debug « Roo « Spring Q&A

1. Could anyone tell me how to debug ROO please??

Hi all, I'm trying to debug ROO to know how MVC addons work and why my addon doesn't work, but it is very difficult without being able to debug. I saw ...

2. Debugging Roo

Debugging Roo I have built a very small sample CRUD application using SpringRoo: 1 entity, a few fields. Unfortunately, I have done something wrong because I cannot successfully update any record ...

3. Debugging Spring Roo persistence logic.....

Debugging Spring Roo persistence logic..... Hi, Where is the best place (which file) for me to add logic to populate (or to manipulate the data) for my Model before handing it ...

4. Debugging the roo generated .aj files

Hello, I'm working with the roo project's pizza example. I'm new to Roo, but find it very interesting. I'm now trying to understand the Architectural concepts behind Roo's generated code. I',m ...

5. Debugging Roo in STS

Sorry in advance for the dumb question. Using STS M2, I can run a sample Roo - GWT application using mvn gwt:run. This builds my target directory and starts the GWT ...

6. Debug Roo Startup

Debug Slow Roo Startup Spring Roo: 1.1.0.M3 [rev e66e029] Is there any way to log what roo is doing when it initially starts up? I am experiencing a large delay everytime ...