column « Roo « Spring Q&A

1. Spring Roo, Hibernate generates unnecessary foreign key for the primary key column

I'm new to spring mvc, roo and hibernate. I'm using Oracle XE 10g database. I've created new entity using Roo.

entity --class Opcina
field string --fieldName Naziv
field reference --fieldName Entitet --type ~.domain.Entitet
Generated ...

2. How to change the way tables/columns are named by Hibernate/Spring Roo?

My tables are getting generated along side classes by using Spring Roo. However there is a convention that it is using to generate the table names etc. Is there a way to ...

3.  Roo-tag for property of referenced entity

I've got a two classes (pupil, class) in a Roo-project and their scaffolded views. pupil and class have a 1:1 relationship In the list.jspx of pupil I'd like to display a column for ...

4. how to create Link for column in list.jspx?

I want to create a link for a column in list.jspx. my column.tagx has

< jsp:directive.attribute name="hyperlink" type="java.lang.Boolean" required="false" rtexprvalue="true" 

5. Spring ROO DBRE dosn't generate Object attributes / columns

Please raise a Jira issue and I will look at it. Attach the DDL of your database if possible. I can handle Postgres, MySQL, Oracle, etc but not DB2 at the ...

6. How to make Column Sortable in roo

Hi, There is no facility provided in roo to make column sortable. In grails there is one attribute in column to make the field/column sortable Any idea how to do this. ...

7. roo generates Column(name = "id")for a enity that maps to a table that has no id col

roo generates Column(name = "id")for a enity that maps to a table that has no id col I have a enity, that maps to a table that has no Column name ...

8. Roo doesn't add @column for enum type field

enum type --class ~.domain.reference.Status enum constant --name InProcess enum constant --name UnderReview enum constant --name Approved enum constant --name Unknown field enum --fieldName status --type ~.domain.reference.Status --notNull --column CODE_GROUP_STA_CD

9. The new roo... how to set column width in generated views?

The new roo... how to set column width in generated views? In the old roo view, it was obvious (even to me, a non-jsp person) to find and change the column ...