Reference « Roo « Spring Q&A

1. self referencing object in JPA

I am trying to save a SystemUser entity in JPA. I also want to save certain things like who created the SystemUser and who last modified the system User as well.

@ManyToOne(targetEntity ...

2. FlexJson deserialize object reference

I'm using Spring Roo which generated set of hibernate and FlexJSON classes. I have entity called Location and entity called Comment. Location has many comments (1:M). I'm trying to generate JSON object, which will, ...

3. Changing references in Roo-scaffolded views from One-To-Many side of relationship

Traditionally if you want to update/create an object and have a one-to-many-relationship you get the message:

This relationship is managed from the Father side.
While you can display the objects in ...

4. Roo JSON PUT with references

Roo JSON PUT with references Looking at the examples in ROO-1800 This is how you add an owner: Code: curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json -d ...

5. ROO 1.1.3 cannot process the NotNull correctly with reference

ROO 1.1.3 cannot process the NotNull correctly with reference Hi guys, I met a problem, the automatically generated controller class cannot process the reference relationship correctly. I can explain it by ...

6. Cannot set reference to NULL from dropdown (Roo-581) workaround?

Cannot set reference to NULL from dropdown (Roo-581) workaround? What is the workaround mentioned by Luca Preziati with regards to permitting blank/NULL values in the Roo-generated dropdown lists? He mentions it ...

7. roo json mappings are missing set/reference relationship methods

roo json mappings are missing set/reference relationship methods When a pair of tables have a parent/child relationship, the REST conventions dictate that a list of child elements belonging to a parent ...

8. Spring Roo Command Reference Guide Maven Plugin

Hi, We built a custom Maven plugin for generating reference guide for the Spring Surf ( ) Roo commands. Since this Maven plugin can also be used for other Roo ...

9. using a roo generated entity in a project reference

using a roo generated entity in a project reference I'm using eclipse and have created a project (lets call it ProjectA) with some entities (lets say Person for this example) in ...

10. For Roo 1.1.0.M2 - did help and reference documentation go away?

For Roo 1.1.0.M2 - did help and reference documentation go away? I've noticed that the 'help' command got removed from 1.1.0.M2 (at least in github). Also, the 'reference documentation' command seems ...