object « MVC « Spring Q&A

1. Spring.net + NHibernate + .net MVC : Spring.Objects.Factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException    stackoverflow.com

With Sqllite provider,it works. But with sybase provider,it thows exception. Exception: Error thrown by a dependency of object 'SybaseAse-12' defined in 'assembly [Spring.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=65e474d141e25e07], resource [Spring.Data.Common.dbproviders.xml] line 1436' : Unsatisfied dependency expressed ...

2. application_start Event to pre-load objects in spring mvc?    stackoverflow.com

Does spring (spring mvc) have an event that gets fired once, on application startup, where I can hook in and load some objects?

3. How does formbackingobject and referencedata object operate in Spring Web MVC Cycle?    stackoverflow.com

I am new to Spring Framework and trying to understand the functionality of FormBackingObject and comparing it with referencedata object functions, both this objects confuse me when am trying to relate ...

4. How to handly arbitrary json objects with spring mvc?    stackoverflow.com

I successfully use spring-mvc with json in order to convert between domain objects and json objects. Now, I want to write a Controller that just accepts any json, validates it and provides ...

5. JSON object returned as file download (Spring MVC)    stackoverflow.com

Instead of loading my JSP, the JSON object is returned as file download. Here's my Controller method

@RequestMapping(value="/newProduct", method=RequestMethod.GET)public @ResponseBody ProductDetails getNewProductForm(@RequestParam String categoryName) {
ProductDetails product = new ProductDetails(); product.setCategoryName(categoryName); return product;} And ...

6. spring frame work - object doesn't get created    stackoverflow.com

I'm using @Controller to create controllers in my spring application, but when I start the Tomcat server it seems that particular newly created Controller object does not exist in the JVM. ...

7. Parsing json into java objects with other object attribue in spring-mvc    stackoverflow.com

I have an object of type element and this has an attribute of type theme. when I create a new element is represented by a theme select in the view, and ...

8. Overwriting @ModelAttribute object in Spring MVC3    stackoverflow.com

Is there anyway to overwrite a @ModelAttribute object by means of the ModelAndView Object returned? For example, let's say we have @ModelAttribute("bean") as a parameter of the method. Is there anyway ...

9. JSON Objects vs Spring Model Objects    stackoverflow.com

I am using standard Spring MVC 3x framework and have my model entities all built up with all the good relational stuff (javax.persistence API)... integrated with my DB. As the application evolved, ...

10. Spring model object    stackoverflow.com

I want to set to different data,like

    SoyMapData dataFormsMenu=new SoyMapData(
            "class","menu horizontal",

11. Spring MVC cast principal object    stackoverflow.com

I currently do the following in my Spring MVC project alot:

protected String onSubmit(UploadMessagesCommand command, Principal principal) throws Exception {
    MyCustomUserDetailsImpl user = (MyCustomUserDetailsImpl) principal;
Is ...

12. What causes Getting a neither bindingresult nor plain target object error in Spring MVC    stackoverflow.com

I have a <form:options> in my jsp for which I have defined the path attribute. It looks like this

<form:select id="drpDwn" path="usrNm" onchange="getUserNames()">
My Controller method signature looks like this, I am just ...

13. Unable to locate object to be marshalled in model    forum.springsource.org

Unable to locate object to be marshalled in model Hi, I'm getting following error when the controller is returning ModelAndView Code: return new ModelAndView(XML_VIEW_NAME,"object",e); Code: javax.servlet.ServletException: Unable to locate object to ...

14. Getting objects from model    forum.springsource.org

Getting objects from model I have a JSP view which is passed a model consisting of several business objects. I have logic defined within my business objects and can access them ...

15. Unexpected objects in Model    forum.springsource.org

Unexpected objects in Model Hello, I have a Controller, which method returns JSON Model, as follows: Code: ... @RequestMapping(value="/imageUpload.ajax", method=RequestMethod.POST) public ModelAndView uploadImage(@Valid UploadItem uploadItem, BindingResult result, UserSession userSession) { ModelAndView ...

16. Model Object Inheritance?    forum.springsource.org

I have a bunch of controller methods in one class all need to add the same session attribute to the Model for front end UI to use. To avoid repetitively add ...

17. Unable to locate object to be marshalled in model: {}    forum.springsource.org

Unable to locate object to be marshalled in model: {} So, I am new to Roo, having fun, yada yada...but have ran into a problem... Trying to use ContentNegotiatingViewResolver to provide ...

18. How to iterate over a Set of Objects present in ModelAttribute?    forum.springsource.org

How to iterate over a Set of Objects present in ModelAttribute? I've a Hibernate Entity class: Code: @Entity @Table(name = "user_details") public class UserDetails implements java.io.Serializable { private static final long ...

19. nested model objects    forum.springsource.org

nested model objects Hi I have the below scenario for my requirements. Im not able to map the nested objects to my form fields .. Class A{ string a1; @ManyToOne(cascade={}) B ...

20. How to make domain model objects observables ?    forum.springsource.org

How to make domain model objects observables ? Hi all, I'm the architect of a recently started J2EE project. We're heading towards a canonical layered architecture, with SLSBs and MDBs as ...

21. Adaptive Object Models    forum.springsource.org

Adaptive Object Models I am in the process of designing a service oriented middleware product that needs to provide software developers/integrators with the ability to add extra properties and business rules ...

22. Help ! Spring MVC Design for inherited domain objects    forum.springsource.org

Help ! Spring MVC Design for inherited domain objects hi, i am new in Spring 3 MVC programming. I had wrote a Spring 3 MVC example with Hibernate. This is the ...

23. Registering an arbitrary object with FormModel    forum.springsource.org

I have a domain object associated with my FormModel in the normal way: Code: FormModel myFormModel = FormModelHelper.createFormModel(domainObject); At this point, the various FormBuilders in Spring Rich will use the various ...

24. Appending more objects to a ModelAndView    forum.springsource.org

I have an additional object I want all controllers to append to a ModelAndView... apart from manually adding it in the controller is there another way this can be done? Chaining ...

25. how can i get the model object out ofta    forum.springsource.org

how can i get the model object out ofta // can any body help me how to solve this , i am returning a ModelAndView from Map myModel = new ...

26. Jakarta input taglibraries and spring model object    forum.springsource.org

I'm having the same problem Hi I just don't know how to fit a Hashtable into the jakarta input taglib Can you show how you did, I need more code, like ...

27. Creating complex Domain Objects from Web MVC    forum.springsource.org

Creating complex Domain Objects from Web MVC Hi, I need to display a person's information. The domain looks like this Person - firstName --> String - lastName --> String - address ...

28. model Object / javaScript    forum.springsource.org

model Object / javaScript hi... my Controller: ... model.put("message", "failedLoginMessage"); session.setAttribute("trueLogin",login); return new ModelAndView(redirectUri, "model", model); ...