form « Message « Spring Q&A

1. NoSuchMessageException: No message found

I try to learn Spring MVC 3.0 validation. but I got NoSuchMessageException: No message found under code 'name.required' for locale 'en_US' error message when form submted. I have create in ...

2. How to use inside an attribute of ?

I have a tag in my jsp page like this:

<div class="formRow">
    <form:input id="email_email" name="email_email" title="XXXXX"/>" path="email" cssClass="input required email" />
    <form:errors path="email" cssClass="error" />
The title ...

3. Specifying form checkbox value with spring message

Can I specify the form:checkbox tag value with spring:message tag? Seems like a silly question, but it seems hard to find the right syntax, if there's any.

4. spring 3.0 MVC seems to be ignoring

Spring 3.0 MVC First of all, I haven't found any documentation regarding @ springsource Everything I've found about overriding error messages has been on various forums. If ...

5. Initial message in form dialogs

Initial message in form dialogs I just did a checkout of Spring and noticed a slight change in my form dialogs. It used to be that my form description would be ...

6. Form Message and Success View Newbe Question

Form Message and Success View Newbe Question I'm using a SimpleFormController to handle basic forms. After I hit the submit button, I'd like to do one of two things (not sure ...

7. how to display a message with spring form tag

How do i do the following with spring form tags Code: ${status.value} also how do i assign a static value to a hidden field. the dtd says ...

8. Form description rather than validation message

Hi, I have the same requirements about showing a form description rather than validation methods outlined in this thread: e While the work around does work I was wondering if ...

9. [tag]Spring message in form tag

As you already noticed a tag inside an attribute on another tag isn't going to work. JSTL however does work. So what you can do is assign the message to a ...

10. " - equal symbol expected

" - equal symbol expected in my jsp: HTML Code: " value="${commandName.disabledPermanently}" disabled="${isReadOnly}" /> I get the next error: Code: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /WEB-INF/jsp/user.jsp(125,46) equal symbol expected ...

11. can we nest in dir attribute?