring ...

11. Access to ServletContext from Endpoint    forum.springsource.org

Hi My Spring WS 1.5.6 endpoint extends AbstractMarshallingPayloadEndpoint. I'm trying to access the ServletContext from the endpoint's invokeInternal(Object o) method, is this possible? I need to get at my servlet's initParams ...

12. @Endpoint & @PayloadRoot in conjunction with global-method-security @Secured    forum.springsource.org

Jul 18th, 2009, 08:34 AM #1 sdomsta View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jul 2009 Posts 3 @Endpoint & @PayloadRoot in conjunction with global-method-security @Secured G'day! ...

13. protected access endpoint    forum.springsource.org

protected access endpoint I'm trying to get a basic web service up and running, using the tutorial as inspiration, but tweaking it to a real business situation, prior to launching into ...

14. Accessing authentication information at a payload endpoint    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I am writing a sample web service using spring-ws, here the authentication will be done with Wss4jSecurity interceptors help. But I also need to access authentication information in the endpoint. ...

15. JAX-WS Endpoint with Method Security    forum.springsource.org

JAX-WS Endpoint with Method Security Hi, I have developed an Java-First JAX-WS Webservice with spring-ws. Now i want to secure the Webservice with methode security. Does anyone know an good example ...

16. @Endpoint with some security ?    forum.springsource.org

@Endpoint with some security ? Can I identify all my Endpoints using @Endpoint AND have some secure, some unsecured ? In Airline I see the definition for two interceptors (one secure, ...