exception « Roo « Spring Q&A

1. Spring Roo addon creation exception    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to create a simple addon using the script provided with the roo 1.1.0M3 zip but I am getting this error Could not locate '/org/springframework/roo/addon/creator/simple\roo-addon-simple-template.xml' in classloader Script execution aborted Can ...

2. How do I turn off exception translation in Spring Roo?    stackoverflow.com

JPA code in Roo's entities have their exceptions automatically translated to Spring data exceptions. As I am porting pure JPA code (moving DAO code into the entities as seems to be ...

3. How to fix MojoFailureException while using spring roo to build web project    stackoverflow.com

Recently I use spring STS with roo 1.2.0.M1 to build a web project. I set up the jpa and create a entity with some field and create a repository and a ...

4. How to solve "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not an entity" error    stackoverflow.com

In my project, I met a strange problem. I use STS (spring roo, maven) to build the project and when I run maven clean install, everything is OK. And when I ...

5. get "Ambiguous handler methods mapped for HTTP path" exception after upgrading Roo    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I have recently upgraded my project from 1.0.2.RELEASE to 1.1.4.RELEASE. I have a controller called PersonController in the project. But when I tried to update some fields of the person ...

6. Automatic exception translation for Roo-style Entity classes?    forum.springsource.org

Automatic exception translation for Roo-style Entity classes? Hi, I find the non-anemic entity model (that Roo generates by default via aspectj) very nice and simple. The one feature I miss from ...

7. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Roo    forum.springsource.org

hi all, I downloaded the Spring Roo RC2, and when I typed the "roo" command, the error appeared, the same case for RC1 too but M1 it's not appeared(succeeded) : "Exception ...

8. Roo 1.0.0 RC3 exception when adding entity    forum.springsource.org

Hi all, I'm trying to make what appears to be a simple application, but I get a ClassDefNotFound exception on JAXBException when trying to create an entity. I've attached the stack ...

9. Calendar object mapping exception spirng roo    forum.springsource.org

Im getting exception seen on attached jpeg when tryung to persist date to database using spring roo. I have updated to version 3 because of the enum values. hopefully this should ...

10. Upon Roo Removal in STS: Unexpected exception parsing XML error in webmvc-config.xml    forum.springsource.org

Upon Roo Removal in STS: Unexpected exception parsing XML error in webmvc-config.xml Can't found the JIRA for STS, please allow me to post here thsi issue.. Steps to Reproduce: 1) downloaded ...

11. Exception trying to create "hello" Roo project    forum.springsource.org

Exception trying to create "hello" Roo project Greetings! After downloading and installing STS, I followed the instructions for the "hello" starting project. The first problem I hit was that there ...

12. ClassNotFound Exception while trying Roo Standalone Sample    forum.springsource.org

ClassNotFound Exception while trying Roo Standalone Sample Hi All, I am a newbie in Roo and trying out the First Project (Roo Standalone) as mentioned in http://www.springsource.org/roo/start STS Version : 2.3.3.M1-e3.5.2 ...

13. Spring Roo 1.1.0.M2: flex broke (several addon exceptions)    forum.springsource.org

Spring Roo 1.1.0.M2: flex broke (several addon exceptions) Hi, Using Code: Spring Roo 1.1.0.M2 org.springframework.flex.roo.addon-1.0.0.M1.jar java version "1.6.0_18" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.8) (fedora-41.b18.fc13-i386) OpenJDK Client VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode) ...

14. Exception while creating roo addon    forum.springsource.org

Exception while creating roo addon I am trying to create a simple addon using the script provided with the roo 1.1.0M3 zip but I am getting this error Could not locate ...