velocity « MVC « Spring Q&A

1. Benefits of using JSTL vs Velocity for view layer in MVC app?

I'm currently building a Spring MVC application. I was looking to use JSP pages with tag libraries for handling the view layer and formatting of the HTML, but I've come across ...

2. Client side object velocity

I would like to create an object client side and add it to another object. I'm using velocity and Spring. I form a command object and pass it to the view as a ...

3. Bind XMLGregorianCalendar field in Spring MVC with velocity

I have a model object with an XMLGregorianCalendar field. How can I bind it to an input field? For string fields I'm using: #springFormInput("model.object.stringfield" "") but can't work out the corresponding code for an ...

4. velocity template and javascript

I try add javascript to my velocity template.


<title>:: $currency.CurrencyName Detail Info ::</title>

  <td><div id="$currency.CurrencyName_buy">$currency.Buy</div></td>

5. VTL evaluate or define an object reference

I would like to create a macro that takes a string as a parameter and evaluates that to an object. Something like:

#macro( valueTest $objRef)
  #define( $obj )#evaluate("$${objRef}")#end
  $ ## ...

6. Problem with Velocity - ResourceNotFoundException when using with Spring MVC

I am using Spring MVC for my web application and I am integrating Velocity for templating my emails. I am getting the following 500 error when It attempts to send my email.

org.apache.velocity.exception.ResourceNotFoundException: ...

7. Using Velocity Tools with Spring 3.0.3

When I update the bean:

<bean id="viewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.velocity.VelocityViewResolver">
  <property name="cache" value="true"/>
  <property name="prefix" value=""/>
  <property name="suffix" value=".vm"/>
  <property name="toolboxConfigLocation" value="tools.xml" />
With the tools.xml path for Velocity Tools, I ...

8. print date format in Velocity Spring MVC

I'm trying to create registration form using Spring MVC and Velocity as view. in the view there are inputs: username email password confirmpassword birthday -> format MM/dd/yyyy when user submit the form, my controller validate the form ...

9. Using Velocity with Tiles and Spring

I'm presently using Spring 3.0.4 and Apache Tiles 2.2.2 in my web app. I'd like to replace JSP with Apache Velocity 1.6.3 but I'm somewhat confused on how to do this. ...

10. In Springs Velocity binding macros (or JSP taglibrary) what is the reference to "command"?

In Spring 3, if I have a form object like so:

public Person {
   String firstname = null;
   String lastname = null;
   // ... getter & ...

11. Is it possible to read static text dynamically from property files in velocity template?

greetings all i have a java ee application (spring framework) that uses vm templates that contains static texts like:

<span> hello world </span>
to be something like:
<span> <fmt:message key="hi.message" /> </span>
and i was wondering if ...

12. How to mix different types of views in spring configuration?

greetings all i am using jsp as a view technology in my web app

<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">
        <property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/views/"/>

13. Arabic is displayed as ????? in velocity template

Greetings all i am using velocity templates in sending emails and in the template i have some arabic texts and when sending the email, the text appears like ?????????? i don't know why: encoding is set ...

14. #springFormInput Sytex problem

#springFormInput("userForm.password" 'type="password"') is not working; is it correct?

15. pagination using velocity

Is their is macros / tools available for pagination in velocity (spring used as framework) Regards Nidhin

16. Velocity vs Apache Tiles

What's better? We are going to start a new web project and it's a question which technology to choose. Project includes Spring MVC + WebFlow. Any good/bad experience in support, extending, performance? Thank you.

17. Velocity Spring Bind

I have a requirement to store a jsp in a database. I managed to store the html in the database and display using escapeHTML. The problem I had was with jsp ...

18. Velocity + Spring

I am attempting to setup a webapp with the above components. I've jumped all but the last hurdle which is integrating Spring & Velocity Tools. I saw this ...

19. Spring FlashScope

While waiting for FlashScope to be integrated into Spring 3.1 (it's scheduled for this release anyways), I came across this bug posting, which allowed me to incorporate a loose ...

20. Show all Spring form errors on Velocity template

I've got an application using Spring MVC and Velocity. On one of my forms, I want to show all errors related to the form at the top of the page. ...

21. Can Spring VelocityViewResolver handle multiple content types?

I'm using Spring's ContentNegotiatingViewResolver along with VelocityViewResolver in a REST Spring MVC application which will support many different response types. I would like Velocity to be able to handle multiple ...

22. How to use Apache FOP with Velocity in Spring MVC web-app?

I have simple configuration of Velocity in Spring context (according to an official Spring documentation) and works ok. How to configure/integrate this with Apache FOP and generate pdf documents ...

23. Velocity-Tools in Spring 3 app - Linktool causes NPE, how to solve?

I'm using a modified VelocityToolboxView (found somwhere here on stackoverflow) to make use of the Velocity-Tools 2.0 in spring 3. It looks like it is configuring well, but when I call ...

24. Does Velocity template has implicit request object?

I'm rephrasing my existing question to a more generic one. I want to know if velocity has got implicit object references like jsp. I'm particularly interested in knowing about request object. In jsp ...

25. Spring Web MVC and Velocity classpath problem

Jan 14th, 2011, 11:28 AM #1 rnaufal View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Visit Homepage Junior Member Join Date Jan 2011 Posts 3 Spring Web MVC and Velocity classpath problem ...

26. spring annotation MVC and velocity

spring annotation MVC and velocity hi,i have a problem about veloctiy toolbox.xml in spring mvc my code: /WEB-INF/config/tools.xml dateTool ...

27. MVC- Using JSP/Velocity/Tiles in Same WebAp

When using the Spring MVC with Tiles is it possible to use both JSP and Velocity in the same web app? The idea would be that one tile could be from ...

28. Spring MVC, Tiles 2.2.2, Apache velocity

I've been searching everywhere to integrate these 3 in my project since the past day. It should not be this difficult. I tried to use this guy's helper classes - ...

29. SpringMVC + velocity to render XML?

SpringMVC + velocity to render XML? In advance, pardon my ignorance -- I've only been using the framework for a few months now, and am still pretty green. I'm on a ...

30. Concurrency problems with Spring MVC and Velocity

Concurrency problems with Spring MVC and Velocity I have a serious problem with using Velocity as view resolver in my Spring MVC webapp: When testing the application with multiple simultaneous users, ...

31. Using Velocity with Spring Portlet MVC (Spring 2.0.1)

Using Velocity with Spring Portlet MVC (Spring 2.0.1) I am fairly new to the Spring Portlet MVC and Portlets at all. I get my portlets to work with JSP but I ...

32. MVC & Velocity setup problem

MVC & Velocity setup problem Hi All, I'm hoping someone might take a quick look at my config below and tell me why I cant seem to get it to work ...

33. Spring MVC + Velocity + multiple layout mappings

May 4th, 2009, 05:35 AM #1 martynhiemstra View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Feb 2007 Posts 37 Spring MVC + Velocity + multiple layout mappings Hi Everybody, ...

34. Spring 2.5 & Velocity 1.5 - Model is not passed to a view

Spring 2.5 & Velocity 1.5 - Model is not passed to a view Hi, I have a problem, I am not able to use Velocity, becouse all model data are null ...

35. Date format in Velocity Spring MVC

Date format in Velocity Spring MVC Hello .... I'm trying to create registration form using Spring MVC and Velocity as view. in the view there are inputs: username email password confirmpassword ...