pojo « MVC « Spring Q&A

1. MarshallingView in Spring to adjust output?    stackoverflow.com

I have some POJOs which are the basis for this RESTful API I am working on. However, some of the responses I need to include some other information to make the ...

2. Spring MVC POJO Bind Explanation    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to understand how the binding of objects works in spring mvc. I have a Controller set up as follows, and want to have the freemarker template bind ...

3. How does spring map post data to POJO?    stackoverflow.com

I have a spring controller defined like this:

class UserController {
    public String save(User user) {

4. POJO to MultiValueMap mapping/binding/conversion in spring 3    stackoverflow.com

I have a POJO I need to format as a MultiValueMap. This MultiValueMap will be used as the request in a POST method using the restTemplate class and will be ...

5. Binding pojo as form backing object with Set of other pojos with dynamic creation    stackoverflow.com

I am using Spring 3.0.2, Hibernate 3,5 (not sure) and JSP to create a web application. While creating a simple form (backed by pojo with simple attributes), everything works just fine. ...

6. How does Spring encode POJOs in GET requests for @ModelAttribute?    stackoverflow.com

I have a Spring MVC controller set up like so:

public ModelAndView activityChart(
  @RequestParam(required=false, value="parent") String parent,
  @RequestParam(required=false, value="expand") String[] expand,
  @ModelAttribute PaginationArgs paginationargs) throws IOException {

// ... return ...

7. Spring MVC and handler methods with POJOs    stackoverflow.com

Spring MVC allows to define handler methods with a variety of parameters which are filled in with the appropriate values. Is it possible to use the same approach to fill ...

8. Spring MVC Reflection - invoke Pojo setters    stackoverflow.com

I have a controller that is supposed to update any object in the database, how can I make it so that that objects setters are called based on the property keys ...

9. Can't map request attribs to POJO in unit test in SpringMVC    forum.springsource.org

Sep 30th, 2004, 09:00 AM #1 Starman View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Aug 2004 Location Quebec, Canada Posts 8 Can't map request attribs to POJO ...

10. POJO model and business methods    forum.springsource.org

Hi all, I have a question based on POJO object : Correct me, If following definition are not corrects: a) The object class define within an hibernate mapping file (hbm.xml) act ...

11. Spring MVC - Command Object that contains POJO    forum.springsource.org

Spring MVC - Command Object that contains POJO Is command objects that contain pojos supported in Spring MVC. I am using a simpleFormController and a JSP that has a command object ...

12. Spring MVC with JSON support using Generics POJO mappings    forum.springsource.org

I have successfully implemented data model mapping between JSON objects and POJOs using the Jackson Mapper. I am trying to implement a standard JSON Request and a standard JSON Repsponse object ...