taglib « MVC « Spring Q&A

1. Does spring form taglib disabled attribute really have to resolve to a string?    stackoverflow.com

I've been playing around with the spring form taglib lately and came across a fairly disturbing phenomenon.

<form:select path="whatever" disabled="${true}">
Will render a select element that is NOT disabled
<form:select path="whatever" disabled="${'true'}">
Will render a ...

2. Can any framework project use Struts-taglib    stackoverflow.com

I have read here that one disadvantage that some may find with using Spring MVC over Struts is that Struts has tags that output HTML code, while Spring has ...

3. Validation errors are not being rendered by tag in my Spring 3.0.3 web MVC app    stackoverflow.com

I'm developing an image rendering service that takes a bunch of query string parameters as arguments to render an image using Spring 3.0.3. I'm trying to validate the query string parameters ...

4. Migration from Struts 1.2 -> Struts2 vs Spring-MVC (primarily vis-a-vis Struts1.2 taglib support)    stackoverflow.com

Primary Question: If my app is CURRENTLY using Struts 1.x - and I am considering migrating to EITHER Spring-MVC or Struts2 for the MVC-framework - is there anything about either one ...

5. download spring taglibs    stackoverflow.com

I want to use spring taglibs in UI layer in my project. Can anyone let me know where from i need to download the spring taglibs?

6. Why does Spring have taglibs & velocity/freemarker macros? Isn't that anti-spring?    stackoverflow.com

I'm new to Spring, and the Spring dogma, as I understand it, is to make your applications as least-reliant on the framework as possible. Any time I see some documentation or ...

7. Spring MVC and custom tags    stackoverflow.com

I want to use spring-beans in my custom taglibs in a spring-mvc application. Cause TagLib-Instances aren't instantiated by spring, I can't use dependnecy-injection. My next thought was to add the spring-context by ...

8. Passing dynamic values to JSP Taglib using Spring MVC    stackoverflow.com

I need to pass a dynamic value to a custom taglib. Eg.

<ibe:I18N baseName="msg" key="dynamic value"/>
How do I pass the dynamic value? Thank you.

9. Problem getting JodaTime JSP Taglibs working    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to get the JodaTime taglib working in my Spring 3 MVC app. Per the website I should be able to put this in my jsp page and ...

10. Spring MVC 3.0 form tag library - Any way to override the tag's name or id attribute    stackoverflow.com

I'm using the form:select taglib to generate a select with options. Spring assigns the name and id attribute to the name of the path which I specify in the form:select ...

11. Can't get any output from the taglib    stackoverflow.com

I'm writing a Spring 3 MVC based web app, using JSPs for my view layer. I'm struggling on a particular area where I'm trying to report BindingResult errors for a particular ...

12. What the benefit of using taglib?    stackoverflow.com

I am going to use Spring Web MVC Framework on Netbeans. Writing Web user interface do I really need to use taglib or can I aim the same functionality with XHTML? ...

13. Tags not parsing when taglib definition put in layout of the Tiles2/SpringMVC but work fine on the specific page    stackoverflow.com

I am using Tiles2 with SpringMVC application. I added:

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %>
to the top of my layout, however, the tags are not being processed in my body. If I add ...

14. Spring Form Taglib Checkboxes and the Default Value    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to display a list of checkboxes based on a list of data that I have. I have managed to do this, however, I don't seem to be ...

15. File uploading from within a custom form tag in Spring MVC    stackoverflow.com


Part of the administrator side of our application requires the user to edit various types of content, which involves using a rich text editor or using files to generate content that ...

16. can't get request parameter with core taglib, works with request.getparameter?    stackoverflow.com

EDIT: found it at last. It doesn't work in Jetty for some reason, but worked in Tomcat when i built and ran there. No idea why though... Oh, man i went crazy ...

17. Taglib "well-formed" xml error when using Spring MVC    forum.springsource.org

Taglib "well-formed" xml error when using Spring MVC I'm using Spring 3.0 on Tomcat 7 and following the simple tutorial Spring gives on Spring MVC: http://static.springsource.org/docs/...-step-by-step/. After I deploy the application, ...

18. Spring MVC 2 form:* JSP taglib : select    forum.springsource.org

Spring MVC 2 form:* JSP taglib : select Hi, Since it's pretty hard to google for any documentation about the new form:select JSP tag in Spring MVC 2, here is my ...

19. Spring Portlet MVC, Spring form taglib and Portlet taglib    forum.springsource.org

Spring Portlet MVC, Spring form taglib and Portlet taglib Hi, I have a problem which looks not really Spring specific, but more like a general problem with tags in JSPs. I ...

20. error while using form taglib controlls in spring MVC    forum.springsource.org

Dec 22nd, 2006, 03:13 AM #1 ArunD View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Dec 2006 Posts 36 error while using form taglib controlls in spring MVC Hi ...

21. Portlet MVC and taglibs    forum.springsource.org

We are doing portlet development using the Spring Portlet MVC. Spring 2.0 ships with spring-form.tld for handling the html forms. However, the spring portlet example application (http://opensource.atlassian.com/conf...ay/JSR168/Home) has chosen to use ...

22. Definining Custom TagLibs in Spring MVC    forum.springsource.org

Definining Custom TagLibs in Spring MVC I was wondering if anyone has any examples of how to develop taglibs in Spring MVC I have traditionally developed them by creating - java ...

23. [B]TagLib for Spring MVC[/b]    forum.springsource.org

guys, can any one tell me the collection of taglibs which can be used with Spring MVC? I'm looking for the tags something like ...

24. Taglib for Spring MVC    forum.springsource.org

Hi, Is there any custom tag library for Spring MVC? I'm looking for the tags simillar to . Thanks in advance...

25. Spring MVC Template -- Can't find taglib    forum.springsource.org

Running STS-2.2.0-RELEASE Created New -> Spring Template Project Select Spring MVC project named it springmvc package = com.example.springmvc Validation Error detected in welcome.jsp. Can not find the tag library descriptor for ...

26. How to read ModelAndView object in JSP withou using any tag from taglib    forum.springsource.org

How to read ModelAndView object in JSP withou using any tag from taglib Hi, I want my view (JSP) to read ModelAndView object which I set in the controller without using ...

27. MVC taglib customization.    forum.springsource.org

Did you know that you can write your own custom taglibs pretty easily? You could even extend a Spring tag if were so inclined. Code: package jstl; public class FancyPantsTag extends ...

28. Using pager-taglib with Spring MVC    forum.springsource.org

Using pager-taglib with Spring MVC I have a problem with keeping the resultset displayed with pager-taglib on the same page. It's fine if the controller only generates a single page of ...