validation 1 « MVC « Spring Q&A

1. Intent of Spring form command

Spring's form controller (such as SimpleFormController or BaseCommandController) uses commands to pass data between the HTML form and controller. My question is, is it common practice to use the backing model ...

2. What's the most AGILE APPROACH to validate Spring-MVC command (speeds up validation implementation on server side) ? (Spring-MVC)

I am starting a new Spring-MVC project. Validation is a important feature in any project. This way, i have seen many approachs as follows:

  • Spring Validator interface
It sounds like a Struts 1.x ...

3. Server Side Validation using Spring Web MVC validator class

I am developing app using Spring Web MVC, Hibernate.. Now, i have my login page configuration like :

<bean name="/uservalidate.htm" class="UserValidateFormController">
        <property name="sessionForm" value="true"/>

4. Where are the Spring MVC validation error codes resolved?

I am attempting to write validators under the Spring MVC framework, but there is a glaring omission in the documentation. When calling passing an error to the Errors object ...

5. Validate Numbers in Spring

I have a basic doubt in how to proceed in my application. I have a form and I need to validate that all the inputs which are numbers. I have a ...

6. questions on spring mvc form handling form's and validation

With spring MVC, do you have to use one of the special form controllers or it just makes things easier? I want to create a form, which doesn't directly map 1:1 to ...

7. Spring validation errors not displayed

I have the following situation. I have a validator to validate my command object and set the errors on a Errors object to be displayed in my form. The validator is ...

8. Spring 3.0 MVC client validation

I want to know what is the best way to validate a submition of an html form with Spring 3.0. The validations are simple mandatory checks, not very business oriented. I'm currently using ...

9. SpringMVC validation : No property 'commandClass' found

I'm trying to implement validation in a springmvc app, I followed the example described at When I run the app, I get the following error :

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: ...

10. Handling Exception like validation errors in Spring MVC

I have configured the SimpleMappingExceptionResolver in my web application, which is handling all the unexpected exceptions in the application and directing the user a to simple error page for recovery.
But what ...

11. spring 3 propertyeditor throws exception

New Problem: I register / bind my custom property editor and get an java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - as expected. The problem: I do not know how to create a custom error message if binding fails. Any ...

12. Reading the content of property file in Spring Validator Class

I am using Spring 3.0. Can i read a property file from a localdrive eg: C:\prop\ under webapps/application server)

login.password_blank=Password cannot be blank
I want to use the above in my Validator class(java ...

13. Input Validating in Spring MVC

I know the Commons Validator framework is the de facto standard for Struts projects to validate input values both on the server side and the client side. Is the same true for ...

14. Approach for validating 1 of n fields must be valid?

What's the preferred approach for validating that at least one of fieldA, fieldB, or fieldC is valid using a Spring 3 validator? In other words, any 2 of the fields can ...

15. spring validation with @Valid

I'm validating incoming attribute, but the validator catches even the other pages not annotated with @Valid

 @RequestMapping(value = "/showMatches.spr", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public ModelAndView showMatchPage(@ModelAttribute IdCommand idCommand) 
When ...

16. disallowed field validation

I'm new with spring framework. I'm currently building some news manager form. Here a sample of my news entity :

class News
    long id;

17. Spring Validation Error Generation

I'm using JSR-303 for validation and the Spring MVC 3. Validation is done manually through validator.validate(bean, errors) in a controller. I annotated the name property of the Foo class with @NotNull. When ...

18. Wrapping PropertyEdtior exceptions during Spring validation

When I submit a Spring form and a PropertyEditor fails to convert a value, an exception is thrown and a message like this ends up in my validator errors object:

Failed to ...

19. javax validation error code problem

I'm using javax validation anotations and get this odd error

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: can't parse argument number error.tnimi

20. spring mvc validation best practices

I am learning myself Spring MVC 2.5 mostly from the docs. Can someone explain the following:

  • Advantages/differences of using command objects versus using @ModelAttribute to pass in the object.
  • Is there an easier ...

21. Spring MVC 3 -> Validation

I have a Spring MVC application which communicates with the frontend with AJAX / JSON, and I have in the frontend a web application with HTML. For adding an element to the ...

22. Spring 3 MVC : problem with form:errors and bindingresult

I want to validate my inputs but i can't make it work : nothing appear on the page. My project is in java 5, so no JSR303 (@Valid). My only solution, if ...

23. Why is my Spring 3 Validator Validating Everything on the Model?

I have a spring 3 controller with a validator for one of the methods. It insists on validating every object on the model. Would anyone be able to explain to me ...

24. Spring form validation problems

I'm writing a web app with spring and I'm having problems with forms validation. It's the first time I use that, so I still have to understand it... Basically I have a ...

25. Unable to validate for date in Spring MVC

I am using custom editors for converting String to date. My code is mentioned below

public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {

SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    binder.registerCustomEditor(Date.class, ...

26. custom form:errors for spring mvc validation

I am using Spring 3 MVC and simply I want to display error messages at a particular order. The logic below I added is working fine. However I would like to add ...

27. Spring validator never called

I am trying to validate some information, so I added a validator and used @Valid in the parameter of the post method:

public class UserController {


28. Spring MVC validation: minimum one field required. At least one field required

I do a search by criteria with an DTO entity for filter in the front-end of my application:

public class MyFilter implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID ...

29. Validation in Spring MVC

how to get the request object in the validator class, as i need to validate the contents ie the parameters present in the request object.

30. Spring MVC: Simle validation **without** @ModelAttribute / "command object"

How to validate a simple form (one input field) and show errors without providing a command object ? My simple form is:

    <form id="verify" action="check.html">

31. Validation in Spring MVC

We are using Spring MVC 3.0 in our web application. We are also using the validation framework of Spring MVC. While doing validation we need to create our validators for each entity ...

32. best practice for Spring validation of AJAX JSON data

I'm using AJAX to send JSON data from web page to back end, and need some validation strategies. I noticed that there're several ways to validate form parameters like SimpleFormController with ...

33. Spring file upload file content valdiation

I need to upload file using Spring. I am using the Spring fileupload functionality. File can have any number of lines of records must be of 25digit number (should not be ...

34. SpringMVC: How to mark two inputs invalid?

I am using SpringMVC in my webapp to handle forms and their validation. In my Validator I have code like this:

public void validate(final Object target, final Errors errors)
    final ...

35. Put model data to form Spring MVC when load

I have a problem when I try put data from controller to form view when page load in spring mvc. Here is my Controller:

public class MyAccountController {

36. How to catch the Integer overflow error in Spring MVC?

I am using Spring MVC 3.0.5. Spring happily ignores an Integer overflow for a field that is mapped to an Integer. How can I report a proper error on that ? ...

37. Spring MVC + Ajax. How to display errors?

My spring web application is using ajax with spring, and it based in general on the demo application provided by spring: (Additional info : On the client-side I ...

38. Spring 3 validation not working

I have a user entity in my application which I need to validate.

public class User {

private String userName;
private String password;

public void setUserName(String userName){
this.userName = userName;

public getUserName(){
return this.userName;

// ...

39. Is it possible to have freemarker's <@spring.showErrors to display errors in a div instead of span


<@spring.formInput 'myForm.spouseEmail' 'id="spouseEmail" class="text"'/>
<@spring.showErrors ', ' 'error'/>
<span class="error">not a well-formed email address</span>
What I want:
<div class="error">not a well-formed email address</div>

40. Spring MVC 3 Validation not working

I have a bean to validate using jsr-303 but the BIndingResult returns no error. every time it returns to the success view My Bean is

public class User


41. Spring framework 2.5 validate multiple form fields with the same errorcode

Is there a way to reject multiple command object's fields with the same errorCode? I know there in no such method in the Errors object as "errors.rejectValue(fieldsOfCommandsObject[],errorCode" bu this is what I ...

42. Why is validation not working?

I am writing Web app in java using Spring Web MVC framework. Somehow validation does not work. Below is depicted the controller class:

public class UserNameController 


43. Spring mvc Joda Datetime converter fail if invalid date

I have a domain object that i want to have mapped from JSP that contains a Joda DateTime:

public beanClass{
  private Long id;

  private ...

44. Validating wizard pages with Spring 3

I started researching how to create a controller for a wizard-like form in Spring and came across the AbstractWizardFormController, which I quickly noticed was deprecated. I then dug a bit further and ...

45. Java spring framework form validation

I am using spring framework 3.0.5. I have a form:

<form:form method="POST" modelAttribute="postedEntry">
    Category: <form:select path="category" items="${menus}" itemValue="id" itemLabel="menuName"/><form:errors path="category"/>
    <br/>Title: <form:input path="title"/><form:errors path="title"/>

46. Spring 3 MVC File Upload and Form Validation without losing the file

Is there a small framework for Spring 3 & JSP that allows server side form validation for forms that contains normal fields and file upload, which is able to "rejecting" the ...

47. Spring MultipartFile validation and conversion

I currently have a Spring MVC controller that takes a MultipartFile

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String doUpload(@RequestParam("file") final MultipartFile file) {
    /* ... */
The file contains csv data which ...

48. spring-mvc form validation

I have program with form vaidation in spring-mvc.

import javax.validation.Valid;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;

import com.evgeny.spring.form.beans.Person;

public class FormController {

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET,value="some")
    public ModelAndView goRegistrate(){

49. Spring-MVC's @Valid is throwing form errors that do not exist

I have a weird problem in that I am trying to edit an existing Company object through a Spring MVC Controller that has a few Validation rules on it. The validation ...

50. Spring MVC number validation with typeMismatch

My form consists of an Item and has a "quantity". When I enter a letter I want it to come back with an error. I have attempted the "typeMismatch" ...

51. Is it too late to handle a Long-Value bound to an Input field by a custom Spring Validator?

Parts of the (Java, Spring-mvc, JSP) Form input is checked by Javascript. The rest is done by a custom Validator. The problem is when the Javascript validation is prevented, such an error ...

52. Spring MVC Front End Validations

I wanted to validate user inputs in my jsp which were binded to Springformdata objects using <spring:bind> without hitting the controller. Is there any other way I can achive this in spring ...

53. Spring MVC Validation Model

I'm a noobie in Spring MVC To make Spring MVC 3 Validation fully work, Must it be that the Model Class (e.g. User class) to have a commandName as 'user'? can't it be changed? Whenever ...

54. How can I exclude/ disallow field in Validator in Spring

I have 2 forms

  1. Add Book (addBook.jsp) and It's controller (
  2. Edit Book(editBook.jsp) and It's controller ( is bean class for both views. I have same UI for editBook.jsp and addBook.jsp. I have created org.springframework.validation.Validator ...

55. Spring - data validation

I'm just wondering about data validation in Spring. Spring is offering two (maybe more) validation options. First option is to use Validator interface and create whole validation on my own. Second ...

56. Validation Exception in Business LayerConstraintViolation

I'm trying to use a validation-exception on the presentation layer in spring mvc to show to the user. I'd like the ConstraintViolation information as objects. As much as I understand it, ...

57. Spring MVC validation error styling

I would like to style my forms in case of errors a bit more. Standard-usage is to print the error with help of <f:errors path="name" cssClass="error" /> But I want to mark the ...

58. How can I style invalid text field content in Spring MVC (JSP)

The Spring MVC JSP tag library has a tag for rendering form errors. This makes it easy to render an error message next to, say, an input text field. However, ...

59. validate microsoft excel data cell in java

how to validate excel's column in java spring? Validation such as column should be string or not null. After read excel file,do validation then all data will be store in database's ...

60. Spring MVC -> Validation

Spring MVC -> Validation Hello to all! I have a problem with my web application built with HTML in the frontend and Spring MVC in the backend system. They are connected ...

61. Spring MVC validation problem

Hi. My POST handle: Code: @RequestMapping(value="/disbursementToProviderRateSimulator.html", method=RequestMethod.POST) public String onSubmit(@ModelAttribute("disbursementSimulation") DisbursementSimulation simulation, BindingResult bindingResult, ModelMap model) { //validation new SimulationValidator().validate(simulation, bindingResult); if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) { return "disbursementToProviderRateSimulator"; } ....... } My validator ...

62. Suggestion about Spring MVC Client/Server Validation

Suggestion about Spring MVC Client/Server Validation I'm writing a web application (hibernate+spring+spring MVC) and now I have to choose a good client/server (i.e. client + server) validation, mainly for standard CRUD ...

63. How to make form validation with Spring MVC 3?

HTML Code: // Processo la form di inserimento nuovo Utente @RequestMapping(value = "/New", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String add(@RequestParam(value="gestRagSociale", required=true) String gestRagSociale, @Valid @ModelAttribute("utenteAttribute") Utente utente, BindingResult result) { logger.debug("Ricevuta richiesta ...

64. Spring MVC 3 Validation Issues

Spring MVC 3 Validation Issues Hi all, I've been trying to create a simple crud MVC application and have run in to afew problems. Ill mention the problems below, any help ...

65. List of Spring MVC validation rules

Hello there, Can anyone point me to the list of annotations available for form validation in spring mvc 3? e.g. @NotBlank, @Size, etc? i just found some adhoc examples on the ...

66. Custom validation in Spring MVC 3

Hi folks, I've read through tutorials and docs pertaining to validation in Spring MVC 3 with the implementation of JSR303. No doubt using annotations is handy; what about custom validation required ...

67. new spring mvc project, client side validation needed

new spring mvc project, client side validation needed hi guys, I'm starting a new spring MVC 3 project in these days, looking for an easy and good solution for client side ...

68. Spring MVC JSON Validator

Is it possible to validate a json post the same way we validate regular posts in spring mvc? The only way I have seen it done is by manually calling the ...

69. when validating form, losing model attribute

when validating form, losing model attribute I have a controller method that populates a spring form from a model attribute of contact information. I also populate a dropdown list with an ...

70. Validation of Select Box - DOJO + Spring MVC 3

Validation of Select Box - DOJO + Spring MVC 3 Hi, I am developing web application using Spring MVC 3. On my JSP page, i have added single value select box ...

71. spring-mvc validator not working

spring-mvc validator not working So, I'm trying to use JSR303 validator with HibernateValidator implementation in one of my Controllers but BindingResults always came "noErrors" even though it should complain about it. ...

72. Spring MVC 3 and returning validation errors to page from @Valid

Spring MVC 3 and returning validation errors to page from @Valid I need some major help here. I've been banging my head against this problem for almost a week now and ...

73. Failed to validate

Dec 1st, 2011, 09:36 AM #1 jhonghee View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Nov 2011 Posts 1 Failed to validate Here's my servlet-context.xml that includes ...

74. How do I deal with non-validation errors in Spring MVC?

I am using commons validator in spring MVC for form validation. I am able to show validation errors using tag. All good so far! However, I need a way to ...

75. Domain Models and Validation An Architectural Discussion

Oct 5th, 2005, 09:49 PM #1 leask View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jan 2005 Location Ottawa Canada Posts 14 Domain Models and Validation An ...

76. Commons Validator with Spring MVC

Commons Validator with Spring MVC Hello, I'm try to create the same example (Add XDoclet Validator to ) in page: But in this example we have only attributes that ...

77. how to do validation in spring MVC V2.0

how to do validation in spring MVC V2.0 Hi friends, i'm new spring tech. I'm doing a simple spring application. i need your help regarding how to do the validation. my ...

78. Beginning With Validation MVC - decision doubt

Hello guys i am learning about Spring mvc (rookie in this topic only), reading a book of Apress called Expert Spring MVC and Web Flows first i used to work with ...

79. dynamic jsp: help in view-validator-successView

dynamic jsp: help in view-validator-successView Hi all, It's the first time I try to make a server side validation of my web-pages. I created a test webapp and that works perfectly: ...

80. Form validation using spring mvc

Hi all, I am doing form validations in springmvc I wrote the files by following the url: I attatched all the files I have used and i attatched the errors i ...

81. Form validation using spring mvc

Hi, I am trying to do a simple form validation example using spring mvc. I wrote controller class and web.xml,formcontroller-servlet.xml,and two jsp files: one for displaying the form. and another for ...

82. Form validation using spring mvc

Form validation using spring mvc Hi all, I am doing form validations using spring mvc. I wrote web.xml,formcontroller-servlet.xml,and applicationContext.xml are 3 configuration files. webform.jsp is the form to validate. statusmsg.jsp is ...

83. Form validation using spring mvc

Form validation using spring mvc Hi all, I am doing form validations using spring mvc. I wrote web.xml,formcontroller-servlet.xml,and applicationContext.xml are 3 configuration files. webform.jsp is the form to validate. statusmsg.jsp is ...

84. VERY URGENT -------- Commons Validator with Spring MVC for multiple forms

VERY URGENT -------- Commons Validator with Spring MVC for multiple forms Hi, I have a parent entity named WirelessDevice which contains child entities like Geometry, Display etc. Now my application has ...

85. How to use a resource bundle with Spring MVC and Commons Validator

How to use a resource bundle with Spring MVC and Commons Validator Hi, I am using Spring MVC and Commons Validator for validations. In the validator-rules.xml, we have a "required" rule ...

86. integrate validation commons framework in spring MVC

Hi, I want to validate name and email of user for that can any body send me the code for the same using validation framework in SPring MVC framework. I want ...

88. Using springframework.validation instead of throwing exception (not in MVC)

Using springframework.validation instead of throwing exception (not in MVC) If this is in the wrong forum, please point me to the right one. I'm considering using Spring's validation framework at my ...

89. Spring MVC Validation issue

Apr 8th, 2008, 08:56 PM #1 pontiusmatt View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2008 Posts 2 Spring MVC Validation issue I have created a web-app ...

90. validation commons framework in spring MVC

hi , can any one please send me the sample code with validation commons framework in spring MVC, in jsp's i wan't to use Spring form tags like , Thanks ...

91. Validation outside of Spring MVC

Validation outside of Spring MVC I've seen many places in the documentation where it's noted that Validator and other components of Spring's validation package are useful in all layers of the ...

92. Ajax form validation with MVC

Ajax form validation with MVC Greetings! I have a requirement to display a form on the LHS of the page, and display the results on the RHS of the page (without ...

93. basic jsp validation using spring mvc

hello, i am new to spring mvc. i have a form to be validated after which i need to show the error messages beside the field. how do i do that. ...

94. successView and validate on page load

successView and validate on page load Dear all, Probably this is a very naif question but I'm being around this problem for some hours now and I'm not able to see ...

95. front end validation in SPRING MVC

I want to perform front end validation using javascript prior to submitting the form to back-end. Here is the code: When I run this jsp page, ...

96. Spring MVC validation errors are not showing up

Spring MVC validation errors are not showing up I am using Spring MVC and Spring Webflow 2.5. My webflow has a view state and when it is submitted then I am ...

97. @MVC form validation

@MVC form validation Hi guys. I started using @mvc to speed up development. I couldn't get the following simple code working; can you give some direction? Also, I will appreciate if ...

98. S-MVC referenceddata after validation

S-MVC referenceddata after validation Hi all. I'm having the following problem: after submission of a form, which intentionally fails because of a required field, the "referenceData" is missing. Command object: Code: ...

99. Numeric values validation in MVC with Validator interface

Numeric values validation in MVC with Validator interface Hi This is my problem, Error message of the web page I am getting if I enter a character value is Failed to ...

100. Spring MVC - Spring JS - Interesting Behavior of Form Validation in Popup

Code: @Controller public class AccountSearchController { [...] /** * Displays a new search form to the suer. * @param criteria the search criteria to pre-populate the form with */ @RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET) public ...