file « MVC « Spring Q&A

1. Error while splitting application context file in spring

I am trying to split the ApplicationContext file in Spring. For ex. the file is testproject-servlet.xml having all the entries. Now I want to split this single file into multiple files according ...

2. Split Application Context File in Spring

I would like to have step-by-step information on : how to split the ApplicationContext file (eg.: myapp-servlet.xml) into multiple XML files in Spring with some examples ? I have tried configuring web.xml with ...

3. How to transfer a file greater than 100mb using spring

How to transfer a file greater than 100mb using spring mvc. I have been through the post, that tells to use ftp api. But want to know an alternative with ...

4. Spring, how do I set the file shown when / is hit?

With Spring MVC 3, when a user goes to http://localhost/myspringapp/ how do I decide what page they will see? I currently get a 404.

5. file download in spring mvc

in my home page I want to display user guide in two different format ( pdf and word) these documents were already created by technical writers and I want to show ...

6. byte[] from input file in spring mvc

How can I get byte[] from:

< input type="file" value="${restaurant.logo }" name="logo" /> in Spring MVC?
I want to have byte[] array to convert it to base64. But I dont ...

7. Spring MVC and Shiro Configuration using ini files

I'm trying to set up an environment with Spring MVC and Apache Shiro. I'm following articles mentioned in I'm using Spring's DelegatingFilterProxy as Shiro Filter in web.xml. The current filtering is done ...

8. Spring not serving static files with unknown extensions

I use tag <mvc:resources .../> to map static content. Everything works great as long as I don't try to access file with an unknown file extension, for example some *.less file. ...

9. MVC Step-by-Step: Corrupted File?

MVC Step-by-Step: Corrupted File? I a have worked my way through the MVC Step-by-Step for 2.5 (using the document in the docs directory: file:///Users/27298/Sites/spring-framework-2.5.1/docs/MVC-step-by-step/html_single/index.html) and have two issues, the largest of ...

10. Static Files with Spring MVC

Static Files with Spring MVC Hi, I have a website that I'm designing using Spring MVC, and I'm new to the MVC framework and had a question regarding static files. Most ...

11. How to us external js file with MVC application

How to us external js file with MVC application I'm a newbie to MVC so please excuse the simple question. I'm unable to reference an external js file in a jsp ...

12. Spring 3 MVC and file download functionality

Spring 3 MVC and file download functionality Hi, I'd like to write a Spring 3 MVC controller so that I can make an ajax request (jQuery) from the browser and then ...