Interceptor « Object « Spring Q&A

1. Obtaining Advised Object from Within the Interceptor

Obtaining Advised Object from Within the Interceptor Howdy folks, I'm writing a largely generic persistence mechanism basing it on Spring AOP. The desire is to have business object logic completely independent ...

2. Can 1 interceptor intercept all calls to objects within a class

Can 1 interceptor intercept all calls to objects within a class My Building implementation contains Floor objects, which in turn contain Door objects. These floor objects are driven by the parent ...

3. getting command object from an interceptor

I am implementing the postHandle method in a HandlerInterceptorAdapter. I would like to get a hold of the command object, but I can't seem to find it. I thought it must ...

4. Interceptor saving of attached Objects in ObjectGraph

Interceptor saving of attached Objects in ObjectGraph Version Spring 1.3 Version Hibernate 3 (but would change if neccessary) Ive been using Spring with Hibernate in a Rich Client Swing Application for ...

5. applying one interceptor to all objects

applying one interceptor to all objects We are performance testing our application and would like to apply the PerformanceMonitorInterceptor to all classes in the spring application contexts. I used the BeanNameAutoProxyCreator ...