internationalization « MVC « Spring Q&A

1. i18n in ExtJS & Spring MVC

I've searched a bit on the web but haven't really found a concrete solution to internationalize an application running ExtJS & Spring MVC. Currently (for testing), I define global javascript variables ...

2. Resource Bundle Spring

How can I access the messages from a resource bundle in Spring MVC inside a class that extends from AbstractController? I have tried getMessageSourceAccessor().getMessage("a.message"); but it it throws this Exception:

org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: ...

3. Different i18n in spring according to url

I have a spring web application that is required to work as following the application will be accessed from two different URLs and and it is required that the two URLs ...

4. Spring 3 mvc namespace and i18n

Problem with i18n and Spring 3 mvc namespace I have not figured out how to get messages resolved when using Spring’s mvc namespace. For example, a JSP with this line:

<fmt:message key="welcome.title"/>
I have a ...

5. html image tooltip problem

I have an image wherein i need to assign a tooltip depending on the language selected.... So the tooltip has to come from a resourse bundle relative to the locale/language.... I ...

6. i18n : Umlaut not being displayed correctly in JSP

I have a JSP that is supposed to display some German text from some .properties files by using fmt:message, e.g. The corresponding entry in the .properties file is: service.test.hware.test = Hardware prüfen (umlaut between ...

7. spring local-sensitive data

I have some problems with making my web-app adapted for remote user browseres language settings. I used ResourceBundleMessageSource for it. It looks like this:

<bean id="messageSource" class="">
    <property name="basename" ...

8. Dynamic names in Spring internationalization

I have in the properties file several properties to be translated into different laguages:

They are values of a list so in the JSP I want to get the translated value. So ...

9. What to use for localization in JSPs with Spring?

I have a Spring MVC webapp that used files. Currently I use <fmt:message key=""/> in my files. I just saw another tutorial reccomending <spring:message code=""/> Can anyone tell the difference? What are PROs and ...

10. LocaleResolver in Spring

I am using session locale resolver for my application. I am showing the languages in dropdown. if the user selects on any of the language then repopulates all values from that ...

11. Spring MVC/JSP. How to create multilanguage combo with country list?

I took advantage of the configuration as shown in this example: Now, I would do internationalization combo with a choice of country. How can I do such a thing? (JSP ...

12. Internationalization off validation errors using @Valid

I cannot get internationalization to work for validation errors using the @Valid annotation.

<%@ page language="java" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%>
<%@taglib prefix="form" uri=""%>
<%@ taglib prefix="spring" uri="" %>

<form:form  action="" method="post" commandName="entryForm">

13. Dynamically generate a list of available languages in Spring MVC

I have set up i18n in Spring MVC 3, and it is working correctly. There are several files, each with its own language:,, etc. In one of my JSPs, I need ...

14. How to add some Spring attributes when the application starts

I am new to Spring framework and I am working on a web application that must be multilanguage. The tanslated values are in the database and I don't want that each time ...

15. Spring MVC and i18n

Hi, my current web app does NOT need i18n so great no property files and key lookups. However, when i want to report validation errors, I seem to have to use ...

16. question for i18n in spring mvc.

question for i18n in spring mvc. hi, I did follow a couple of book try to setup i18n in spring mvc (use message source, local change interceptor, cookie resolver etc) i ...

17. Spring mvc i18n problem

Spring mvc i18n problem Hi I am trying to do internalization in my sample Spring MVC 2.5 web app mywebapp-servlet.xml <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <bean name="/welcome.htm" class="com.test.web.WelcomeController"> </bean> <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.Intern ...

18. spring mvc internationalization

Hi... i am using spring mvc3.0.... In my project i need to display JSON data for which i am using jquery.... In short m using tag so ...