1. poller consuming twice as many messages as configured forum.springsource.orgpoller consuming twice as many messages as configured I have a simple requirement to manage throughput to an external system. I have created a pollable channel and defined a poller to ... |
2. Using jms:message-driven-channel-adapter without poller? forum.springsource.orgUsing jms:message-driven-channel-adapter without poller? In the Spring Integration in Action Book MEAP on page 190-191 it suggeststhat you don't need a poller for a jms:message-driven-channel-adapter. However, if I comment out my ... |
3. Can capacity in poller cause lost of messages? forum.springsource.orgCan capacity in poller cause lost of messages? Hi All, I have a configuration such displayed at most bottom. If that poller polls "10" items per 100 milliseconds from prioritizedPublishingRequests channel ... |
4. Poller geting only one message per poll forum.springsource.orgPoller geting only one message per poll Hi list! I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. My poller is supposed to get as many messages as it finds in the queue, ... |
5. Poller and max-messages-per-poll forum.springsource.orgI need some more explanation on the use of poller. I have understood that they are use to trigger event on channel for send retrieve. What is the property max-messages-per-poll use ... |
6. Poller and max-messages-per-poll forum.springsource.orgPoller and max-messages-per-poll I need some more explanation on the use of poller. I have understood that they are use to trigger event on channel for send retrieve. What is the ... |