mysql « Roo « Spring Q&A

1. How do I reload a Roo project without clearing the database?

I've been learning how to build projects using Roo and am making good progress. I have the nucleus of a project which correctly displays my defined entities and allows me ...

2. Restarting a Roo-application flushes its correspondant MySQL-table

I've got a Roo-project. Its data is persisted into a MySQL-database (via Hibernate). When I restart Tomcat the Roo-applications correspondant MySQL-table gets completely flushed. All data which is already in the table ...

3. Enums to String in MYSQL using Spring

I'm using Spring (Roo specifically) to develop an application and for one entity I have a drop down list that is based on a set of enums (i.e. enum(Blue,Pink,Red)). When stored ...

4. how roo create table with cascade in mysql

how roo create table with cascade in mysql I am trying to have roo create two tables Users id username password UserRoles id roleName here is my syntax: entity --name ~.domain.UserRoles ...

5. roo & mysql

roo & mysql Hi all, I'm stucked with my mysql database, Code: project --topLevelPackage com.test persistence setup --provider HIBERNATE --database MYSQL database properties set --key database.password --value userpass database properties set ...

6. MySQL statement to generate Roo fields

MySQL statement to generate Roo fields A handy sql statement to generate the fields for a given schema and table. This doesn't do all that is required, but it helps on ...

7. MySQL database reset every time I deploy Roo!

I suggest the search as this exact question has been answered numerous times before. Short answer: change the hibernate setting for generating schema to update.

8. Cannot connect Spring roo to MySQL database

You have pointed/used the wrong driver... Also not sure why you need to add it yourself, it will be resolved by maven for you.