AuthenticationSuccessHandler « Security « Spring Q&A

1. Spring Security 3 - AuthenticationSuccessHandler/FailureHandler Not Working

I'm using Spring Security 3 to authenticate users and I'm using a form in a pop-up to allow users to enter their credentials. I'm using Ajax to process the login. The ...

2. AuthenticationSuccessHandler example for Spring Security 3

I am a newbie to Spring Security 3 . I am using roles for users to login. I want to redirect a user to a different page based on the role of ...

3. Accessing RequestContextHolder and HttpServletRequest.getUserPrincipal() from AuthenticationSuccessHandler

I have a Spring-MVC application (i.e. I am using the Spring's dispatcher servlet). I am also using Spring Security to authenticate users. Since I use the Spring's dispatcher servlet, I do ...

4. Where I can find some information on how to user AuthenticationSuccessHandler?

What I need is that a user will be back to the page where s/he clicks the login link and a successful login. The reference document says what interface/class need to ...