bean « MVC « Spring Q&A

1. Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name available as request attr

Hi Experts, I have this controller code which is throwing the above mentioned error. It was working fine till yesterday, I have no clue what colleague did to this code and today ...

2. How do you load a bean into Spring MVC's application context?

As I understand it, Spring MVC application has two distinct contexts, the application context and the web context, which are controlled by applicationContext.xml and dispatcher-servlet.xml, respectively. Inside my controllers, how do I ...

3. Spring MVC dynamically binding to and from a list of beans

I am new to spring MVC.In my application I need to bind dynamically generated textbox contents to a list of beans dynamically.I went through the spring mvc book for binding ...

4. Accessing scoped proxy beans within Threads of

I have a web application running in tomcat where I'm using a ThreadPool (Java 5 ExecutorService) to run IO intensive operations in parallel to improve performance. I would like to ...

5. setting the spring bean at application level and accessing the same on jsp

How can I set a spring bean at application level (declaratively)and use the member of it on jsp ?

6. org.springframework.beans.factory.CannotLoadBeanClassException: Cannot find class

I replaced j2ee.jar with from my tomcat 6.0 installation directory: And that yields the error below. I'm presently trying to figure out the cause. What might the problem be. I have ...

7. Spring automatic binding for dropdown lists for bean properties

Is there a way to bind beans properties for another type of bean using the spring's Example: I have a bean that needs to be updated in the view with a property ...

8. Accessing beans in portlet specific context programmatically

I have a portlet application. It is configured using Spring framework IoC container. I am using org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener to load my context. I have an application context at root level (applicationContext.xml) ...

9. Custom bean instantiation logic in Spring MVC

I have a Spring MVC application trying to use a rich domain model, with the following mapping in the Controller class:

    @RequestMapping(value = "/entity", method = RequestMethod.POST)

10. Who creates beans in a spring web appplication?

I know that in a standalone application I create one of the application context instances which in turn creates the beans from conf files. But I can not see any such ...

11. Can I override spring beans instatiated with component scanning?

If I use component scanning in Spring 2.5 but then also define a controller in xml. Do I get two instances of this bean in my application context? If so which ...

12. What beans do you wire in a spring mvc app?

I am wiring my UserService type classes using spring's IOC. But what about my User class? I have a interface User, then a UserImpl class. In my controller action's do I just do:

User u ...

13. spring 3 sub-bean validation

I try to validate via org.springframework.validation.Validator. My Problem: I have the a form-bean which has data beans.

-> has: PersonBean
So how do I have to validate the PersonBean if I do not want ...

14. Is it possible to set a domain object as a hidden field in spring forum bean?

greetings all i have a domain class named car and i have an object from car retrieved from the DB and i want to save this object in the form as a hidden field in ...

15. Using Beans to populate/Reterive view

I'm new to Spring and little confused of how to use beans for populating and retrieving values to/from the view. Here is what I'm doing now. In the controller I'm initializing two beans ...

16. Spring-MVC bean class cannot be found

In my build.xml, I set the attribute scr.dir:

<property name="src.dir" value="${backend.dir}/java-src/catw/src"/>
My dispatcher-servlet.xml:
<bean name="/welcome.htm" class=""/>
My view WEB-INF/jsp:
My controller:
I run the project and show me this message:
Cannot find class [] for bean
with name ...

17. Inrecept requests to specific beans

I'm developing webapp using spring 3 mvc and using annotation-based controllers. I want to define an interceptor, that will intercept requests to specific beans not for all. How I can do ...

18. Set properties of bean inside form from jsp in Spring MVC

I have Bean A{ B b;} which encapsulates instance of Bean B. I have property name which i want to set name property of Bean B. Is there any way i can ...

19. Validating Integer using JSR303

Hey, I decided to use JSR303 to validate my forms in Spring 3.0 MVC application. When i try to check @NotEmpty on Integer variable i have exception: javax.validation.UnexpectedTypeException: No validator could be found ...

20. Shared bean between portlets in separate war files

I'm developing a 'user settings portlet' where users can effect the search behaviour of multiple other portlets. The way I'd like to do it is by a shared bean. All portlets ...

21. How to obtain model attribute or spring's bean in sitemesh decorator?

I am using Spring 3 with sitemesh. I would like to refer to spring context bean in decorator page defined in sitemesh. The problem is that SiteMesh filter is working outside the ...

22. Spring: serializing objects with references to non-serializable beans

The class below (my implementation of UserDetailsService) gets tied to the session and the session gets serialized (in google apps engine). I watched a Spring 3 presentation recently that said that beans, ...

23. Java/Spring: Beans for the View

I have a dilemma and I'm not sure about the best way to start solving it. I'm working with an old code base at work. Some of the domain objects (and db ...

24. NullValueInNestedPathException for Bean[] class binding

Hello I'd like to ask if you can assign arrays of beans as a form for example i have a form:

   Group[] groupArray;

   Group[] getGroupArray(){

25. Spring MVC Portlet: Accessing beans from portlet context in root context

It is possible to access a portlet context bean from root application context in spring mvc portlet?

26. Spring specify the correct bean references as factory method arguments

How can specify the correct bean refrences, When I using Abstrarct factory method pattern with Spring. I get constructor arguments errors on the Spring dispatcher-servlet.xml. the errors:


27. Spring @Autowiring with generic factory-built beans

I have a set of classes with a complex initialization scheme. Basically, I start with the interface I need to get a hold of, and then make a bunch of calls, ...

28. Is there a reasonable way to leverage Spring binding when my model can be represented by a simple type, rather than a custom bean?

Spring binding works nicely when your model is complex enough to warrant a custom domain object, but sometimes the application needs only to receive a simple piece of data from the ...

29. Spring MVC Scoped Bean Dependencies and Race Conditions

I have some serious doubts regarding scope bean dependencies because of lack of spring knowledge. I have read reference manual at Scoped beans as dependencies and have implemented sucessfully an example ...

30. Automatically return to input form on @Valid failure

I have the following method in my controller:

@RequestMapping(value = "/status", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String update(@Valid StatusForm statusForm, BindingResult result) {    
    if(result.hasErrors()) {

31. Spring 3 - Stop serializing an autowired bean

I have a session object which contains a reference to another object that I do not wish to serialize. Is it possible to do so using annotations?

 public class Model implements ...

32. Can i use spring bean at different places or at one place

Suppose i have this in controller

private RegistrationService registrationService;
This is working fine and i can use methods in service class. Now suppose i have different java class and i want to use ...

33. RESTEasy will not map my Spring bean with custom Spring ContextLoader

  • RESTEasy 2.0.1GA
  • Java 1.6
  • Spring 3.0.3
I have tried everything I can, and cannot make head or tail of what's going on. I have a Spring MVC application, however I'd like to have ...

34. Spring, MVC, Java, making a singleton bean do an action every 5 seconds?

I have a Spring MVC app where I am using a singleton bean that stores a large hashmap object. I am using NeoDats object DB to persist this as it is ...

35. spring destroy-method + request scope bean

So I wanted to do something like this:

@Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)
public class MyBean {
    @Autowired HttpServletRequest request;

    public void afterRequest() {

36. Spring MVC - Setting bean from form data

I am creating a spring mvc application. I need to create a bean using the form data and that should be available via my application context in the rest of my ...

37. Spring MVC custom scope bean

I would like to create my own custom scope bean which will use HTTP session (kind of Flash scope). According to Spring Manual I need to implement org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope interface

public class CustomScope ...

38. Creating an application scoped bean in spring MVC

Good day Everyone, I want to explain my current legacy application before i ask my question. I have a servlet in a Tomcat in which i load a non-changing database table into ...

39. How can I validate a complex model object in Spring 3 using @Valid annotations?

I have a model object modelling a purchase order. The purchase order has a few fields (such as ID and date) and a list of line-items as ArrayList. I can validate ...

40. Spring MVC JSR303 @Valid, conserve model data

[Context]: I have a list of requisitions, clicking one, will send the id of the requisition to the @Controller, then i get from a @service the requisition object matching the id,which ...

41. Spring Web MVC and newing up beans

We are working on a Spring 3.0.5 Web MVC-based application. In our code we quite often do something like this:

public SomeBean newSomeBean() {
  return new SomeBean();
I think this is not ...

42. with spring 3 annotations, jsr303 getting Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name 'dataForm'

Implementing a simple jsr303 validation using spring 3 with annotations and I am getting the following result when the post finds missing elements: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean ...

43. Multiple bean binding in Spring?

Suppose I want to fill two or three different beans with Spring 3 mvc how do I do that given that <form:form> only supports one modelAttribute? And what if I have ...

44. Spring Bean Properties file

Okay, I'm confused here. I have a properties file with some SQL scripts that I want to store at startup (using Spring MVC servlet container in Tomcat) for later use. Well I ...

45. Can't clear form input after reject

I am having trouble clearing a form input field using Bean Validation when a constraint is validated. I have a form input that may not exceed 50 characters, so I ...

46. org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException in SocialAuth (Spring)

I am trying to set up SocialAuth, defined by the website as:

"Java Library for registration and authentication through Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, FourSquare, MySpace and ...

47. Does Spring require all beans to have a default constructor?

I don't want to create a default constructor for my auditRecord class. But Spring seems to insist on it:

Error creating bean with name 'auditRecord' defined in ServletContext resource
Instantiation of bean ...

48. Spring bean validation return issue

On the JSP page, we show a Person's assistants and form at the bottom to add new assistant. For that, need to attach person's details and assistant list as attributes and ...

49. Is Spring MVC a Replacement for Servlet/JSP/Beans MVC Model

I apologize for the "noobness" of this question, but I've recently been studing JSP/Servlets that I will be using primarily to build web applications/dynamic websites. I really like the design model ...

50. @Scope("prototype") bean scope not creating new bean

I want to use a annotated prototype bean in my controller. But spring is creating a singleton bean instead. Here is the code for that:

public class LoginAction {
private int counter;

51. FileNotFoundException for bean definition file happens only online, not on localhost

When I published a war file for an application that works locally with Eclipse WTP, I had a FileNotFoundException for the bean.xml file with my beans definitions.

SEVERE: Exception sending context initialized ...

52. How to fix BeanCreateException for a request scope bean used with Spring MVC framework

I define a bean with scope request and get an error when i start my application:

"Cannot resolve reference to bean 'accountDS' while setting bean property 'accountDS'; nested exception is ...

53. Method property visibility in bean (is thread safe or not?!)

I'm just thinking about this. If I have dao bean in spring and that dao bean has a protected/public property "currentSQL". It will be value in this property "visible" for all ...

54. Best way of server side validation in Spring MVC with Json data

Spring MVC + Jackson converting Java object to/from Json data. I want to validate converted Java object. I should validate object using

  1. Bean validation
  2. In Controllers
  3. Aspect
  4. Is Spring dispatcher servlet supportvalidation phase like ...

55. Multiple instances of a bean in a form

I am using Spring3 and I searched about this and most of the results said "LazyList" but I don't think it applies here. I have these objects, a controller and a jsp ...

56.  to display Map type property of bean class

I have a Login Class;
import java.util.Map;

public class Login implements serializable {

    private Map<String,Object> values;    

        public Map<String, Object> ...

57. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name 'beanName' available as request attribute

I'm an beginner in Spring MVC and I can't figure out why I keep getting the same error:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name 'articleName' ...

58. Spring 3 MVC: setting value to object attribute of a backing bean in a form

am new to the spring MVC. in my Spring 3 MVC application, am using Hibernate. I have a form for submitting student 's information The student information will have a department as attribute(of Department ...

59. Spring MVC + freemarker bean wrapper no effect

Spring MVC + freemarker bean wrapper no effect Hi everyone, didn't find answer on the forum thats why post this question. Trying to use bean wrapper with Spring MVC 3.0.0 and ...

60. Parent beans with spring MVC - not possible?

Parent beans with spring MVC - not possible? Hello all, Is there really no way to configure a @Controller to inherit from an abstract parent bean? Since many controllers in a ...

62. Model attribute and bean validator

I need to make work @NonEmpty (for example) bean validation for User object, but my modelAttribute is object that contain User. How to do that? Is this possible ? Code:

63. Spring MVC - Setting bean from form data.

Spring MVC - Setting bean from form data. I am creating a spring mvc application. I need to create a bean using the form data and that should be available via ...

64. Spring MVC: CannotLoadBeanClassException for bean in classpath resource

Spring MVC: CannotLoadBeanClassException for bean in classpath resource My set up is as follows: Tomcat 7 Spring MVC 3.0.6 Eclipse Indigo File structur looks like this Code: src - main - ...

65. Spring MVC: CannotLoadBeanClassException for bean

Spring MVC: CannotLoadBeanClassException for bean I am running with Tomcat 6.0.26 Eclispe Indigo Spring 3.0.6. Here is my configuration: web.xml Code:

66. business model design : relation between beans

business model design : relation between beans Hello, I'm building my business object model and I'm getting this trouble : I've got business (persistent) object and business services to retrieve them ...

67. bean definition error when using weblogic8.1 and spring mvc

bean definition error when using weblogic8.1 and spring mvc I want Breaking up the application context(not put all bean def in the default -servlet.xml),so use ContextLoaderServlet as some cocument suggest: ...

68. Can Spring MVC use HashMap command objects instead of Beans?

Oct 5th, 2005, 10:00 AM #1 qammm View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2005 Posts 12 Can Spring MVC use HashMap command objects instead of ...

69. New feature in next release of Spring IDE - searching for beans in the beans model

The upcoming release of Spring IDE will leverage Eclipse's search facility to allow searching beans defined somewhere in your Spring projects. Further details and a screenshoot can be found in our ...

70. sample using bean validator without MVC

I need to put validation into my persistence tier, but the persistence tier is accessable only via web services. Are there any examples of using bean validation framework standalone without MVC? ...

71. 2.5 annotation style: using @ModelAttribute and Modelmap with non-command beans

2.5 annotation style: using @ModelAttribute and Modelmap with non-command beans Hi all, On my current project I have taken a deep plunge into Spring-MVC and I am using annotations. Let me ...

72. DefaultAdvisorAutoProxyCreator & Spring MVC Beans

DefaultAdvisorAutoProxyCreator & Spring MVC Beans Hi, I am currently trying to add some advice to a bean that is configured in my x-servlet.xml file. I have the following configuration in my ...

73. Spring Portlet MVC and bean scopes

Spring Portlet MVC and bean scopes Background: Developing a spring portlet using Spring Portlet MVC to be used in liferay. Using Liferay version 5.1.1. Spring version 2.5.3 in portlet web-inf/lib To ...

74. Command Beans: part of Model or Controlller?

Should the command beans used in Spring MVC be considered to fall under the M or the C portion of the MVC pattern? This seems like a really basic question, but ...

75. Spring MVC configuration : bean instanciate in double

Spring MVC configuration : bean instanciated twice Hi, I've a webapp with spring configured this way : web.xml : org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListe ner rs2iSwFmk-spring-mvc org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherSe rvlet contextConfigLocation ...

76. Repositories and Models (beans)

Repositories and Models (beans) We've been using the general repository pattern in our webapp for a while. I'm trying to sort through one of the possible ways to design this. After ...

77. Initializing Bean Models NPE

Initializing Bean Models NPE I'm using IBM Rational Application Developer which is based on Eclipse 3.4 I installed the following into it: 1. Spring IDE from 2. Spring Tool Suite ...

78. PLEASE HELP - Invalid property 'name' of bean class [org.springframework.ui.ModelMap]

my controller: Code: public class ProfilesController extends MultiActionController { private ProfileManager profileManager; private PermissionManager permissionManager; ... public ModelAndView create(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ModelMap model = new ModelMap(); List ...

79. Model Bean re-initialized in JSP

protected ModelAndView onSubmit(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors) { ... myBean.setInteger1(1); ... return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView(getSuccessView()), "myBean", myBean); }

80. Spring Bean Validator and mvc:annotation-driven

Spring Bean Validator and mvc:annotation-driven I've noticed a few times, on some version of Roo projects, but also the mvc-basic Spring sample project that the Project/Package Explorer and Spring Explorer views, ...

81. Spring 2.5 MVC request params to nested bean in command bean population

Spring 2.5 MVC request params to nested bean in command bean population Code: @Controller("imageController") public class ImageController { @Resource(name="utils") private Utils utils; @RequestMapping(value="/", method=RequestMethod.POST) public String editEntities(EditImageEntityParams editImageParams, Model model) { ...

82. Spring MVC form beans

Spring MVC form beans Hi, I'm pretty new to Spring MVC 3.0, but so far I was able to make things work. Though, there is still one I don't really understand ...

83. Mvc-Ajax Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name 'XXX' available

Mvc-Ajax Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name 'XXX' available i am working on spring 3.0 and trying to implement same functionality as in mvc-ajax.Mvc-Ajax is working good .. ...

84. Set properties of bean inside form from jsp in Spring MVC

I have Bean A{ B b;} which encapsulates instance of Bean B. I have property name which i want to set name property of Bean B. Is there any way i ...

85. Validation of model bean submitted using JSON

Validation of model bean submitted using JSON Hello everyone, I have run into a problem and am just curious if anyone else knows a way around it. In my web application ...