Selenium « Roo « Spring Q&A

1. Spring Roo unable to generate Selenium tests because of Xerces error

After watching Roo Google IO, I decided to try it out using this tutorial, but I'm getting stuck when trying to create Selenium tests.

~.web roo> selenium ...

2. Command 'selenium test' not available in Spring Roo

when I try to run the command

roo> selenium test --controller ~.web.TimerController
I get the following error:
Command 'selenium test --controller ~.web.TimerController' was found but is not
currently available (type 'help' then ENTER to ...

3. selenium test w/ roo part2 blog post

selenium test w/ roo part2 blog post i can't get the selenium tests to run following the blog post from alex titled 'roo-part-2'. when i call mvn selenium:selenese i get the ...