environment « MVC « Spring Q&A

1. Using dijit.filteringselect in a Spring MVC environment    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to code two filteringselects which should both change according to data entered into any of the forms. So data entered into fs1 should trigger changes in fs2. Data entered into ...

2. Deploying Multiple Environments in Spring-MVC    stackoverflow.com

Currently all web apps are deployed using seperate config files:

<!-- <import bean.... production/> -->
<import bean... development/>
This has disadvantages, even if you only need to swap out one config file, that I'm ...

3. How should we integrate PayPal adaptive (and IPN) API in a Java webserver environment?    stackoverflow.com

As I'm currently integrating a paypal layer in my spring based server (that should be usable by multiple clients asking me to implement their webstore): And as there's surprisingly very few info ...

4. Is there any syntax like : #{systemProperties['environment_variable_name']} to get the system variable?    stackoverflow.com

Does using #{systemProperties['environment']} in the applicationcontext.xml file of Spring return the value associated with environment? Or is there any way to ge the system variable value in the spring applicationcontext.xml file.