Exception « Message « Spring Q&A

1. Spring DefaultMessageListenerContainer, ActiveMQ and message redelivery    stackoverflow.com

if I use the DefaultMessageListenerContainer of Spring to recieve JMS messages, I don't get JMS messages redelivered, even if I set sessionAcknowledgeMode to 2. In case of a ...

2. Spring Exception message? What is it?    stackoverflow.com

I think this question is generic to exceptions, but let's use my example. I have the following straightforward controller for a "user home" page after a successful login.

public class UserHomeController {


3. Java Serialization Exception Message    stackoverflow.com

When running an application locally on my box, the application works perfectly. When deployed to QA, the error below is received. I am running Tomcat 5.5.23 locally and in QA. The ...

4. Localizing Exception Messages using Spring    stackoverflow.com

I want to localize the exception messages thrown from POJO classes using Spring. I have a Spring MVC application through which I can add books. If the added book's title is ...

5. Custom Exception Messages with Spring framework    stackoverflow.com

I am using spring and Hibernate in my application,There is one scenario where i insert same records morethan once ,So application correctly throwing Constraint Exception because i applied Unique constraint ...

6. Setting the status code message of a HTTP ResponseCode thrown by an @ResponseCode annotate Exception    stackoverflow.com

I am currently trying to set the message of a HTTP Status Code thrown by an @ResponseCode annotated Exception. I have defined the exception:

@ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
public final class BadRequestException extends IllegalArgumentException {

7. How can I catch a spring message JstTagException?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using Spring MVC 3.0 with sitemesh and spring message bundles. For example, I have the following:

<spring:message code="nav.item.name"/>
If nav.item.name does not exist in my resource file, I receive a blank ...

8. Weblogic JMS Exception 055167 "cannot support more than one synchronous message-prefetching consumer."    stackoverflow.com

What does it mean? I inherited a complex Java library with a failing integration test. The library uses a general publish/subscribe paradigm, but I must confess I'm pretty inexperienced when it ...

9. How to ack a message and not block container when an exception is received    forum.springsource.org

How to ack a message and not block container when an exception is received I have defined a SimpleMessageListenerContainer with an errorHandler, with 3 consumers. When I receive a message that ...

10. Prevent exception stacktrace in json messages    forum.springsource.org

11. Translating PropertyEditor exceptions to messages    forum.springsource.org

Translating PropertyEditor exceptions to messages My PropertyEditor class resolves "id strings" (essentially primary keys) to domain objects of some specific class. A manager class (could be a Dao or higher level ...

12. how to change exception message for date fields?    forum.springsource.org

how to change exception message for date fields? hi, i have a date field that requires MM/dd/yyyy input. however, if a user types "xyz", the form is re-displayed with an error ...

13. Message Bundle - No Message Found exception    forum.springsource.org

Message Bundle - No Message Found exception Hi friends, I m getting following exception when trying to use message bundle. I dont know if spring is able to find my message, ...

14. Shorter exception messages    forum.springsource.org

Shorter exception messages Is there a way to stop Spring exception messages from containing the entire call tree? Right now, my application has a screen to display error logs with a ...

15. Replace Exception thrown during Spring binding w/ custom error message?    forum.springsource.org

Replace Exception thrown during Spring binding w/ custom error message? Okay. I've been able to handle normal validation through Spring and get the error codes to display from message.properties. However, there ...

17. Problem: how show error message if i caught an exception in formBackingObject    forum.springsource.org

hello guys how the title says how show error message if i caught an exception in formBackingObject Code: protected Object formBackingObject(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { SomeObject miobject = new SomeObject(); try{ ...

18. JSP Error - No such message Exception    forum.springsource.org

Jasper Exception:No such message Exception when is used Hi, I know this is small but i'm unable to resolve ..can anyone pls help where i'm missing the link. I'm using ...

19. Struts 2 exception message,StackTrace    forum.springsource.org

Struts 2 exception message,StackTrace Hello, Thanks in advanced.....! Do anyone help me,how can i get exception message,StackTrace into my user defined class/jsp ? My code is looks like this:-

20. Attach Exception to message as its dead lettered?    forum.springsource.org

Hi, Please can you tell me if its possible to attach to the message the exception that caused it to be put in the dead letter queue? What I would like ...

21. field validation/exception/error message?    forum.springsource.org

field validation/exception/error message? Hi, I apologize if this or a similar question has already been asked, but I wasn't able to find an answer in the documentation or this forum... I ...

22. Suggestion for better exception message    forum.springsource.org

Suggestion for better exception message Hi all, I was just thinking if it was possible to re-define the exception message that is being thrown as shown below. The root cause of ...

23. Message Filter Exception Message    forum.springsource.org

I'm using a message filter with throw-exception-on-rejection set to true. Is it possible to specify what the error message for this exception will be? Currently it gets set by the framework ...

24. PasswordValidationCallback swallows exception... results in confusing fault message    forum.springsource.org

PasswordValidationCallback swallows exception... results in confusing fault message My WS has to use an "outside" remote service to authenticate client requests. The connection to that service may be broken or, potentially, ...

25. Direct channels loose remaining messages if ones handling throws exception?    forum.springsource.org

Direct channels loose remaining messages if ones handling throws exception? I have a "pipe" like this Code: inbound adapter -> direct channel -> splitter -> direct channel -> chain (header enricher ...

26. DOMResult to JMS message conversion exception    forum.springsource.org

DOMResult to JMS message conversion exception Hi All, I am writing a sample with SI 1.0.4. I want to send a XML message to a queue and then convert the message ...

27. skipping based on message of exception    forum.springsource.org

skipping based on message of exception Hi I was wondering what the best way to handle skips of a certain exception based on the cause/message? I am using StaxEventItemReader and there ...

28. Binding exception error message    forum.springsource.org

Binding exception error message Hi all, I have an input field that correspond to an Integer property in my command object. The problem is that a user enter a string into ...