jdbc « Roo « Spring Q&A

1. Spring Roo: JDBC driver not available for 'org.h2.Driver'    stackoverflow.com

I'm running Eclipse Indigo on Ubuntu Linux, Spring Tools 2.7.1, Spring Roo 1.1.5. I'm reading Getting Started with Roo and when I try the DB reverse engineering I've the ...

2. ROO 1.1.1 Oracle JDBC issue    forum.springsource.org

ROO 1.1.1 Oracle JDBC issue I've been having issues trying to get Roo to recognize the ojdbc14.jar (version installed in my local Maven repository. I have followed the steps in ...

3. Roo and JDBC Templates    forum.springsource.org

Roo and JDBC Templates Roo seems very cool. I am still getting my head around it and am looking at using it for a small project. My question is can I ...

4. New Roo script for JDBC driver installation for DBRE    forum.springsource.org

I have created a Roo script to install the OSGi JDBC drivers for use with DBRE which we don't ship because of their size. It will be part of the upcoming ...

5. Command to install OSGi JDBC drivers not shipped with Roo distro    forum.springsource.org

Command to install OSGi JDBC drivers not shipped with Roo distro I've downloaded Roo 1.1.0.RELEASE and ran the following commands to install the JTOpen JDBC drivers. Restarted the Roo shell as ...