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1. How to populate a drop down list in Spring MVC

would like to populate a drop down list on a jsp page i have my page that looks like

 <form:form method="POST" action="addRss.htm" commandName="addNewRss" cssClass="addUserForm">

2. listing vaules in spring

I am doing following

List list=new ArrayList();
list.add(new String[] {"1","java"});
model.addAttribute("tagList", list);
And in view
<form:select path="probTag">
    <form:options items="${tagList}" itemLabel="${tagList[0]}" itemValue="${tagList[1]}"/>
but this is not working. What else can be done to solve the ...

3. Spring MVC best way to populate drop down list - properties file?

I want to populate a drop down list and I do not want to keep going to the database. I was thinking to have my country list or language list in a ...

4. Custom label and values in select list in Spring MVC

I have a user drop down in my JSP page where I show the user list. In the drop down I need to show the user name and email as the ...

5. Multi save list in Spring MVC?

Is there any way to save list of object and their collections just by one click save? I mean list populated with already filled input text by object's value and justONE button ...

6. Spring welcome-file-list correct mapping

I know that in spring I must define welcome-file, which should be outside of WEB-INF folder, so I define it like this: web.xml:



7. Setting selected value in select list

I have a Spring form that user fill. That form includes select dropdowns with multiple options. I must provide a page, where user can mofidy the form values once sent. That ...

8. List of Data using Spring MVC 3

Hello, How can I display a list of data using Spring MVC 3? I can't find any tutorial... I want to put it on a jsp page like this ID Name ...

9. Model data is not coming to drop down list.

Model data is not coming to drop down list. Hi I am trying to display some data in to dropdown list when form is loaded. But i am unable to display ...

10. FormObject containing a List, problems with commit

FormObject containing a List, problems with commit I'm having trouble dealing with a "complex" formObject: i'm trying to build up an example using two classes, having this structure: class A { ...

11. ant list error while running mvc example

12. Do I allways need to put forward:list in my successView?

A forward occurs within the same request as post, so the user can accidentally repeat the post by using the back or refresh button. You can google for redirect after post ...

13. Find an object at certain index on a modelAndView list of objects

Hi, I want to access an object from a list assigned to a modelAndView via a controller. For example: Controller: return new ModelAndView("fixture", "fixtures", list); jsp: OR ...

14. Send model attribute as list of objects

Send model attribute as list of objects Hi everyone, is there a way to send to a controller a list of objects directly? I mean without having a container object that ...

15. Spring mvc with Backed List

Spring mvc with Backed List Hello, I am facing the issue that I have a Spring-mvc frontend that is backed by a List of Objects. I want the user to modify ...