oracle « Roo « Spring Q&A

1. ROO: how to create composit primary key in Entity

What can I do if I need to create entity for a table in production DB (Oracle 10g) with composite primary key. For example: [CODE]

  BRANCHID     NUMBER(3) ...

2. Spring Roo Oracle and Underscore

I have a question concerning spring roo and databases. I have a field called personName, in oracle to column is create as person_Name I there a way to avoid the underscore. I suppose ...

3. Oracle 11g problems with Spring Roo

Oracle 11g problems with Spring Roo I am using Spring Roo 1.1.2 release and was trying to get Oracle 11g to work with it with no avail. After doing all the ...

4. roo oracle sequence exception

roo oracle sequence exception Hi, I tried looking up spring roo forum for similar issue, 89627-ROO-test-doesnot-work-with-Oracle-DB. Ironically I m using roo 1.1.4 which is supposed to have this issue fixed. oracle ...

5. Roo app with Hibernate and Oracle is very slow

Roo app with Hibernate and Oracle is very slow Hi, I'm using Spring Roo with Hibernate and Oracle database and I have a lot of performance issues. Very often simple insert ...

6. Spring roo connection to oracle

Spring roo connection to oracle I am trying to use oracle as my database holder for data. I have used maven to add ojbdc14.jar oracles driver I get the following error ...

7. Spring Roo - Oracle Connectivity

Spring Roo - Oracle Connectivity Hi, I am very new to Java / Spring /Roo. I have been seriously considering Roo for one of my projects. I am developing a Web ...

8. ROO: test doesn't work with Oracle DB

ROO: test doesn't work with Oracle DB Hi, I try to create my test application with ROO. When I use HYPERSONIC_IN_MEMORY DB - application work right. When I use ORACLE DB ...