modelAndView « MVC « Spring Q&A

1. getModel() vs getModelMap() in ModelAndView

Which one has to be used when ? When I see the source code of ModelAndView class, getModel() is simpling calling the getModelMap(), Why are there two different methods doing same activity ...

2. Execute a task after the modelAndView is returned

In Spring, is there a way to execute a task after returning a view or I need to create a ThreadPool and do it ? Ex:

public ModelAndView handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request,

3. Need help with undestand ModelAndView in java spring

have this basic function

protected ModelAndView handleRequestInternal (http.. , http..)

return new ModelAndView("welcomePage","WelcomeMessage",message);

I know that this will return modelandView. I know that "welcomePage" is my viewname so that means something like welcomepage.jsp will ...

4. Can i return two models in ModelAndView in Spring MVC

Suppose i have following code if i have one model

MyBean bean = new MyBean();

return new ModelAndView("welcomePage","model",bean);
But if i have two or three models like Suppose on my one view i want the ...

5. Render ModelAndView manually?

I need to render ModelAndView in my controller manually in order to put it inside JSON object. If I pass the whole ModelAndView object into to JSON I get " no ...

7. Render ModelANdView programatically

8. Help with returning new ModelAndView vs returning showForm

Help with returning new ModelAndView vs returning showForm I have a page that shows the user a monthly report. Initially only the top half of the page is displayed -- a ...

9. SimpleFormContoller - return ModelAndView for both isFormSubmission cases

SimpleFormContoller - return ModelAndView for both isFormSubmission cases Hi! I'm working on a SFC that should return a ModelAndView for both the FormView and the SuccessView. While for the SuccessView it ...

10. How does function ModelAndView??

Hi all!! I need to know if ModelAndView object when returned is directed to the DispatcherServlet, in this case to be redirected to another controller, to the FacesServlet, in this case ...

11. ModelAndView

hi, Is it possible to assign the value returned from the ModelAndView to a variable in a jsp page? In the controller I implemented the return statement is as given below: ...

12. ModelAndView Concepts

ModelAndView Concepts I have a JSP called one.jsp. The configuration of my x-servlet.xml is like this. FirstFormController true Entry com.Entry one oneConfirmRedirect ...

13. ModelAndView Error

ModelAndView Error Hi Everybody, I have a problem. I get the following exception: [ServletException in:/test.jsp] Could not find Errors instance for bean 'application' in request: add the Errors model to your ...

14. ModelAndView forward loop. HELP!

ModelAndView forward loop. HELP! Hi, I have a webapp using Spring 1.2.6 and Tomcat 5.5.15. I have a problem in that I'm trying to intercept URL's with .jsp suffixes and perform ...

15. ModelAndView and scope...

/** *a multiActionController action */ public ModelAndView defaultAction(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { List allFolders = listaFaldoniController.findAllFolders(); request.getSession(true).setAttribute("folders", allFolders); ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(getSuccessView()); return mav; }

16. modelandview

Hi, If I do a redirection on ModelandView. return ModelAndView( reDirectto "DisplayHome"," usersession",user_session What object does require get . do i need I call formBackingObject to retirve the (user_sessio) Any help ...

17. unable to use getOutputStream and return new ModelAndView("downloadSuccess")

unable to use getOutputStream and return new ModelAndView("downloadSuccess") Hi friends! please help me i have controller where iam using response.getOutputStream().write(bytesOfFile); after that i have statement return new ModelAndView("downloadSuccess"); but its giving ...

18. How to pass a ModelAndView between referenceData() and onSubmit() ?

Is there any elegant way of passing parameters from referenceData() to onSubmit() ? Imagine the situation: before showing a form to user I put some params to ModelAndView; after the form ...

19. ModelAndView onsubmit(...)

Hi all, I have a JSP page and i am using the SimpleFormController. the onSubmit(...) method only gives me one Object command. But what if my form in the JSP page ...

20. ClassCastException on ModelAndView when upgrading from version 1.2.x to 2.0

I'm attempting to update my webapplication server to use spring 2.0 from spring 1.2.8 and now i'm encountering some issues with a ClassCastException. The application works fine on spring 1.2.8 jar ...

21. Returning proper ModelAndView

viewResolver you have defined to determine that the form page is \WEB-INF\jsp\ftp.jsp and the successview after a form is posted is \WEB-INF\jsp\imagemanager.jsp. But from a client perspective they just see \ftp.htm ...

22. Problem returning the correct ModelAndView

Jan 9th, 2007, 03:14 PM #1 peternorman View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2006 Posts 7 Problem returning the correct ModelAndView This is my first ...

23. Problem with the ModelAndView Method

Problem with the ModelAndView Method Hi , I am new to spring and i think my query is quiet simple. I have my JSP with a hyperlink and made the href ...

24. ModelAndView not working

ModelAndView not working ModelAndView onSubmit(Object command) is not working. I cannot get the values within the mav.addObject("facilities", facilityService.getFacilityName()); to display on my webpage. I did some System.out.println checks to see where ...

25. Doubt regarding ModelAndView

Hi, I am hoping for a reply here, but I wanted to know how to access the object added to ModelAndView.addObject(Map). If there a way, I can access it in the ...

26. Help with ModelAndView

What is the scope of the objects added in ModelAndView using the addObject method. I am implementing a code which will redirect to the page displaying a message 'Good morning' <> ...

27. ModelAndView

I can understand the ModelAndView("/pages/test.jsp") will launch the test.jsp page. 1)Then what are the usage of the last two parameters: "testForm", testForm, as in the following: TestForm testForm = new TestForm(); ...

28. ModelAndView

In a JSP page, the layout is like this:

left panel
A handler method of a controller (in Sprng MVC) ...

29. Prototype.js and ModelAndView

Prototype.js and ModelAndView I am using Spring MVC. Here is the process: Home.jsp contains a place holder

1)Use the Prototype.js functionality to send a URI: test.htm?cmd=testHandler 2)This testHandler ...

30. ModelAndView inline

31. Reading ${variables} coming from ModelAndView

Hi guys, can you tell me how i can read variables coming from ModelAndView Object in my own taglibs? I mean variables like ${variable} When I use some standard tags like ...

32. Spring 2.5 - Where is ModelAndView ?

Hello All, I was wondering where this class has been pushed to ? I downloaded the artifact from the Maven Repo and could not obtain it there ? I scoured the ...

33. Date problem and null modelandview

Jan 13th, 2008, 05:30 PM #1 christopher1234 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Dec 2007 Posts 60 Date problem and null modelandview I am getting a user ...

34. ModelAndView

Normally I'll use ModelAndView("/pages/test") to return a test.jsp. Now for some reason, I'll need return ModelAndView("test.htm?cmd=testFunc&id=12345"); This will forward to the controller (referred by test.htm), then execute the testFunc method and ...

35. Spring MVC, ModelAndView and AddObject

Spring MVC, ModelAndView and AddObject Good morning (or afternoon...) everybody ! I have a question about the Spring MVC. When returning a ModelAndView, I am adding some Objects to the View ...

36. Problem with ModelAndView

Problem with ModelAndView Hello, I have a form to search user by criteria. On the same form i want to display the results of the search but it doesn't work Here ...

37. Missing model from ModelAndView

Missing model from ModelAndView I am new to Spring MVC and am attempting to do some prototyping in it, but I'm hitting a snag that I can't seem to resolve. My ...

38. returning ModelAndView question

returning ModelAndView question Hi all, I have only started using spring-mvc this week. I have developed a form controller that successfuly gets the information that i type into the form. This ...

39. getModel vs getModelMap in ModelAndView

Depends on what you want to use. One returns a Map the other a ModelMap, the latter one has some additional add methods compared to a Map.

40. Create a new ModelAndView

My understanding is that the welcome file is designed to be the initial page that would be served by the default/implicit servlet (i.e. the servlet that comes with the web container, ...

41. Spring ModelAndView containing JSON

Spring ModelAndView containing JSON Hi All, I am having some problems with my simple spring web app and handling json. It is using Spring 2.5 and i basically created it following ...

42. ModelAndView.toString() stack overflow on Glassfish

ModelAndView.toString() stack overflow on Glassfish Have a Spring 3.0 ear file which works fine on WebSphere 6.1 app server. Tried exact same ear on Sun's Glassfish 3.0 and the below method ...