1. Alternative usage of Spring Roo stackoverflow.comis Spring Roo supposed to be only a tool for rapid development of web applications, thanks to all that scaffolding, source code generation and similar stuff, such as grails for groovy. Or ... |
2. creating OSGi enabled jar for ORACLE (for Spring Roo - ORACLE db integration) stackoverflow.comI'm hitting the Spring Roo / Oracle OSGi driver issue that plenty of others have hit and seem to have solved. "Springsource currently can't host an OSGi wrapped Oracle driver" so it ... |
3. Roo and Spring Flex & Roo osgi scr list problems forum.springsource.orgAdditional Notes Ok managed to get everything working finally. I downloaded the newest SpringSource Tool Suite 2.6.0 Release, and used the Spring Roo 1.1.3 release that came packaged with the sts, ... |
4. Roo and OSGi forum.springsource.orgYou probably want to look at the Bundlor add-on: git://git.springsource.org/bundlor/roo-addon.git The add-on includes an example of using Roo to create an OSGi bundle. Roo 1.0.x apps all use SpringSource's Enterprise Bundle ... |